Generalised Anxiety Disorder Flashcards
What is a key feature of Generalised Anxiety Disorder according to DSM IV classification?
Excessive anxiety for ≥ 6 months
This is a primary diagnostic criterion for GAD.
How many symptoms must be associated with anxiety to meet the criteria for Generalised Anxiety Disorder?
≥3 symptoms
Symptoms include restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, and sleep disturbance.
List three psychiatric conditions that should be considered in the differential diagnosis of anxiety disorders.
- Depression
- Schizophrenia
- Dementia
What is the GAD-7 score range for mild anxiety severity?
GAD-7 is a tool used to assess the severity of anxiety.
What are the first-line drugs for treating Generalised Anxiety Disorder?
- SSRI e.g. sertraline
- SSRI e.g. fluoxetine
What is the second-line treatment option for Generalised Anxiety Disorder if the first-line is ineffective?
Alternative SSRI or SNRI (venlafaxine/duloxetine)
These are considered if the first-line SSRI does not provide relief.
What is the third-line treatment option for Generalised Anxiety Disorder?
Pregabalin (if SSRI or SNRI not tolerated)
Pregabalin should be used cautiously due to potential for abuse.
What is the first step in the stepwise approach to Generalised Anxiety Disorder?
Diagnosis, Education and Active Monitoring
What type of interventions are offered in Step 2 if active monitoring is insufficient?
- Low-intensity psychological interventions
- Individual non-facilitated self-help
- Individual guided self-help
- Psychoeducational groups
What therapy is provided in Step 3 for marked functional impairment?
- High-intensity psychological intervention
- Drug therapy
What type of psychological therapy is indicated in high-intensity interventions?
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Typically involves one-to-one sessions lasting 1 hour each, run weekly for 12–15 weeks.
True or False: Benzodiazepines should be used for long-term treatment of anxiety disorders.
Benzodiazepines should only be used for short-term measures during a crisis.
What conditions warrant a referral to CMHT in Step 4?
- Severe anxiety disorder with marked functional impairment
- Risk of self-harm or suicide
- Significant comorbidity
- Self-neglect
- Failure to respond to step 3 interventions
What should be considered in CMHT referrals?
- Thorough assessment of the problem and risks
- Previous treatments
- Impact
- Combined drug and psychological interventions