General Science-Earth's Atmosphere Flashcards
The four layers of the atmosphere are what?
Thermosphere and Mesosphere are WHAT the Ozone?
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Stratosphere and Troposphere are WHAT the Ozone?
The lowest level of the atmosphere, where all the weather occurs. It is a region of rising and falling packets of air.
Depending on the latitude and the season, the Troposphere can range between WHAT NUMBERS in thickness.
6-17 Kilometers Thich.
Most of the air surrounding the earth is roughly WHAT and WHAT found in the Troposphere.
79 % Nitrogen
21% Oxygen
What is above the Troposphere?
In the Stratosphere, air flow is mostly what?
The thin ozone layer is located where?
Upper Stratosphere
Primarily responsible for absorbing the UV radiation from the sun.
Ozone Layer
The temperature in the Stratosphere is about?
-60 Celsius
This is above the Stratosphere, where we see meteoroids fall to the Earth and burn up in the atmosphere.
Mesosphere extends to about how much above Earth’s surface?
90 Kilometers
The temperature in the Mesosphere is as low as what?
-90 Celsius
Above the Mesosphere is the what?
In the Thermosphere, temperatures will what with the altitude.
Thermosphere has temperatures as high as what?
2,000 Celsius.
Why is the Thermosphere so hot?
Because there is little to deflect the solar radiation in this layer.