General Principles of Isolation Flashcards
Aluminium is used to extract
chromium and manganese
Zirconium is heated at _______ in an ______________ with iodine
evacuated vessel
With electrolytic refining, the more ______ metal remains in the solution and the less _____ ones
go to the anode mud.
Products of electrolysis of brine?
molten NaCl?
Cl2, NaOH, H2
Na instead of NaOH
Steel vessel with lining of carbon acts as
________ and graphite ________ is used.
for each kg of aluminum produced, about ___ kg
of ___________ is burnt away
0.5, carbon anode
In Hall Heroult process, The oxygen liberated at
anode reacts with the carbon of anode
CO and CO2
The role of reducing agent is to provide
∆rG V negative and large enough to make the sum
of ∆rG V of the two reactions, i.e, oxidation of the reducing agent and reduction of the metal oxide negative.
______________________explains why
the reactions are sluggish when every species is in solid state and smooth when the ore
melts down.
Ellingham diagrams
Reactions happening at 500-800K in blast furnace
Fe3O4 and Fe2O3 —–> FeO
CaCO3 ——> CaO
Reactions happening at 900-1500K
C + CO2 ——–> CO
FeO —–> Fe
CaO + SiO2———> CaSiO3
At what temperature does the Fe and CO lines cross
The iron obtained from Blast furnace contains about __% carbon. It is called ___________.
Carbon content of cast iron is _____%
4, pig iron
Wrought iron is made by?
heating cast iron with haematite
For the purpose of heating, the zinc oxide is made into brickettes with
coke and clay
In roasting, the ore is heated in a regular supply
of air in a furnace at a temperature ________ the melting
point of the metal
Collectors used in froth floatation? What do they do?
pine oils, fatty acids, xanthates
enhance non-wettability
Froth stabilizers?
cresols, aniline
Depressant used in ZnS and PbS? Which does it selectively prevent?