Gene to Protein Flashcards
What are the 3 main steps of Gene expression
Transcription of RNA from DNA
Processing of pre mRNA transcript
Translation of the mRNA transcript to a protein
Overview of Transcription
- Initiation- Polymerase attaches to Promotor DNA section
- Elongation- Downstream transcribe of Dna= mRNA
- Terminantion at the terminator
Describe DNA and Rnas structural difference
DNA- double stranded
RNA single stranded & Uracil replaces Thymine
Describe Initiation transcription
- Eucaryotic Promotor on the DNA
- Several transcription factors attach to the DNA
- Transcrip initian complex forms (transcription factors + RNA polymerase
Describe Elongation and termination transcription
ELongation: RNA is formed from 3- 5 on the template strand
- Phosphodiester bond formed
Polyadenylation nuclear enzymes is transcribed and releases Pre MRNA and RNA polyermase
WHat is the enzyme that codes for the release of mRNA from DNA
polyadenylation nuclear enzyme
End of Transcription means what for the pre mRNA
Pre RNA is now ready for further processing
Describe the pre- mRNA processing with capping and tailing
Capping- added to the 5 end. guanine nucleotide
Tailing= 3 end: adenine nucleotide
Caping and tailing = stability and allow ribosomal attachment within the Cytoplasm
Describe Pre mRNA features
Exons- coding regions
Introns- non coding region (intervening exon)
Describe features in Processing of pre m RNA
capping tailing
& splicing
Describe Splicing
Splicing occurs when Splicisome (and small RNA) remove introns and join remaining exons to form Mature mRNA
Describe Alternative Splicing
When multiple forms of mature Rna are formed by 1 pre m RNA this is because multiple combinations of exons are joined together.
Describe how to transcribe DNA
mRNA are in groups of 3
all letters apart from Uracil go to the same letter.
Withing DNA Thymine is replaced by Uracil
3 main steps of Translation
Initiation, elongation, termination
Describe Translation
Occurs in Ribosomes within the cytosol
tRna with specific anticodons and amino acids
cause a hydrogen bond to mature MRNA
Amino acid- peptibe bond causes a polypeptide chain
What enables the formation of polypeptide bonds to form
mRNA and tRNA held together with ribosomes enable formation of polypeptide
What are tRNa
Translator that is the physical link between mRNA and amino acid sequence
Translation initiation phase
tRNA/ mRNA and small ribosomal unit are bound together
Ribosomal unit scans down mRNA to find start code (AUG)
When start codon has been found Hydrogen between mRNA and tRNA forms
Large subunit attaches (ribosome) and initiation is completed
Translation Elongation phase
- Codon recogonisition- A site
- Peptide bond formation- P site
- Translocation - Is the ability to move tRNA to each site. Requires energy
How is empty codons reloaded into the cytoplasm
using aminoacyl-tRNA synthases
Describe Termination in Translation
- ribosome reach’s stop codon on mRNA- release factor found
- factor promotes hydrolysis, polypeptide becomes free
- ribosomal units mRNA and other components dissociate - energy required