space within the cranium
cranial cavity
roof of the cranial cavity
a midline ridge of bone extending from the surface of the frontal bone
frontal crest
the frontal crest is a point of attachment for what structure
falx cerebri
what separates the two cerebral hemispheres
falx cerebri
an intradural venous structure
superior sagittal sinus
what marks the location of the arachnoid granulations
granular foveolae
how many bones makes up the skull
8 cranial bones
14facial bones
what are the cranial bones
2 parietal bone
2 temporal bone
1 frontal bone
1 occipital bone
1 sphenoid bone
1 ethmoid bone
what are the facial bones
1 mandible
1 vomer
2 maxilla
2 zygomatic bones
2 inferior nasal conchae
2 nasal bones
2 lacrimal bones
2 palatine bones
what suture connects the two parietal bones
sagittal suture
what suture connects the frontal and parietal bones
coronal suture
what suture connects temporal, sphenoid, frontal and parietal bones together
what suture connects the parietal bones to the occipital bone
lambdoid suture
the point where sagittal suture and coronal suture meet
what suture connects parietal and temporal bone
squamous suture
the point where lambdoid, parietomastoid, and occipitomastoid sutures meet
prominent structures readily identifiable when a brain with meningeal coverings is examined
arachnoid granulations
what structure reabsorbs cerebrospinal fluid
arachnoid granulations
what structure allows small olfactory nerve fibers pass through its foramina from the nasal mucosa to the olfactory bulb
cribriform plate
Posterior to both the frontal and ethmoid bones, the rest of the floor of the anterior cranial fossa is formed by what structure
the body and lesser wing of sphenoid bone
what is the boundary between the anterior and middle cranial fossa
pre-chiasmatic sulcus
the smooth groove stretching between the optic canals across the body of the sphenoid
pre-chiasmatic sulcus
what process serves as the anterior point of attachment for the tentorium cerebelli
anterior clinoid process
what sheet of dura separates the posterior part of the cerebral hemispheres from the cerebellum
tentorium cerebelli
what elevated structure forms the floor in the midline of the middle cranial
sella turcica
inferior view, what structure is closed by a cartilaginous plug
foramen lacerum
what are the four distinct osseous segments of the temporal bone
- petrous
- tympanic
- squamous
- petromastoid
the styloid process is a part of which segment of the temporal bone
the greater petrosal nerve is a branch of what nerve
Facial Nerve
what is contained in the largest and deepest cranial fossae
a slope of bone that extends upward from the foramen magnum.