Gastrointestinal Examinations Flashcards
Abdominal Examination:
What do you look for at the end of the bed?
Causes of abdominal distention split into the 4F’s - list them
Weight loss
Obvious jaundice
Respiratory rate and pattern
Fat Fluid (ascites) Faeces (constipation) Fiatus - a fart basically Fetus
Abdominal Examination:
What does clubbing indicate in GI?
What is the white area on the nail called and what causes it?
What are spoon shaped nails called and what does it indicate?
Coeliac Disease
GI lymphoma
Leukonychia - low albumin - hypoalbuminaemia
Koilonychia - iron deficiency anaemia
Abdominal Examination:
What 2 other things on the hands could indicate chronic liver disease (CLD)?
- Colour
- Fingers
Palmar erythema
Dupuytren’s contracture - also linked to phenytoin use and DM
Abdominal Examination:
What do you look for in the arms especially? What do you get the patient to do?
What causes this?
Flapping tremor
Stick hands out and cock wrists back
Hepatic encephalopathy
Abdominal Examination:
What does spider naevi indicate? - get pic
What can you do with spider naevi that no other angioma does?
How many do you need for it to be concerning?
Who else can you find them in?
Alcoholic liver disease (ALD)
Blanching - can press down and the blood will refill it
More than 3
Pregnancy - caused by raised oestrogen
Abdominal Examination:
What 2 things do you look for in their eyes?
What sign would you see in the eyes with Wilson’s Disease?
What does dry mucosa around and inside the mouth suggest?
Signs of IBD and coeliac disease:
- What deficiency does angular stomatitis suggest?
- What deficiency does glossitis suggest?
Golden-brown eye discoloration (Kayser-Fleischer rings)
Low iron
Low B12
Abdominal Examination:
What might you see around the shoulder region and what could it suggest?
Virchows node
Gastric cancer
Abdominal Examination:
Closer inspection - what do you look for?
Where is caput medusae and what does it suggest? - look at pic
Where else could you find a similar pathology and how may they present?
Umbilical region
Portal hypertension
Abdominal Examination:
What does hepatomegaly suggest? - 3
What does splenomegaly suggest?
Why is splenomegaly dangerous?
What does kidney tenderness suggest?
What does an enlarged kidney suggest?
What 2 things would suggest there was a AAA?
Liver disease
Congestive heart failure
Cirrhosis and other liver diseases
Blood diseases characterized by abnormali blood cells, problems with the lymph system, or other conditions.
A greater risk of rupture.
A ruptured spleen can lead to heavy internal bleeding that can be life-threatening.
Expansile mass
Abdominal Examination:
Why do you percuss?
How do you percuss for ascites?
Organomegaly and ascites
From mid-line to flank region
If dullness noted at flank, get them to roll towards you
Wait 10 seconds
Tap again to see if the dullness has shifted
Look at pics
Abdominal Examination:
How do auscultate the aorta?
How do you auscultate the renal arteries?
What does no bowel sounds suggest?
What sounds suggest there is an obstruction?
3cm above umbilicus
3cm either side of a point 3 cm above umbilicus
Paralytic ileus
Tinkling/high pitched sound
Abdominal Examination:
What 4(men)/5(women) exams do you say you will order or do after the examination?
Hernial orifices - you basically check sites of hernias
PR/DRE - digital rectal exam
Examination of external genitalia
Urine dipstick
Abdominal Examination:
What comment if normal would you say after palpation?
Abdomen soft and non-tender throughout with no organomegaly felt
Digital rectal examination:
Why do you need to do this?
Bowel symptoms
Prostate disease including urinary symptoms
Checking neurological function
Digital rectal examination:
How should a patient position themselves?
What might you see from inspection?
What else ends to be done after inspection before moving on?
Lie on left side
Buttocks at edge of couch
Knees drawn up to chest
Heels clear of the perineum
Skin lesions
External haemorrhoids
Test sensation - just ask them if they can feel you touching the anus and for the anal reflex
Digital rectal examination:
What can you do to relax the patient if you aren’t able to advance your finger?
What do you ask the patient to do when your finger is inside and why?
Ask them to breathe deeply and relax to prevent anal spasm
Ask patient to squeeze finger to check for weakness
Digital rectal examination:
If mass found, how should it be recorded?
What is felt in the anterior rectum in women and men?
What does faeces feel like and how does it compare to a tumour? How do you differentiate the two?
Record distance from anus
% of rectal circumference it involves
Uterine cervix
Faeces - soft and mobile but can be hard
Tumour - hard and fixed
Ask them to defecate and reexamine
Digital rectal examination:
How do you examine the prostate?
What does BPH feel like?
What does cancer feel like?
Why might you not be able to feel the top of the gland? - 3
Move finger in circular motion
Size Shape Symmetry Margins Mobility Nodules Tenderness Induration or firmness
Firm nodular enlargement
Ill defined enlargement
Patient obesity
Your fingers are to small
Large prostate
Digital rectal examination:
If faeces is left on your fingers, what should be looked for?
Look for blood either black or tarry
Weight Loss:
Mneumonic for causes;
Flour (gluten) sensitivity i.e. coeliac disease
Neoplasia (GI and non-GI)
Mood low - depression
Anorexia nervosa