gastro Flashcards
narrowing of the pylorus from the stomach to the sm intestine (duodenum) causing severe projectile non bilious vomiting in the first few months of life leading to dehydration and weight loss
pyloric stenosis
why do you get a peptic ulcer
H.pylori and NSAIDs
these irritate the mucosal lining of GI tract eventually leading to a hole or ulcer
mucosal irritation leads to damage and more irritation eventually leading to an ulcer or hole causing inflammation from the immune response
peptic ulcer
why do stomach/ gastric cancers occur
cells in the stomach lining develop changes in DNA causing cells to grow uncontrollably accumulating into a mass or tumor
- these cells break off and spread to other areas of the body via the bloodstream or lymphatic vessels
most common site of metastasis in stomach cancer
2 most important risk factors for stomach cancer
presence of H.pylori and diet of heavily salted, smoked, pickled, nitrate additives and low intake of veggies and fruits
risk factors for stomach cancer
blood type A
family hx
pernicious anemia
what does H.pylori do
damage to stomach tissues, cause ulcers, lead to stomach
pathologies caused by parasites and bacteria
malabsorption syndrome
chronic and acute gastritis
upper part of the stomach protrudes through a hole or hiatus in the diaphragm and into thorax
hiatus hernia
can occur due to a weakened diaphragm
most common hernia
sliding hiatal hernia which the stomach slides into the thoracic cavity through the esophageal hiatus
other type of hernia
rolling/ paraesophageal hiatal hernia in which the greater curvature of the stomach protrudes through a secondary opening in the diaphragm
develops from small benign clumps of cells called adenomatous polyps
colorectal cancer
risk factors for colorectal cancer
diet in salted, pickled, smoked
ulcerative colitis
hx of intestinal polyps
excessive drinking
diabetes mellitus
risk factors for liver cancer
infections of Hep B and C w cirrhosis
smoking, drinking
risk factors for familial polyposis coli or colorectal polyps
age over 50
low dietary fiber and fam hx of colon polyps or colon cancer
malabsorption clinical features
diarrhea, watery / frequent stools (key features), cramping, weight loss, mm cramps
peritonitis clinical features
sudden, severe abdominal pain w localized tenderness, pain intensifies w movement, abdominal bloating and rebound tenderness, nausea, vomiting, chills, fatigue, thirst, confusion, fever
hepatitis clinical features
mild w no symptoms for many cases, severe = massive necrosis and liver failure
Preicteric stage - flu symptoms, pain in upper right quadrant, fever, headache
Icteric stage - 1-4 weeks, jaundice, enlarged liver (hepatomegaly)
Posticteric stage - 4-6 weeks, recovery stage marked by reduction of S&S
portal hypertension clinical features
hepatic encephalopathy (brain dysfunction due to liver dysfunction)
portalcaval anastomosis
high BP in portal vein system causes the veins to distend and dilate
portal hypertension
seen w primary sclerosing cholangitis
caused by lover cirrhosis, hepatic fibrosis due to Wilson’s disease or hemochromatosis
clinical features of cholelisthitis / gallstones
asymptomatic until obstruction occurs
pain in upper right quadrant - radiating to mid upper back and right shoulder
symptoms mimic heartburn, flatulence
bloating, belching, food intolerances
pain in upper
the 4 F’s of gallstones
older than forty
Masses of solid material or stones called calculi or gallstones most common made of undissolved cholesterol
cholecystitis / gallstones
cardinal signs of celiac disease
large, pale, greasy, foul-smelling stools that float
dermatitis herpetiformis (itchy blistery skin rash) on elbows, knees, butt
Changes in systemic circulation like low blood pressure or atherosclerosis, local constriction of blood vessels or clot
Diminished blood flow damages cells and tissues causes necrosis
bowel ischemia
Defects in diaphragm and in suspensory ligaments of stomach
Cause twisting and obstruction causing strangulation which causes necrosis, shock, perforation
gastric volvulus
causes of gastroenteritis
contaminated food and water by bacteria
causes of cirrhosis
chronic alcohol abuse
viral hep B/c infection
Mutated genes promote uncontrollable cell growth forming mass or tumor
Tumors or masses inhibit growth and maintenance of normal functioning cells and destroy nearby tissue
cause of liver cancer
causes of wilson’s disease
Gene mutation from both parents
Excessive accumulation of copper in the body, mostly in tissues and organs induces oxidative stress, inhibits proteins and impairs mitochondria function, impairing organ function
When copper accumulates in tissues and organs due to genetic mutation causing neurological or psychiatric symptoms and liver disease
Wilson’s disease
causes of colorectal cancer
Cells in the lining of the colon develop changes in DNA causing cells to become cancerous and grow uncontrollably forming a tumor or mass, these cells break off and spread to other areas of the body
progressive scarring of the bile ducts caused by infection and producing obstruction and inflammation
Inflammation impedes the flow of bile to the gut and it backs up in the liver, leading to cirrhosis, liver failure/cancer
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
Metabolic disorder that damages mm tissues and nerve cells caused by the accumulation of glycogen
Causes a buildup of glycogen inside lysosomes that impaired the function of nearby tissues
glycogen storage disease Type II
Masses of solid material or stones called calculi /gallstones
2 types
Cholelithiasis / gallstones
inflammation of peritoneal lining- the lining that lines the inner abdominal wall and covers organs - all forms have a high death rate - fibrous adhesions form because the omentum produces a thick, sticky substance in response to inflammation
acute inflammation of the lining of the stomach or gastric intestinal mucosa caused by viruses (rotavirus, norovirus), bacteria, parasites, fungi, from eating contaminated food or water
periodic regurgitation of gastric contents or stomach acids into the esophagus - these acids irritate the lining of the esophagus and cause a burning sensation - seen w hiatal hernia
gastroesophageal reflux disease
risk factors for GERD
fatty or fried foods
inflammation and ulcers in the bowel, affecting the innermost lining of the large intestine and rectum - may be mild to life-threatening
ulcerative colitis
Inflammation and injury of the large intestine from an inadequate blood supply usually due to constriction of blood vessels
bowel ischemia
Many colorectal cancer cells release
carcinoembryonic antigen CEA into blood stream
chronic inflammation thicken the GI tract, giving cobblestone appearance
crohn’s disease
clinical features of Crohns
tenderness in the lower right quadrant and abdominal dullness
2 most important risk factors for stomach cancer and colorectal cancer
H.pylori and diet
abnormal muscular contractions in large intestine that does not cause inflammation or permanent damage or an increased risk of colorectal cancer
irritable bowel syndrome
what is GERD often seen in conjunction with
hiatal hernia
with _______ symptoms are mild to moderate w remission - diarrhea, abdominal pain/cramping, rectal pain/bleeding, defecation urgency, weight loss, fatigue, fever
ulcerative colitis
excess iron in the body is called
clinical features of chronic/acute gastritis
feeling of fullness in abdomen w belching, bloating, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal P w digestion
may cause stomach bleeding, anemia
primary sclerosing cholangitis is autoimmune and more than 80% have ________ as well
ulcerative colitis
most common type of peptic ulcer
most deadly cancer
in ulcerative colitis obstructions are
common in crohns
herniations that develop in weak areas of walls of GI tract and form pouches
mostly in large intestine (signmoid specifically)
once formed, pouches do not go away
which pathology is the mortality rate up to 50% if no immediate surgery
gastric volvulus and strangulation
most prevalent liver disease in the world
aggressive scarring of bile duct
slow progressive destruction of small bile ducts in liver
primary biliary cirrhosis
epigastric or umbilical pain, can start vague then shifts to lower right quadrant of the abdomen at “McBurney’s point”
highly contagious, from contaminated food/water or from close contact w someone, no permanent damage, recover completely…….. is what type of hepatitis