final Flashcards
Kidney is malformed during fetal development - irregular cysts form making the tissue primitive and dysfunctional, often dx during fetal ultrasound around 28 wks
cystic renal dysplasia
Common causes of renal failure
caused by recent untreated strep infection
upper respiratory tract infection in throat “strep throat”
diabetes damages blood vessels to the nephrons that make them thicken and scarred, the kidneys are unable to filter and leak proteins in the urine
diabetic nephropathy
common cause of STIs
escherichia coli bacterial infection most common, 2nd schistosomiasis, these microorganisms ascend through the urethra, other microorganisms may enter via the bloodstream.
Grade I: Minor stretch/tear, minimal pain, stable joint, able to bear weight
Grade II: Partial tear with pain, swelling, and bruising, joint feels slightly unstable
Grade III: Complete tear, severe injury, requires surgery and immobilization
Grade I: Mild damage, minimal pain, can perform daily activities, heals within ~3 weeks.
Grade II: Partial muscle/tendon tear, moderate pain, difficulty with ADLs, heals in 3–6 weeks.
Grade III: Complete rupture, severe pain and dysfunction, requires surgery or immobilization.
Urolithiasis, Kidneys stones renal calculi
crystals and salts in urine may solidify and crystallize and produce stones.
located in the kidney, the renal pelvis (most) , ureters
Functions of the kidney:
Regulation of ion blood levels (Na, K,Ca,PO4)
Regulation of blood pH
Adjusting blood volume
Regulate BP
Stimulates RBC production
Production and excretion of wastes and urine
Production of calcitriol and erythropoietin
Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies arr a group of disorder characterized by what 3 things
Lack of serum markers
Inflammation of synovial joints
hard bony swellings over the joint caused by osteophytes in the articular cartilage - occurs at DIPs
Herberden’s nodes
vasodilation, increased permeability, forms an exudate that causes a red, swollen, painful joint
rheumatoid arthritis
if someone came in w GERD what may it be helpful to do for them during a massage treatment
elevate the upper body 6-8 inches to prevent reflux
wall thickening - rare
obstructions - rare
large intestine - left
bloody stools common
ulcerative colitis
defect in pars interarticularis of vertebral arch
forward displacement of a vertebra on the one below
mild/most common, one or more SP’s fail to unite leaving a gap posteriorly
- type of spina bifida
most SEVERE type of spina bifida - SP’s fail to form at multiple locations
Malignant bone tumors
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
Ewing’s sarcoma
Multiple myeloma
Polyarteritis nodosa is strongly associated with
Hep B infection
flat feet, protruding breast bone, thin long extremities, crowded teeth, heart murmurs, curved spine
clinical features of Marfan’s syndrome
slow, gradual, fibrosis of palmar fascia that creates a shortening and thickening of the 3,4,5 digits, causing them to be flexed - nodules develop
Duyputrens contracture
permanent shortening of forearm mms including hand, fingers, wrist - results in claw like deformity due to ischemia
Volkmann’s contracture
chronic widespread P syndrome w heightened response w soft tissue P - dx by 11/18 tender points on the body
most common cerebral palsy
mm spasms, hypertonicity
uncontrolled movement
normal movements are slow and jerky
what kind of CP
gait disturbances and loss of balance - type of CP
activity limited to a single area of the brain
partial seizure
activity involving diffuse area of the brain or the whole brain
generalized seizure
- involve brief loss of awareness
- transient facial movement
-person may have no memory of episode
what kind of seizure is this
absence / petit mal
most intense seizure
- produce intermittent contract-relax patterns in mm that is associated w loss of conciousness
- shaking of limbs
- arching of back
- may last 10-30 mins
-peculiar visual/auditory sensations called auras before convulsion
tonic clonic / grand mal
most common type of generalized seizures
tonic clonic
most commonly injured sites on the spinal cord
C1-C7 and T12-L2
(most mobile)
lower thoracic or lumbar spine injury
cervical spinal injury
occurs below anterior horn/ motor nuclei of cranial nerve
lower motor neuron injury
2 most common causes of dementiia
Alzheimers and vascular dementia
abnormal protein clumps called plaques and irregular knots called neurofibrillary tangles form in nerve cells in the brain
seen in Alzheimer’s
triad of symptoms for Parkinsons
narrowed blood vessels become blocked and cause clots to lodge and occlude
ischemic stroke
- most common
blood vessel wall ruptures and bleeds into the brain, killing brain tissue on contact
hemorrhagic stroke
what is Gower’s sign seen with
Duchennes muscular dystrophy
when using arms to push off of thighs to stand up
when is endometrial tissue usually found in endometriosis
outside uterus - typically fallopian tube & ovaries
Pelvic inflammatory disease is most commonly caused by
benign tumors composed of smooth mm and fibrous tissue
uterine fibroids
downward displacement of uterus or vagina from normal position due to weakened pelvic floor mms and supporting ligaments
uterine prolapse
malignancy of uterus, most common gynecologic cancer
uterine/endometrial cancer
severe, seizures, placenta abruption, pulmonary edema, maternal and fetal death
persistent elevated blood pressure w protein in urine when pregnant
breast cancer
- most common
- Lumps can be palpated if 2 cm
- mammograms can measure a lump less than 0.5 cm
- Most common site for tumors to develop is the upper outside quadrant
-Breast asymmetry, peau d’ orange, - paget’s (crusty nipple) - Advanced breast cancer = skin dimpling, flattening of nipple
Cryptorchidism (undescended testicles)
-testes fail to descend into the scrotum
- can remain in abdominal cavity or discontinue descent at some point in the inguinal canal
- Sometimes it assumes abnormal position outside of the scrotum
- Usually descends on own, if not increased risk of testicular cancer
causes of peptic ulcers
collection of fluid around the testicle
- in the space between the layers of the tunica vaginalis of scrotum
collection of fluid around epididymis
- develops between the testis and epididymis outside of the tunica vaginalis
Herniations that develop in weak areas of the walls of GI tract and form pouches
- most develop in large intestine - sigmoid colon - once formed - do not go away
what do peptic ulcers affect
mucosal lining of GI tract
where does diverticulosis happen
large intestine - specifically sigmoid colon
what causes Hep A and E
contaminated food and water
(other hep’s are blood related)
Pain in upper right quadrant as liver enlarges
Edema of legs
Bruise easily, red spidery marks
Testicular atrophy
clinical features of cirrhosis
copper accumulates in tissues and organs due to a genetic mutation causing neurological or psychiatric symptoms and liver disease
Gene mutation from both parents
Copper accumulates in liver and brain
Accumulates in the eyes called Kayser-Fleischer ring
Wilson’s disease
what is the cause of acquired cystic disease
long term dialysis
what is a bladder infection called
persistent urge to urinate, burning sensation, small amounts of urination, blood in urine, strong smelling urine, pelvic discomfort
what is the blood vessel disease associated with a Hep B infection
polyarteritis nodosa
alzheimers - damage to brain tissue
vascular dementia = damage to blood vessels
cause of acute pyelonephritis
E. coli
muscle atrophy/disuse atrophy
decrease in mm cell diameter
decreased size of mm
upper motor neuron injury
spastic paralysis
no atrophy
overactive reflexes
tight muscles
babinski response
mm weakness
pathology of the kidneys caused by long standing diabetes. Early on it is asymptomatic. The damage is to the filtering membrane and proteins are leaked through a dysfunctional glomerulus.
diabetic nephropathy
inflammatory disease that causes muscle weakness that may be autoimmune, but it is not infectious. Involves an inflammatory reaction by connective tissues in muscles and skin. May also affect joints, esophagus, lungs and even the heart. Related to epstein-barr virus or mononucleosis.
chronic inflammation of the tendons or ligaments at their insertion sites cause joint erosion, fibrosis and then ossification of the joint capsule
ankylosing spondylitis
Fibrocystic breast changes
fluctuating hormone (estrogen) levels during the menstrual cycle
head trauma complications
skull fracture