Gareth's Question Bank Flashcards
What regulation governs the issue of ATC licences in the UK?
List 5 items that must appear on an ATCO’s licence
- State issuing the licence
- Title of the licence
- Serial no. of the licence given by the authority issuing the licence
- Name, DOB, address, nationality and signature of the holder
- Competent authority
- Certification of validity plus dates of first issue
- Signature of issuing officer and date
- Seal or stamp of competent authority
Within what time period must an MOR be filed?
72 hours
What does an APS rating entitle the holder to provide?
To act as an ATC in the provision of an approach control service with the use of surveillance equipment
What endorsements are associated with the APS rating?
SRA, PRA and TCL endoresments
A Surveillance Radar Approach (SRA) rating endorsement entitles the holder to provide…
…non-precision radar approaches with the use of surveillance radar equipment
A Precision Approach Radar (PAR) rating endorsement entitles the holder to provide…
…ground-controlled precision approaches with the use of precision approach radar equipment to aircraft on the
final approach to the runway;
For what reasons may action be taken against an ATCO’s licence?
- Deficiency in, or doubts about, competence to provide an ATC service
- Doubts about whether an individual is a fit person to hold a licence, in relation to their character or behaviour, including their integrity, reliability and self-control
- Inability to meet the appropriate medical standards
State the two mechanisms available to the licencing authority if licencing action is required?
Suspension and Revocation
Suspension- To place licences, ratings or endorsements in abeyance, with conditions set.
Revocation- The act of withdrawing licences, ratings or endorsements
Which item are holder responsible for adding to the licence themselves?
Their signature
When will the APS rating be issued?
When the applicant has completed the relevant rating course
Which two additional items are required for a licence to be valid?
Medical certificate and a language proficiency endoresement if required
For how long is a medical certificate valid?
2 years under the age of 40
1 year at and over the age of 40
What is the purpose of investigations by the Safety Investigation Branch?
To improve aviation safety by determining the causes of air accidents and serious incidents and making safety recommendations intended to prevent recurrence
What does the SIB not do?
Apportion blame or liability
Define a non-precision instrument runway
An instrument runway served by visual aids and a non-visual aid providing at least directional guidance adequate for a straight in approach.
Define a precision approach runway
An instrument runway intended for the operation of a/c using precision approach aids that meet the facility performance requirements defined in ICAO Annex 10 appropriate to the categories of ops
When shall Aerodrome lighting be displayed?
By day: when vis <5km or cloud base <700ft
At night: Irrespective of weather conditions
When requested by parent ACC
When deemed necessary by the controller
As instructed in MATS part II
List the types of precision approach
List the types of non-precision approach
ILS (LLZ only)
Define the ARP
Aerodrome Ref Point
The designated geographical location of the aerodrome.
Ususally the centre of the longest runway
Define runway
A defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome prepared for the landing and take-off of aircraft.
Define a manoeuvring area
That part of an aerodrome to be used for the take-off, landing and taxiing of a/c, excluding aprons
Define a movement area
That part of an aerodrome to be used for the take-off, landing and taxiing of a/c, consisting of the manoeuvring area and the aprons
Define a non-instrument runway
A runway intended for the operation of a/c using visual approach procedures
Define a hotspot
A location on an aerodrome movement area with a history or potential risk of collision or runway incursion, and where heightened attention by pilots/drivers is necessary.
Define the stopway
A defined rectangular area on the ground at the end of the TORA prepared as a suitable area in which an a/c can be stopped in the case of abandoned take-off.
Define the clearway
A defined rectangular area under the control of the appropriate entity, selected or prepared as suitable area over which an aeroplane may make a portion of its initial climb to a specified height.
Define the TORA
Take-Off Run Available
The length of the runway available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane taking off. In most cases it will correspond to the length of the runway pavement
Define the TODA
Take-Off Distance Available
The TORA + the length of any associated clearway
Define the ASDA
Accelerated Stop Distance Available
TORA+ any associated Stopway
Define the LDA
Landing Distance Available
The length of the runway available and suitable for the ground landing of an a/c
What colour will aerodrome beacons be?
White flashes/ white and coloured flashes alternating
Where is the ARP normally located?
At the centrepoint of the longest runway
Define aerodrome elevation?
The elevation of the highest point of the landing area
Define landing area
That part of a movement area intended for the landing or take-off of aircraft.
Which two parts of the aerodrome make up the manoeuvring area?
Runways and taxiways
What effect would a displaced threshold have on a TORA?
No effect
What effect would a displaced threshold have on a TODA?
No effect
What effect would a displaced threshold have on a ASDA?
No effect
What effect would a displaced threshold have on a LDA?
Reduces the LDA
Why would there be a displaced threshold?
To allow for longer TORAs for departing a/c
Describe three types of pre-threshold markings and state meaning of each 1 of 2
Describe three types of pre-threshold markings and state meaning of each 1 of 2
How are taxiway centrelines delineated?
Describe a rapid exit taxiway
A taxiway connected at an acute angle and designed to allow landing a/c to turn off at higher speeds than are achieved on other exit taxiways and thereby minimising runway occupancy times
Intersection angle not less than 25 degrees, not greater than 45 degrees (30 degrees preferred)