Gait: Flashcards
What are the phases of gait
stance phase
swing phase
Tasks doing gait
- weight acceptance
- single leg support
- limb advancement
Periods gait
- load response: initial contact to opposite toe off
- mid stance: Opposite toe off to heel raise
- terminal stance: heel raise to opposite initial contact
- Pre swing: opposite initial contact to toe off
- initial swing: toe off and feet adjacent
- mid swing: feet adjacent to tibia vertical
- terminal swing: tibia vertical to next initial contact
Lower extremity kinematics in the sagittal plane: pelvis
- initial contact: loading response the pelvis is posteriorly rotated (less than 5º)
- loading response to midstaalnace: pelvis is neutral
- midstance to terminal stance: pelvis is anterior rotated (less than 5º)
Lower extremity kinematics in the sagittal plane: hip
- 30º hip flexion = initial contact
- 10º hip extension = mid stance to pre swing
- terminal stance –> terminal swing hip flexes
Lower extremity kinematics in the sagittal plane: knee
- initial contact = knee flexed (shock absorber)
- going into loading response flex the knee 20º
- going into mid stance knee extends (5º knee flexion)
- pre swing knee flexes
- midswing terminal knee starts to extension
Lower extremity kinematics in the sagittal plane: ankle
- Initial contact: ankle is neutral
- loading response: PF 10º
- midstance: 10 DF from 10 º PF?
- preswing: starts to PF during pre swing
Lower extremity kinematics in the frontal plane: pelvis
- up and down
Lower extremity kinematics in the frontal plane: hip
- initial contact to Loading response = adduction of the initial contract leg and abduction of the leg that is leaving stance phase
Lower extremity kinematics in the frontal plane: knee
- has to do with natural alignment
- in stance some are more valgus and then that might be exaggerated in the swing phase
Lower extremity kinematics in the frontal plane: ankle (subtler joint)
- Initial contact: inverted position (land on posterior lateral calcareous
- in response to ground reaction force the calcareous shifts to eversion
- midstance towards pressing calcareous everts a little bit
- midstance goes from everted to inverted to get more stability so during pressing there is a edge to live to push off
Lower extremity kinematics in the horizontal plane: Hip
- Right = reference limb
- initial contact ER of the right and IR of the left (terminal stance)
When during gate is COM highest during Gait
- single leg stance increase Potential energy and COM is the highest
when is COM lowest during gait
- double leg stance = increased kinetic energy
GRF during initial contact (in the sagittal plane)
- ankle: falls behind the joint = plantarflexion moment
- knee: passes anterior to the joint = external knee extension moment
- hip falls anterior to the joint = external flexion flexion moment
GRF during loading response (after initial contact) (sagittal plane)
- ankle: external plantarflexion moment
- knee: external flexion moment (shifts behind the joint)
- Hip: external flexion moment
GFR through midstance (sagittal plane)
- ankle: dorsfilexion moment
- knee: external extension moment
- hip: hip extension moment