forearm Flashcards
Does the forearm act independently or with other joints
interosseous membrane
transfers force from the radius to the ulna
keeps the bones together
what does the radial styloid process do
blocks radial deviation
what is the significance of the dorsal radius
it extends down more therefore blocking wrist extension
oblique cord
prevents traction of the radius as well as the distal oblique fibers
annular ligament
wraps around the head of the radius and is lined with articular cartilage
keeps the bones together and prevents the radius from dislocation
quadrate ligament
runs from ulna to the radius and keeps radius on ulna during compressive forces (when bones will separate more)
distal radioulnar joint with the carpals and
-dorsal capsular ligament
-palmar capsular ligament
-articular disc on ulnar head (ulnar doesn’t articulate with carpals)
-scaphoid facet and lunate facet on radius
compression forces on the forearm
cause the radius and ulna to spread
interosseous membrane/quadrate ligament told tension
tension/distraction forces on the forearm
oblique cord and annular ligament taut
interosseous membrane on slack
what is the closed pack position of the forearm
fully pronated
open pack position of the forearm
fully supinated
neutral position of the forearm
thumb side of Hand facing up
arthrokinematics of supination on proximal and distal radioulnar joints (open chain)
distal: roll and slide happen in the (same) posterior direction
-palmar capsular ligament is taut and dorsal capsular ligament has slack
Proximal: spin occurs laterally
arthrokinematics of pronation on proximal and distal radioulnar joints (open chain)
distal: roll and slide occur anterior direction (in the same direction)
-palmar capsular ligament has slack and dorsal capsular ligament is taut
Proximal: spin occurs medially
What motion gives compression forces on the humerus
-pronation from the radius due to the angle of pull by the pronator tires
arthrokinematics of supination on proximal and distal radioulnar joints (closed chain) ???
Ulna moves on the radius
- ulnar motion can be made up with shoulder IR/ER rotation
-limited pronation can be made up with IR and vice versa
prime supinators
secondary supinators
EPL and extensor indices
primary pronators
pronator teres
pronator quadratus
secondary pronators
when is the biceps the strongest for supination
when the elbow is at a 90* due to that being its longest moment arm
what is stinger supinators or pronators
-more muscles (4 of them)
-bigger cross sectional area
can generate 25% more torque