Fungal Pulmonary Disease Flashcards
Yeast only
Hyphae only
Dimorphic - histo, blasto, coccidio…yeast in host and mycelia in nature
YEast only - cryptococucs, candida
Hyphae only - aspergillus or mucormycosis
Neither - pneumocystis
Patho of dimorphic fungi
CMI is important and will show granulomas
Non-infectious granuloma does NOT rule out dimorphic fungi
Neither does absence of yeast forms through silver stain
Hyphae pathology
Phagocytic function is much more important
Tissue sections show necrotic tissue bc organisms are angioinvasive
Aseprgillus - 45 deg
Mucor - 90 dfegree
Endemic to our region
Soil organism
Outbreaks follow excavation or bird roost exposure
Initial infection subclinical like TB and Blastomycosis with early dissemination and control
Splenic calcifications show resolved
If acute sx, 7-21 days after incubation and mimic influenza
Acute inhalational
Chronic cavitary histo
Mimics influenza…may produce buckshot CXR
Mimics calssic TB and favors men with COPD…smoking cessation and itraconazole
Miliary pattern on radiograph
Unique among fungi…adenopathy…differentiate from actue adenitis
Commonest cause of benign lung nodule in KY
Symptomatic in only 50% (30-45 day incubation)
Maybe near rivers?
Skin lesions with heaped-up or ulcerated appearance
Fungus mimics cancer (borad based budding yeast)
Pneumocystis pneumonia
Profound CMI
Dry cough, fever, dyspnea
Radiograph should airspace infiltrates and pneumatoceles…GGO that can cause pneumothorax
Different than most fungal dzs in tx
Infectious comps in HIV
Pneumocystis rare if CD4 above 200
Bactrim is good prophylaxis
Dimoprihc in SW US
Primary infection 7-21 days after exposure…triead of fever, erythema nodosum, and arthralgia
Looks like communicty acquired pnuemonia
May get overwhelimg infection with resp failure and sepctic shock
Dx by serology or spherules
Beware lab cultures but can’t transmit person to perosn
Invasive aspergillosis
Chronic necrotizing aspergillosis
Hematogenous spread in pro,onged neutropenia (lung transplant, leukemia)…patients with prolonged fever
Structural lung dz and locally impaired immunity (emphy, silicosis)…looks and acts like TB
Allergic broncho-pulmonary aspergillosis
Usually asymptomatic colonization of pre-existent cavity with slow progression…main sx is hemoptysis
Local hyper-immune rxn leading to bronchiectasis…presents as asthma
Spore inhalation
Prolonged neutropenia and diabetes with ketoacidosis are risk factros along with heavy metal chelaiton therapy
Pulmonary and rhinocerebral sxs
AMphotericin B and aggrsessive surgery…only active imidazole is posaconozaole
Filamentous, gran-pos bacteria part of mouth flora…crosses tissue plans, invades chest wall and creates fistulas…sulfur granules
Also filamentous but weakly acid fast…immunocompromised and nodular without cavitation
Measures immune response
Best for coccidiomycosis
Histoplasma has 50% false neg and blasto even less sensitive
Urine antigen
For histo and blasto
Negative in lung limited, must be disseminated…works with better in immunocompromised
Cross reacts with both fungi
Most fungal species (except crypto ans mucor)…best for invasive fungal infections
Neg doesnt rule out
False positive with Beta-lactams, plasmalyte and other fungal infections