Functionalism Flashcards
What are the “4S” s for Functionalism?
Social Solidarity
Secondary Socialisation
Specialist Skills
Sifting and Sorting (Role Allocation)
What is “Social Solidarity” and who theorised it?
It was theorised by Durkheim and it suggests that individuals in a society feel a part of a community larger than themselves which creates togetherness
E.g. : School sports teams which promote co-operation
What are “Specialist Skills” and who theorised them?
It was theorised by Durkheim and it suggests that individuals must be taught specific skills in order to work in a complex division of labour (sharing of workload)
e.g. a doctor needs to know medicine
What is Functionalism?
A consensus theory that sees society as being harmonious.
What is “Secondary Socialisation” and who theorised it?
It is theorised by Parsons and suggests that education passes on the key norms and values of society via Meritocracy which rewards everybody for hard work
e.g. school is free however those that work harder get better grades/qualifications
What is “Sifting and Sorting” and who theorised it?
It was theorised by Davies and Moore and suggests that education puts people on the career paths they are best suited to based on ability and effort.
E.g. : The most important jobs have higher status and pay more
What is “The Bridge” and who theorised it?
It was theorised by Parsons and suggests that education links particularistic domestic standards to universalistic societal standards. This eliminates ascribed status and encourages achieved status.
E.g. : You are not as important in a school setting as you are at home
What are Socialisation, norms, values and culture?
Socialisation = transmission of norms and values
Norms = social expectations/unwritten rules
Values = principles/aims/beliefs
Culture = a way of life
What is the “Consensus Theory” ?
The theory that generally, people in society agree and get along with eachother
What is the “Conflict Theory” ?
The theory that people in society disagree and that ideas are incompatible.
What is a “Structural Theory” ?
A theory that focuses on how a social structure impacts an individual.
E.g. how a new employee has to adapt to a new work environment
What is an “Agency/Action Theory” ?
A theory that focuses on how and individual affects a social structure
E.g. how a new employee changes a new work environment
What is a “Social Structure” ?
An environment that remains in place even after all the individuals have left
E.g. : Government/parliament
What are the 3 Assessment Objectives?
AO1: Basic knowledge and facts
AO2: Application of knowledge and facts into a real life example
AO3: Evaluation (usually criticism)
What are the criticisms of Functionalism?
Theorists tend to look at the positives of education and gloss over the negatives
What are the criticisms of “Social Solidarity” ?
Schools can make ethnic minorities not feel included due to ethnocentric curriculums
What are the criticisms of “Specialist Skills” ?
The 2011 Wolf Review saw that a ⅓ of 16-19 year olds were doing courses that didn’t lead to higher education or good jobs.
What are the criticisms of “Secondary Socialisation” ?
Marxists such as Bowles and Gintis argue that Meritocracy is a myth and suggest that wealthy children are given better jobs irrespective of their ability (or lack of).
What are the criticisms of “Sifting and Sorting” ?
Stephen Ball (a Marxist) found that stereotypes of classes, genders and ethnicities influenced decisions therefore people are unfairly “sifted”
What does the “NEET” acronym mean?
Not in
Education or
What is the “Human Analogy” ?
An idea that suggests that society works like the human body therefore if one part of society stops working, the rest will fail
What is Schultz’s “Human Capital” ?
A theory that suggests that people should be jobs that they are best at and that education should help them get there.