Full Blood Counts Flashcards
What are the definitions of the following:
MCV = Average size of RBC
MCH = Amount of haemoglobin per RBC
MCHC = Average concentration of haemoglobin in a given volume of blood
What are the names for a low, normal and high MVC
Low = Microcytic
Normal = Normocytic
High = Macrocytic
What is polycythaemia?
Abnormally high haemoglobin concentration which can be due to an increase in the number of RBCs (Absoloute polycythaemia) or decrease in plasma (relative polycythaemia)
What are some causes of primary/absoloute and secondary/relative polycythaemia
Primary - Myeloproliferative neoplasms.
Secondary - COPD, smoking, obstructive sleep apnoe, lung fibrosis, alcohol excess
What are causes of a microcytic anaemia?
- Anaemia of chronic disease
- Iron def anaemia
- lead poisoning
- Sideroblastic anaemia
What are the causes of a normocytic anaemia?
- Anaemia of chronic disease
- Acute blood loss
- Increased plasma volume (pregnancy)
- Haemoglobinopathies (thalassaemia)
- Aplastic anaemia
- Hypersplenism
What are the causes of a macrocytic anaemia?
- B12/folate def
- Toxins eg, alcohol or chemo,
- Liver disease
- Pregnancy
- Myeloma
- Hypothyroidism
What is haematocrit?
The percentage of blood sample made up of RBCs. Raised haematocrit can cause hyperviscosity syndrome
What is the importance of a reticulocyte count?
Reticulocyte is an immature RBC. In anaemia if the reticulocyte count is low then it suggests bone marrow problem (could be due to deficiencies or primary bone marrow disease). If reticulocyte count is hgih then indicates body is compensating for blood loss or haemolysis
What is the name for high/low white cell count and some causes
Leukocytosis - Reactive (infection), steroids (stress response or meds) or acute leukaemias, pregnancy
Leukopenia - infections, meds (immunosupressants), B12/folate def, autoimmune diseases, iron def, HIV
What are causes of an isolated neutropenia
Infections, bone marrow failure (malignancy or infection), hypersplenism, Felty’s syndrome and SLE
Penia = low
What is Agranulocytosis and some causes
Agranulocytosis - depletion of granular WCs eg, basophils, eosinophils, neutrophils.
Causes - carbamazepine, carbimazole and clozipine
What are some common and less common causes of neutrophilia?
Common - Severe stress state (infection, surgery, necrosis, burns, haemorrhage) or any state of active inflammation (MI, disseminated malignancy)
Less common - Corticosteroid use, myeloproliferative diseases (polycythaemia vera, CML, essential thrombocytopenia)
What are causes of lymphocytosis?
Viral infection, smoking, malignancy (leukaemia and some lymphoma), hyposplenism
What are some causes of a lymphopenia
- Infection,
- Older age
- alcohol excess
- Autoimmune disease
What are some causes of eosinophilia
- Allergy/atopy
- Parasitic infection
- Autoimmune
- Medications
- Respiratory disease (asthma)
What are some causes of basophilia
- Allergic reactions/atopy,
- Iron deficiency
- Chronic inflammation
What are some causes of acute thrombocytopenia?
Low platelets
- Consumption
- Acute viral infection
- Medications
- Pre-eclapsia
What are some causes of chronic thrombocytopenia?
Low platelets
- Hypersplenism
- Cirrhosis
- Alcohol excess
- Medications
- Autoimmune disease
- B12/folate/iron deficiency
- Hepatitis
What are some causes of thrombocytosis?
- Reactive - infection/inflammation
- Myeloproliferative,
- Iron deficiency
- Hyposplenism
- Underlying maligancy