Full blood count Flashcards
State what assays are commonly included in a
full blood count?
- WBC: L, M, B, E,N
- Platelet
how are Hb results & RBC reported (units)?
- Hb: g/L
- RBC: _ x10^12 /L
how are hematocrit (HCT) results calculated, reported [and interpreted*]?
HCT (or PCV) = MCV x RCC
= _ L/L
What is hematocrit (HCT)
aka packed cell volume.
RBC proportion in whole blood
how are Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) results calculated, reported [and interpreted*]?
What is red cell distribution width (RDW)?
range of sizes of RBC: smallest to largest
Convert HCT in % to L/L (non-SI unit to SI unit)
_% /100 = _ L/L
Convert Hb in g/dL to g/L (non-SI unit to SI unit)
_ g/dL x10 = _ g/L
Convert WBC in 10^3 /uL to 10^9 /L (non-SI unit to SI unit)
10^3 /uL = 10^9 /L
Convert Plt in 10^3 /uL to 10^9 /L (non-SI unit to SI unit)
10^3 /uL = 10^9 /L
List artefactual changes as a result to determination over time
- RBC swell = bigger = inc. MCV = unreliable
- platelets aggregate = Plt stick tog. = dec. [Plt] = unreliable
- WBC breakdown = dec. WBC = unreliable
What significance of microcytic hypochromic anaemia? What further tests?
- microcytic: small cell
- Hypochromic: less Hb
=> iron studies
What significance of macrocytic normochromic anaemia? What further tests?
- macrocytic: big cell
- normochromic: normal Hb
=> Vit. B12/folate assays