FRP Week 1 Flashcards
What is Epigenetics?
Food may influence genetics, but genetics are only part of the story. Your relationship with food now can influence how your genes are expressed.
Epigenetics, also referred to as epigenomics, is a field of study that looks at how our environment and behaviors can influence how, where, and when a gene is turned off or switched on. The genes you have may be fixed, but how they are expressed can be influenced by your choices. Regardless of the genetic hand you’ve been dealt, your food and lifestyle choices today offer hope and opportunity for improved health. Those positive epigenetic changes also have the potential to be transferred on from parent to child, so the choices we make today may also influence the health of the next generation.
What is Bio-Individuality?
Bio-Individuality respects that every person is unique and has specific nutritional needs to function at their best. We do not believe there is one perfect diet, nor are we in favor of excluding entire categories of food, unless allergies, access, preferences, or medical needs require it.
When you take into consideration the number of items that influence a person’s nutritional needs, it becomes easy to see the wisdom in a bio-individual approach. From where your ancestors grew up and the foods they ate to how you were born, where you grew up, what activities you enjoy, what industries dominated your town, where you work, how well you sleep, and how you manage stress are just a handful of the factors that can shape the nutrient profile your body needs. And that didn’t even count the tremendous diversity in need generated by what you ate growing up and what you eat now.
Your nutrient needs are as unique as your fingerprint
What is Nutritional Therapy?
Science: Governed by scientific principles of how the body utilizes nutrients to function
Art: Contextualized through the human and social experiences that either help or hinder our success
Knowledge: understanding information related to your goals
Ability: Having the resources to take the actions needed to achieve your goals
What are the 5 Foundations of Health?
- Nutrient Dense Diet
- Sleep
- Stress
- Digestion
- Blood Sugar Regulation
What is our innate wisdom?
An internal force that drives us to survive and thrive. Communication from the body about what it needs or doesn’t need.
The modern disconnect is that we either don’t recognize or don’t know how to respond to the body’s messages
What is biodiversity in relation to food?
People are primarily eating processed foods with wheat, corn, and soy. Our ancestors were eating a wide range of foods, especially plants.
Apple example: There used to be 17,000 different varieties of apples in North America. Now there are only 4,500 varieties. And usually only a few of those available at the grocery store. Every variety offers different micronutrients, polyphenols, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds.
How to repair the lost connection?
Challenge your transactional relationship with food that prioritizes gratification and efficiency over nourishment and intention.
What is a cash crop?
Despite finally acknowledging the need for subsistence farming, the agricultural mindset of the colonists was largely economic with the primary goal of turning a profit. The colonists quickly discovered that growing tobacco was the key to the wealth they desired—it was a crop that could be grown for its profit rather than its usage, otherwise known as a “cash crop.”
By 1705, the Virginia Slave Codes were established and by 1720, the colonies of Virginia and Maryland were slave societies, with booming plantations. The plantation model stretched into the Carolinas where indigo and rice were the central cash crops, and in the 1790s, the deep south became focused on cotton as the king commodity.
What are the key changes in agriculture?
By the early 1900’s approximately 41% of the population in the US was employed in the agriculture sector, with most being small rural farms that grew a diverse array of crops.
In just 100 years, that number to just 2% in the US workforce being agricultural in nature. The number of farms decreased by 63% and many transformed into mechanized, commercialized, and specialized operations focusing on one major commodity.
From 1793 to the late 1800’s consumer goods production became industrialized and mass produced by machines in factories rather than by small craftsmen. This caused many people to leave farming for other jobs.
The following technological advances also contributed to people leaving farming:
-electric grid improvements & development of the light bulb
-migration to cities
-steam engines and mechanized farm equipment
-refined flour mills
-industrial canning
-cottonseed oil deodorization
-national grocery chains
Impacts of industrialization & urbanization
Farmers were governed by the sun and could choose when to nourish themselves, hydrate, rest, etc.
Factory work changed that with work starting early morning and going into late evening with little to no breaks
In 1830 the average number of hours worked per week or manufacturers was 69.1 hours.
In 1929 after workers attempted to organize and legislation was passed, the average was 50.6 hours per week.
a quick breakfast and packable or purchasable lunch became a necessity.
dinner became the main meal and was increasingly dependnt on convenience food as more women entered the workforce.
people could no longer honor their hunger cues.
Grape Nuts Cereal Example
“fully cooked pre-digested breakfast food”
“the system will absorb a greater amount of nourishment from 1 pound of Grape-Nuts than from 10 pounds of meat, wheat, oats, or bread”
Campbells, Pillsbury, Jello, Quaker Oats, Post, Kelloggs, Coca Cola, the National Biscuit Company (now known as Nabisco), and Nestle just to name a few, were all in full swing by 1910. Even meat was being butchered and processed in massive factories such as Armour, Swift, Morris, and National Packing in the early 1900s.
In the span of about 25 years, over 100 bills were created attempting to regulate the safety of foods produced in these factories. The mounting issues came to a tipping point when Upton Sinclair’s fictional expose about the Chicago meat packing industry called The Jungle was released in 1905.
1906 Pure Food & Drugs Act
When the investigation confirmed the horrors Sinclair described in his story were true, the Food and Drug Administration began its role as a consumer protection agency with the passage of the 1906 Pure Food and Drugs Act. This act was largely penned by Dr. Harvey Wiley, a chemist who led a brave group of young men dubbed The Poison Squad as they voluntarily tested chemicals and adulterated foods on themselves. Prior to this law being established, companies did not have to disclose ingredients, even narcotics like morphine, heroine, and opium were being included in “soothing syrups” given to babies!
Seals of Approval
Dr. Wiley continued his crusade for food safety by taking a role as Director of the Bureau of Foods, Sanitation, and Health for Good Housekeeping Magazine. Under his direction, the magazine’s “Tested and Approved” seal became a gold standard for safe, high-quality food and goods. This seal was in many ways the forerunner of the sanctions people often use to guide their food choices today.
Today you might see “organic” or other seals of approval
Agricultural Inputs - Peruvian Guano
Peruvian Guano, which is the dried excrement of seabirds that inhabited the Chincha Islands and is a very rich source of nitrogen
The public demand for it was so great that the U.S. Congress passed the Guano Islands Act in 1856, authorizing people to seize any unclaimed or unoccupied guano islands to mine an affordable supply of guano for the U.S. and its citizens. As one article puts it, “For the sake of seabird droppings, a powerful fertilizer, the U.S. Congress authorized our nation’s earliest significant expansion beyond the continent.”
Cash crops and how people were farming them was destroying the soil. instead of treating the soil right, they used guano to increase quantity and profit
The Dust Bowl
Faith in the agricultural inputs and government land acts encouraged people to look toward marginal lands that were not naturally suited to agriculture, such as grazing lands in the high plains of western Kansas and Nebraska, Oklahoma and northwestern Texas. When put to the plow, the root systems of the perennial grasses that used to keep the soil bound together and kept moisture in the ground were destroyed and the soil was exposed to the elements.
This coupled with a lengthy drought left the area extremely vulnerable and led to years of severe dust storms.
The era is known as The Dust Bowl and it was the “greatest man-made ecological disaster in the history of the United States.”
Some 2.5 million people had to leave the great plains and their farms behind, largely because we lost our connection with the land and tried to manipulate food production for profit.
Agricultural Inputs - Pesticides
Paris Green (an inorganic compound of copper, acetate, and arsenic) was introduced in the 1860’s to combat the Colorado Potato Beetle
During WW2, DDT was used to kill disease carrying insects, greatly aiding the american troops in the pacific
DDT’s effectiveness continued long after its initial application which increased its appeal commercially
The beetle is still resistant to all pesticides today
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
1962 book that sparked environmental protection acts. DDT was getting in the soil and water, fish ate contaminated plankton, birds ate contaminated fish, and larger predators ate the birds, etc. meanwhile mosquitos were becoming resistant to DDT.
Continued Pesticide Problems
Beyond DDT, over 1 billion pounds of pesticides are used every year in the United States.
Over 500 species of insects and mites are resistant to one or more insecticides. Pesticides are repeatedly found in our water sources and the aquatic life that inhabits them. One comprehensive report published in 2004 found at least one pesticide in 94% of the water samples, 60% of the shallow well samples, and 90% of the fish samples from streams across the US. As these pesticides are being sprayed directly on to our food and altering the microbiology of the soil, nearby lands and waters also become contaminated through indirect exposure from pesticides that drift in the air when sprayed, spread to other waters and regions through soil erosion and runoff, or that enter the water system during the process of washing the machinery.
The risk resulting from pesticide residue exposure is calculated using computer software, data from USDA food consumption surveys, and data submitted by the manufacturer seeking to have a pesticide registered. Computer models can be helpful, but are not actual measurements and any survey results will be heavily shaped by the people who participated, where they live, what resources they have, where they work, and what kinds of food are available in their area. Additionally, many of the tests the EPA requires that manufacturers pay for to assess aspects like dermatological toxicity or the potential to be endocrine disruptors are conducted on animals, which should not be directly extrapolated to human results.
Regulatory Considerations
how does the overall load exposure to a wide variety of different pesticides impact the environment and human health?
chlorpyrifos with the potential to cause neurodevelopmental issues was in use from 1965 to February 2022, and can still be used for non-food applications
Aldicarb was found to be a risk of exposure beyond acceptable tolerance levels, but has since been registered for use under a new name
Pesticides in the US
In 2019, one analysis found that of the pesticides approved for agricultural use in the US, 72 in the EU, 17 in Brazil, and 11 in China are banned or in the process of a complete phase-out.
Factory Meat Farming
One source reports that as much as 82% of beef sales in the US are earned by just 4 meat packing companies
Farmers began to to grow crops like wheat and corn super fast and abundantly so they began feeding animals this. Where it used to take 84 days to nurture a chicken to a 5-pound size, it now takes as few as 45.
Instead of letting cows grow to 4-5 years old, they are killed at 11-14 months because they have been fattened up on corn instead of the food they should eat - grass
Food Components / Food Fortification
Antoine Lavoisier’s ice calorimeter and Wilbur Olin Atwater’s respiration calorimeter helped us learn more about what components are in food.
Takaki Knehiro demonstrated that beriberi was a nutrient deficiency disease
Casimir Funk isolated thiamine, which began our understanding of vitamins
Food fortification encouraged the mindset that packaged foods could supply all our nutrient needs
Also think Iodine in table salt
This mindset made sense during the great depression and WW2, but doesn’t make sense today
Heart Disease
Although population growth, advances in medical care, improvements in hygiene, and improved understanding of and ability to diagnose certain conditions are important factors to consider, the increase in the number of deaths attributed to heart disease in 1900 compared to that in 1950 offers an understandable reason that heart disease became a primary target of the initiative to find a controllable dietary cause of disease. Across the US, 27,427 lives were claimed by heart disease in 1900. In 1950, that number was 535,705.
the sugar research foundation launched a narrative that fat was evil, especially saturated fats, and vegetable oil based margarines and spreads became staples
Low Fat Guidelines
Government based dietary guidelines encouraged the reduction of dietary fat
food manufacturers flooded the market with low fat and fat free products
sugar, stabilizers, and additives had to be added to compensate for the flavor and texture fat provides
these foods were less satiating while providing a similar number of calories
american heart association seal that you see on things like frosted flakes, pop tarts, oats, etc. promoting a cereal grain based diet.
made people think that if something was low fat, it was healthy
Dietary Dogma
Extra sugar finding its way into regular meals in addition to snacks and treats also set people on a blood sugar roller coaster that exacerbated the disconnect from their own appetite signals as the crash that accompanies sugar in the absence of fat often encourages people to reach for something else to pick their energy back up again. The age of manufactured, engineered low-fat food was an era where energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods became the staple foods in the American diet.
Yet by the end of the 90s and into the early 2000s, the popular dietary dogma had flipped with carbohydrates being the star villain that the media blamed for their poor health. Even though the USDA’s dietary guidelines didn’t advocate for this dramatic shift, people knew their health was getting worse and they weren’t living the vibrant, nourished lives the low-fat messaging had promised.
We had been so conditioned in the mindset that the answer must lie in the reduction and restriction of a food component that we ran to another extreme—not questioning the principles that mindset was based on, simply believing a different compound was to blame.
Hyper Palatable Foods
Foods designed to maximize rewarding properties during consumption (high quantities of sugar, fat, salt)
whole foods might contain one palatability inducing nutrient, but manufactured foods can contain combinations not found in nature
The research team classified hyper-palatable foods into three categories:
-Those with greater than 25% of calories from fat and greater than or equal to 0.30% sodium by weight
-Those with greater than 20% of calories from fat and greater than 20% of calories from sugar
-Those with greater than 40% of calories from carbohydrates and greater than or equal to 0.20% sodium by weight
when these guidelines were applied to 7,757 food items, 62% or 4,795 met the hyper palatability criteria