four handed dentistry Flashcards
what is important to ensure a good dental seating position?
- 90 degree angle at hips and knee
- thighs parallel to floor
- feet on the floor
- back and neck upright
- shoulders relaxed
- move with chair (no twisting and bending)
how much space should be between the operator and the patient?
12 to 18 inches
where should the dental nurse be positioned in comparison to the dentist (height)?
2-4 inches higher
what is a commonly increasing tool dentists are using to improve posture?
how should the aspirator be held?
like a pencil in the dominant hand, firmly where the the tip joins the suction tubing
where should the aspirator be positioned in the mouth?
adjacent and distal to the tooth/teeth being treated
how is the 3:1 tip inserted?
- unscrew the silver nut slightly
- insert the tip firmly and tighten the nut
- always try it outside the patients mouth first
what is the difference between direct and indirect aspiration?
direct is when the aspirator is placed directly behind the tooth being worked on, but indirect is more general
what is important to remember when moving the aspirator around the mouth?
NEVER cross the back of the tongue
when should the dental nurse enter and leave the patient’s mouth?
first and last
describe the nurses placement when the dentist is working in the upper right quadrant?
- 3:1 retracts cheek
- aspirator on palatal surface
describe the nurses placement when the dentist is working in the upper left quadrant?
- 3:1 retracts lower lip and cheek
- aspirator retracts upper cheek, in buccal sulcus
describe the nurses placement when working in the lower left quadrant?
- aspirator retracts the cheek
describe the nurses placement when working in the lower right quadrant?
- 3:1 syringe retracts cheek
- aspirator between tongue and lingual surfaces of teeth
where is the most difficult area of the mouth to aspirate?
upper anterior region
where is the static zone for a right handed operator?
where is the transfer zone for a right handed operator?
where is the operator zone for a right handed operator?
where is the nurses zone for a right handed operator?
where is instrument exchange done?
transfer zone