Forest Entomology Flashcards
What is predicted to be the greatest impact on forests?
climate change/ global warming
what are disturbances?
disrupting the function of an ecosystem and changing resource availability or physical environment
Why are insect outbreaks so impactful?
Insect outbreaks can cover large areas and wide tree mortality in a short period of time
How do insect outbreaks interact with the environment?
Increases land temperature and decreases productivity
What is an example of an insect outbreak?
bark beetles causing tree mortality during drought
How do pests and pathogens move in response to weather?
Pests and pathogens have documented to move north with changing weather patterns
How does weather interact with insects?
Weather can both kill insects and cause expansion of insects
Why do insects respond to warmer climates? (3)
sensitive to temperature
short generation times
high flight capacity
How do insects interact with temperature?
Can both kill or accelerate growth
How does climate change impact trees? (2)
weaken trees and make them more susceptible to insects
Warmer temperatures can also increase defenses of host trees
What is forensic ecology?
study of insects that feed or do damage to trees and lumber
Berliner J.T.C. Ratzeburg
Who is Berliner J.T.C. Ratzeburg, and what did he do (3)?
first forest entomologist
collected all early naturalists’ work on forest ecology
travelled around the world to study insects in the forest
kept insects in cages outdoors
How did early students of forest entomology differ from other entomology courses?
they were not professional entomologists
What were early forest entomologists considered?
Why were forests considered a threat?
settlers were harassed by biting insects and crop pests
What did early settlers record in forests?
sporadic insect outbreaks like spruce bark beetle
What would happen if forests depleted?
no carbon sinks
What is the life cycle of mountain pine beetle? (5)
adult beetles mate and burrow in tree bark, depositing eggs in tissues- summer
adults and larvae create chambers and introduce mold to tree’s soft tissue- fall
tree reddens, yellows, and dies
larvae pupates and leaves, leaving shotgun exit holes- spring
adults migrate to nearby healthy trees and mate again