foramina contents Flashcards
foramen cecum possible content
may contain a nasal emissary vv, defect
cribiform plate/foramina content
axons of olfactory cells in olfactory epithelium, will from olfactory Nn
ant/post ethmoid foramina contents
vessels and nn with same names
optic canal contents
CN 2 and opthalamic aa
superior orbital fissure contents
opthalamic vv opthalamic nn CN V1 trigeminal CN 3-occulomotor CN 4- trochlear CN 6- abducens sympathetic fibers
foramen rotundum contents
CN V2- maxillary nn
formane ovale contents
CN V3-mandibular nn
accessory meningial aa
foramen spinosum contents
mid meningial aa/vv
meningeal branch of CN V3
foramen lacerum contents
deep petrosal nn
some meningeal aa branches and small vv
groove/hiatus of greater petrosal nn contents
gretater petrosal nn
petrosal brnach of great meningeal aa
foramen magnum contents
medulla meninges vertebral aa CN XII dural vv anterior and post spinal aa
jugular foramen contents
CN IX,X,XI superior bulb of the int jugular vv inf petrosal sinus sigmoid sinuses meningeal branches of ascending pharyngeal and occipital aa
hypoglossal canal content
hypoglossal nn-CNXII
condyalr canal contents
emissary vv from sigmoid sinus to the vertebral vv in the neck
mastoid foramen contents
mastoid emissary vv from sigmoid sinus
meningeal branch of the occipital aa
incisive foramen contents
incisive canals open here and bring R/L nasopalatine nerves from the nose