Cranial Nerve injuries/pathology Flashcards
CN I with fractured cribiform plate
anosmia (loss of smell)
CSF rhinorhrea
direct trauma to eyeball (optic canal fracture )effect CN III
loss of pulpillary constriction
pressure on optic pathway (laceration or intercerebral clot in temporal, occipital, parietal lobes of brain)
visual field defects
pressure on herniating uncus of CN 3 or fractured cavernous sinus, aneuyesms
dialted pupil, ptosis, eye turns down and out, pupillary relfex on side of lesion will be lost
stretching of CN 4 or orbit fracture
inability to look down when eye is adducted
injury to terminal branches of CN 5 or patholgy of the ganglion
loss of pain and touch senses
parathesia: masetter and temporalis
divation of mandible to side with lesion when mouth opened
CN6 with base of brain or fracture involving the cavernous sinus/orbit
eye falls to move laterally
diplopia on lateral gaze
CN 7 with laceration/contusion of parotid region
facial mm paralysis
eyes remain open
angle of mouth drops
forehead wont wrinkle
fracture of temporal bone w CN 7
facial mm paralysis eyes remain open angle of mouth drops forehead wont wrinkle cochlear nn and codra tympani involved loss of taste to ant 2/3 of tongue
stroke effect on CN 7
wrinkled forehead
paralysis of contralateral facial mm
tumor of CN 8
unilateral hearing loss and tinnitus
brainstem lesion/deep laceration of neck effect on CN 9
loss of taste in post 1/3
loss of senssation on affected side soft palate
laceration of neck effect on CN 11
paralysis of sternoclemastoid mm/ trap= drooping shoulder
neck laceration/ cransil base fracture effects on CN 12
protruded tongue deviates towards affected side, moderate disarticulation