branches of the maxillary Aa Flashcards
deep auricular aa supplies
tympanic membrane
anterior tympanic Aa supplies
int tympanic membrane
mid miningeal Aa supplies
periosteum/bone of the neurocranium
tensor tympani mm
trigeminal ganglion
facial nn and geniculate ganglion
accessory meningela aa supplies
extracranial mm of infratemporal fossa
mandibular nn
otic ganglion
inf alveolar aa supplies
massserteric aa supplies
TMJ and massester
deep temporal aa supplies
mainly temporalis
pterygoid branches supply
pterygoid mm
buccal aa supplies
buccal fat pad
buccal mucosa
posterior superior alvoeolar aa suppplies
max M and PM
mucus mem of max sinus
infra orbital supplies
inf oblique inf rectus lacrimal sac max canines/incisors mucus mem max sinus skin of infraorbital region
aa of pterygoid canal supplies
mucosa upper pharynx
eustachian tube
tympanic cavity
pharyngeal branch supplies
Sphenoid sinus
eustachian tube
descending palatine branch give rise to?
greater and lesser palatine Aa
sphenopalatine Aa supplies
walls/septum of nose
all sinuses
most anterior aspect of the palate (nasopalatine)