Foot and Ankle Flashcards
The ankle and foot have ____ bones. ___ sesamoid, and ___ articulations. ____ synovial joints
28 bones. 2 sesamoid. 55 articulations. 30 synovial joints.
The foot is divided into ? (3)
rearfoot, midfoot and forefoot.
rearfoot =
talus and calcaneus
midfoot =
navicular, cuboid and 3 cuniforms
forefoot =
14 bones of toes and 5 metatarsals. the medial and lateral sesamoids.
Distal tibiofibular joint is classified as?
Distal tibiofibular joint consisits of a ____ tibial surface and a ____ distal end of the fibula
concave, convex.
the distal tibiofibular joint is a common area of _______ = separating ankle bones due to injury
Talocrural joint is formed between the saddle-shapped _____ and the distal ___
talas, tibia.
Talocrural joint is classified as a _____ hinge or a modified ____ joint
synovial, sellar
The primary motions at this joint are dorsiflexion and The primary motions at the talocrural joint are _____ and
____ _____, with a total range of 70 plantar flexion, with a total range of ___ to ___.
dorsiflexion, plantar flexion.
Theoretically, the pattern of the ankle joint is more
restriction of ______ than _____ although
clinically this appears to be reversed clinically this appears to be reversed.
plantarflexion than dorsiflexion
The close-packed position is ____-_____ dorsiflexion, while the ___-____ position is midway between supination and pronation.
subtalar joint aka?
subtalar joint consists of two _____ _____ surfaces with their own joint cavities.
modified ovoid.
the bicondylar subtalar joint ensures that the ____ and ___ aspects can move in opposite directions.
anterior and posterior.
while the anterior aspect is moving _____, the posterior aspect is moving ____.
medially. Laterally.
subtalar joint supination and pronation are measured clinically by the amount of ?
calcaneal or hindfoot inversion and eversion.
(subtalar joint) In normal individuals, there is an inversion to eversion ratio of 2:3 to 1:3, which amounts to approximately ____ of inversion and __ of eversion.
20 degrees.
10 degrees.
In chronic arthritic conditions, there is an
increasing limitation of _____ , but with
traumatic arthritis, _______ appears most limited clinically.
inversion. eversion
The close-packed position for this joint is full ______, while the open-packed position is _____/______.
inversion. inversion/plantar flexion.
Two superficial ligaments of the talocalcaneal joint ligaments?
lateral and posterior talocalcaneal ligaments.
midtarsal joint complex consists of the ______ and _____ articulations.
talonavicular and calcaneocuboid.
talonavicular joint is classified as?
synovial, compound, modified ovoid joint.
calcaneocuboid joint is classified as ?
simple, synovial modified sellar joint.
What ligaments provide support to the mid-tarsal joint?
- spring ligament
- long plantar
- a portion of bifurcate ligament dorsally.
the cuneovavicular joint is classified as?
compound, synovial, modified ovoid joint.
intercuneiform and cuneocuboid joints are classified as?
compound, synovial, modified ovoid joints
when considered alone, this joint is classified as a compound modified ovoid, synovial joint?
cubometatarsal joint.
This joint is classified as a syndesmosis or plane surfaced joint
cubonavicular joint.
1st intermetatarsal joint classified as?
simple, synovial, modified ovoid joint.
2nd, 3rd and 4th classified as?
compound joints.
metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints classified as?
simple, synovial, modified ovoid joints.
IP joints classified as?
simple, synovial modified sellar joints.
IP joint: hyperextension of the MTP and flexion of PIP+DIP =?
claw toe
IP joint: hyperextension of the MTP & DIP joint and flexion of the PIP joint = ?
hammer toe
IP joint: hyperflexion of the DIP joint with callus formation on the dorsum of the affected
Mallet Toe
A lateral deviation of the proximal phalanx of the 1st toe with pain on the medial side of the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint =?
Hallux Valgus
overlapping toes (in Hallux valgus) are the result of the adaptation to _____
If at the 5th? = _____ bunion or a _____.
tailors bunion, bunionette.
Plantar fascial originates from the __ _____ and inserts through a complex network to the plantar ____.
os calcis, forefoot.
plantar fascia is composed of a tough _____ layer. composed histologically of both ____ and _____ fibers.
fibrous layer. collagen and elastic fibers.
Abnormally high arch = ?
Pes Cavus **
Absent arch = ?
Pes Planus **
the ankle retinacula, function to ____ the leg tendons as the cross the ankle to enter the foot.
Extrinsic muscles of the foot are divided into (4) compartments?
- anterior
- posterior superficial
- posterior deep
- lateral
anterior compartment contains the _______ of the foot.
Dorsiflexors include? (4)
- tibialis anterior
- extensor digitorum longus
- extensor hallucis longus
- peroneus tertius
Which dorsiflexor is the strongest in the foot?
Tibialis anterior tendon ***
Loss of the _____ ____ muscle strength can lead to _____ - foot or _____ ____.
tibialis anterior. Drop-foot. steppage gait.
Posterior superficial compartment contains? (3)
- gastrocnemius
- soleus
- plantaris muscle
Posterior deep compartment contains? foot ______ (3)
1. posterior tibialis
2. flexor digitorum longus
3. flexor hallucis longus
Lateral compartment contains the _____ L&B.
Intrinsic muscles of the foot are divided into ___ layers.
1st layer contains? (3)
- abductor hallucis
- abductor digiti minimis
- flexor digitorum brevis
2nd layer contains (2)
- flexor digitorum accessorius (quadratus plantae)
2. Lumbricales.
3rd layer contains (3)
- flexor hallucis brevis
- flexor digiti minimis
- Adductor hallucis
4th layer contains (2)
- dorsal interossei
2. plantar interossei
Dorsal intrinsic muscles of the foot consist of the ____ ____ ____ and ___ ___ ___ mucles. (2)
extensor hallucis brevis & extensor digitorum brevis.
how many arches in the foot?
Name the arches in the foot (3)
- media longitudinal
- lateral longitudinal
- transverse
Who is your fave aussie friend ? :)
Rebecca - lovin the freebies.
It’s going tibia okay!
- Tibia :p
Medial Longitudinal arch is made up of?
- 1st 3 digits
- their metatarsals
- cuneiforms
- navicular
- talus
Lateral longitudinal arch is made up of?
- 4th and 5th digits
- their metatarsals
- cuboid
- calcaneus
Transverse arch of the foot is primarily formed by the __ ______ bones.
5 metatarsal bones
what did the stimulus do to the neuron after they got married?
Carried it over the threshold -_-
Dropped transverse arch leads to excessive pressure between the _______ ____
metatarsal heads
pain between the metatarsal head (typically 3 and 4). No apparent injury- leads to?
Morton’s Neuroma
the _______ nerve, the largest cutaneous branch of the femoral nerve. provides _____ _____ to the ____ aspect of the foot.
saphneous. cutaneous distribution . Medial .
which nerve provides sensory and motor innervation for the foot and leg?
sciatic nerve
Neuropath of posterior tibial nerve in tarsal tunnel due to compression or stretching = ?
Tarsal tunnel syndrome
repetitive hyperflexion or hyperextension motion resulting in _____ with resulting constriction of ____
tenosynovitis. PTN
Unilateral swelling = ?
residual edema secondary to trauma
Bilateral swelling = ?
may indicate cardiac or lymphatic problems or a pelvic obstruction to venous return.
What do you call a tooth in a glass of water?
a one molar solution
frontal plane motions?
inversion and eversion
sagittal plane motions?
dorsiflexion and plantarflexion
horitonzal plane motions?
adduction and abduction
A ______ motion describes a movement about an obliquely oriented axis through all ____ body planes.
triplane. three
Triplanar motions occur at the ____, ____, and _____ joints and at the ____ and ____ rays.
talocrural, stubtalar, and midtarsal joints. 1st and 5th rays.
_____ and _____ are considered triplanar motions.
pronation and supination
pronation and abduction in the _____ plane
dorsiflexion in the _____ plane
eversion in the _____ plane
name the 3 body plane motions in supination.
- adduction
- plantar flexion
- inversion
Function of the 1st MTP ?
to provide stability to medial aspect of foot and propulsion during gait.
normal alignment of 1st MTP varies between ___ degrees ___ and ___ degrees ___.
15 - valgus
Great toe has ____ of active plantar flexion and _____ of active extention
30 degrees
50 degrees
Great toe, increased passivly to between ___ - ___ degrees.
70 - 90.
disorder of the purine metabolism where hyperuricemia leads to deposition of sodium monourate crystals into cartilage, synovium and subcutaneous tissues?
Gout male to female ratio?
Gout ages?
40 to 60
MC joint for gout?
1st MTP
Laboratory tests will show an elevated ____, _____ and ____
ESR, Leukocytosis and hyperuricemia.
Increasing weakness with repeated contractions of the same resistance indicate?
a palsy
consistent weakness with repeated contractions could suggest?
decondition muscle, or a muscle tear.
Yay Done :D