Food Safety Flashcards
Two types of food-borne illness from microbes:
Food infections and Food intoxications
Illness resulting from eating food contaminated with living organisms:
– Food infections
Illness resulting from eating food in which microbes have secreted toxins (poisons):
– Food intoxications
Disease-causing microbes are called:
not all microbes are:
adaptations of bacteria:
- Capsule
- Biofilm
- Pili
- Spore formation
What allows bacteria to attach more firmly onto places:
the capsule
tangled web of fibers that adhere
firmly onto substrates:
A biofilm
arms that some bacteria can produce to exchange genes with other bacterial cells
exchange of genes with other bacterial cells:
horizontal gene transfer
bacteria can always acquire genes that make them resistant to:
bacteria can always acquire genes that make them resistant to:
Spores are resistant to:
– Heat (survives boiling after several hours) – UV radiation – Gamma radiation – Chemical disinfection – Desiccation