Folding Of Embryo Flashcards
At the end of the —— week,
intraembryonic mesoderm differentiates into:
At the end of the 3rd week,
intraembryonic mesoderm differentiates into:
1.Paraxial mesoderm,
2.Intermediate mesoderm
3.Lateral plate mesoderm
The ——- mesoderm gives rise to somitomeres and somites which play a major role in the formation of the skull and vertebrae
•——- mesoderm: contributes to the urogenital system
•———-mesoderm: formation of body cavity
he paraxial mesoderm gives rise to somitomeres and somites which play a major role in the formation of the skull and vertebrae
•Intermediate mesoderm: contributes to the urogenital system
•Lateral plate mesoderm: formation of body cavity
•The lateral plate mesoderm splits into two to form:
Splanchnic mesoderm
•Somatic mesoderm
——— lateral plate mesoderm becomes continuous with the extraembryonic splanchnic mesoderm around the yolk sac.
•——- lateral plate mesoderm becomes continuous with extraembryonic somatic mesoderm around the amniotic cavity
Splanchnic mesoderm becomes continuous with the extraembryonic splanchnic mesoderm around the yolk sac.
•Somatic mesoderm becomes continuous with extraembryonic somatic mesoderm around the amniotic cavity
•Converts a flat trilaminar embryonic disc into a —— embryo
•Folding occurs simultaneously in ——- and ——— planes of the embryo
•Rate of growth in —- axis of the embryo overtakes rates at the —- of the embryo (—- fold)
•Converts a flat trilaminar embryonic disc into a cylindrical embryo
•Folding occurs simultaneously in transverse and longitudinal planes of the embryo
•Rate of growth in long axis of the embryo overtakes rates at the sides of the embryo (lateral fold)
As the brain develops, the forebrain grows cranially beyond the ——- membrane, hence overhanging the developing heart
•Consequently, the primordial heart and oropharyngeal membrane moves unto the —— surface of the embryo
As the brain develops, the forebrain grows cranially beyond the oropharyngeal membrane, hence overhanging the developing heart
•Consequently, the primordial heart and oropharyngeal membrane moves unto the ventral surface of the embryo
Head folding:
•During folding, the part of the endoderm that becomes incorporated (“trapped cranially into the fold”) into the embryo (lying between the brain and heart) forms the ——
ead folding:
•During folding, the part of the endoderm that becomes incorporated (“trapped cranially into the fold”) into the embryo (lying between the brain and heart) forms the foregut
Tail folding:
•In the tail region, a part of the embryo projects over the —— membrane, such that a part of the endoderm becomes incorporated into the embryo- this forms the ——
ail folding:
•In the tail region, a part of the embryo projects over the cloacal membrane, such that a part of the endoderm becomes incorporated into the embryo- this forms the hindgut
The portion of the endoderm between foregut and hindgut forms- ——-
The portion of the endoderm between foregut and hindgut forms- midgut
Midgut communicates with the yolk sac at the yolk stalk which narrows to become- ——-
Midgut communicates with the yolk sac at the yolk stalk which narrows to become- vitelline (omphalomesenteric) duct
Midgut communicates with the yolk sac at the ——which narrows to become- vitelline (omphalomesenteric) duct
Midgut communicates with the yolk sac at the yolk stalk which narrows to become- vitelline (omphalomesenteric) duct
At its cephalic end, the foregut is bound by an ectodermal-endodermal membrane- ——- membrane
•Hindgut is terminated temporarily by a similar membrane- ——— membrane
At its cephalic end, the foregut is bound by an ectodermal-endodermal membrane- oropharyngeal membrane
•Hindgut is terminated temporarily by a similar membrane- cloacal membrane
In the — week, the buccopharyngeal membrane ruptures, establishing an open connection between the ——and the ——
In the 4th week, the buccopharyngeal membrane ruptures, establishing an open connection between the oral cavity and the primitive gut
In the 4th week, the ——- membrane ruptures, establishing an open connection between the oral cavity and the primitive gut
In the 4th week, the buccopharyngeal membrane ruptures, establishing an open connection between the oral cavity and the primitive gut
The hindgut also terminates temporarily at an ectodermal-endodermal membrane- the ——- membrane, which breaks down in the —— week to create the opening for the —-.
The hindgut also terminates temporarily at an ectodermal-endodermal membrane- the cloacal membrane, which breaks down in the 7th week to create the opening for the anus.
Lateral folding:
•During the —- week, the sides of the embryo begin to grow down forming how many lateral body walls folds
•These folds consist of the —- (somatic) layer of the lateral plate mesoderm and overlying ectoderm- ——-
Lateral folding:
•During the 4th week, the sides of the embryo begin to grow down forming 2 lateral body walls folds
•These folds consist of the parietal (somatic) layer of the lateral plate mesoderm and overlying ectoderm- somatopleure
Lateral folding:
As these folds progress, the endodermal layer also folds —— and closes to form the ——.
•By the end of the —— week, the lateral body wall folds meet in the midline and fuse to close the ———.
•Failure of fusion leads to ——-
As these folds progress, the endodermal layer also folds ventrally and closes to form the gut tube.
•By the end of the 4th week, the lateral body wall folds meet in the midline and fuse to close the ventral body wall.
•Failure of fusion leads to ventral wall defects