Safety Bulletin #88

  1. Select the correct statement about the use and storage on the high visibility safety vest: (2.1, 4.1)
    a. Members are required to wear the vest when operating on all highways but only at night.
    b. The vest should not be worn over bunker gear
    c. All members, especially those directly involved in the immediate vicinity of the technical rescue must wear the high visibility vest.
    d. The vest should be donned prior to exiting the apparatus or in an area blocked by an apparatus and protected from vehicular traffic
  1. D
  2. 1 Department policy requires all members to wear high visibility safety vests when operating on all highways at all times, day or night.
  3. 2 The high visibility safety vests are designed to be worn over bunker gear and are flame resistant in compliance with ASTM standards.

2.1.1 Exemptions from wearing high visibility safety vests are for members directly involved and in the immediate vicinity of firefighting, hazardous material mitigation, or technical rescue. Some examples include:
• Members operating with donned bunker gear and SCBA working in close
proximity to a source of heat during fire suppression.
• Members operating with donned hazardous material personal protective equipment.
• Members operating with donned technical rescue PPE and/or equipment for a technical rescue incident.

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  1. Which of the following statements about the high visibility safety vests is incorrect? (5.1, 6.1, 7,8.1)
    a. The preferred storage location for the vest is the Crew Cab of the apparatus.
    b. The Special Operations Command shall be notified if the vest needs to be decontaminated.
    c. If the vest needs to be replaced an RT-2 to the Quartermaster is the proper method.
    d. If the vest is missing a lost property report should be forwarded through the chain of command
    e. The administrative battalion shall be notified if a spare vest is required.
  1. E
  2. 1 If spare vests are required, units shall contact their administrative Division. Units shall use Division vests until they receive their replacement vests. Division vests, including spares, shall be identified by unit designation, e.g., D-1, D-3.
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Safety Bulletin #89
3. You are the lieutenant in Engine 2 while returning from BI you are flagged down and receive a verbal for an injured person. You notify the dispatcher and request an ambulance. While assessing the patient you realize the patient has suffered a gunshot. Police officers arrive and are trying to determine the identity of everybody on the scene. Once you realize this is a “challenge situation” you would be most correct to perform which action?

A. Continue to perform treatment while verbally identifying yourself.

B. Have your members continue the assessment while you move in the direction of the officer to identify yourself.

C. Do not move and do not say anything.

D. Remain motionless, comply with commands and identify yourself.

  1. D

A NYPD officer may confront a firefighter or EMT to verify their identity. This is
called a challenge situation. Remain motionless (no sudden movements), comply with commands and identify yourself.

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  1. You are a lieutenant working a day tour in a ladder company and you are dispatched to the scene of a motor vehicle incident. Upon arrival you observe a 2 car accident and people standing around outside the car. As you dismount the apparatus and approach the vehicles, several people start to run and you hear what you believe are gunshots. All of the following are correct statements about this situation except? (3.1)

a. If FDNY members are endangered, they should immediately hide behind some piece of cover.
b. Units on scene and responding should be notified via an urgent message using the EAB on the handie-talkie.
c. d. Dispatcher shall be notified via the Department radio mixer off message.
d. If weapons are known or possibly present, consider the area a hot zone

  1. C

3.1 When it is determined that a fire and/or smoke condition (smoke grenades) is present, in which active shooting is occurring or possible firearms could be used against firefighters, members shall:
 Remain behind hard cover and out of the line-of-sight.
Note: At any time, if shooting starts and endangers FDNY units, members shall
immediately hide behind some piece of cover. Cover is not the same as concealment.
Cover is any material that can reasonably be expected to stop the travel of a bullet
fired from small arms. Concealment simply conceals an individual from view.
If members are in an open area without some type of cover, they should immediately assume a prone position on the ground.

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Safety Bulletin #90
5. You are a lieutenant in an engine company and you just returned to quarters after operating at an incident where a firefighter took a positive action which led to a safe operation. You would like to include this in a pass it on program since the lesson reinforced would be beneficial to all. Which is a correct statement about the pass it on program? (1, 2, 2.1)
A. Only a chief officer can submit a case for the pass it on
B. The information should be faxed to the Bureau of Operations within 24 hours of the incident.
C. Incident commander should make immediate telephone notification to the Borough Command
D. In no case should a unit or individual be identified in the pass it on.

  1. B
  2. Whenever the Incident Commander (IC) deems it appropriate, he or she should utilize this program to identify an incident where the lessons learned or reinforced may be beneficial to all. The IC may be the rank of Lieutenant or above.
  3. The information should be faxed to the Bureau of Operations at (718) 999-0034 by the IC or his or her designee within 24 hours of the operation. A copy shall be forwarded to theAdministrative División through the chain of command. It may be handwritten or typed and should contain all of the essential facts. Identification of units or individuals would be appropriate in positive situations and inappropriate in others (injuries, accidents, etc.). The Bureau of Operations will review and format the final version within 48 hours for prompt transmittal to the field.
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Safety Bulletin #90

  1. Whenever a new pass it on is developed each unit will receive 2 copies. Which is not correct concerning these copies? (3)
    a. One shall be posted in the House watch.
    b. One copy is filed in a binder in the company office.
    c. One copy is placed on the 11” x 17” poster.
    d. The pass it on, poster shall be placed at a location where company drills are generally held in quarters
  1. A
  2. Units will receive an 11”x17” “Pass It On” poster which shall be placed at a location where company drills are generally held in quarters. When a new “Pass It On” is
    developed and transmitted to the field, units will receive 2 copies:
     One copy should be placed on the 11”x17” poster and not removed until replaced by a subsequent issue.
     A second copy shall be filed in a binder in the company office until expiration.
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Safety Bulletin #91

  1. The FDNY has established a near-miss reporting system. The idea is to have members share the details of an unintentional unsafe occurrence in the hopes that others will learn from it so that it will not be repeated. Which of the following statements is incorrect concerning the near miss reporting system?
    a. The submission of a near-miss is anonymous and will not be traced back to any member.
    b. A committee of members in the Safety Command reviews the submissions and the final approval is made by the Chief of Safety.
    c. Members of any rank are encouraged to participate in the program and submit their near-miss.
    d. The near-miss may be submitted through an intranet link or a letterhead report through the chain of command with all endorsements.
  1. D
  2. 8 Rather than submitting this form through the webpage, another option is for members to download the form from the FDNY Intranet and send it through the bag, NO ENDORSEMENTS required, to the Chief of Safety, Rm. 7W-3 at 9 Metrotech, Brooklyn, NY 11201.
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Safety Bulletin #92

  1. Encountering clutter during fire operations has become commonplace. It is important to identify and communicate its anticipated impact on operations. Which of the following is an incorrect action when encountering a clutter condition? (1.1, 2.2, 2.3)
    a. An entry was made on the NYFIRS report when clutter conditions impacted operations.
    b. The degree of clutter must be clarified; light, medium or heavy.
    c. When notified of a clutter condition the incident commander may need to adjust strategy and tactics or request additional resources if necessary.
    d. The term “Collyer’s Mansion” may be used to describe a heavy clutter condition.
  1. D

2.3 The term “Clutter” shall be used to describe an accumulation of material which may impact
operations. The severity of the clutter shall be communicated by using one of the following:
 “Light Clutter”
 “Medium Clutter”
 “Heavy Clutter”
Note: The term “Collyer’s Mansion” shall no longer be used.

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Safety Bulletin #92

  1. Which of the following is an incorrect description of a light clutter condition?
    a. There is little or no effect on egress.
    b. Secondary search is possible but will be delayed.
    c. There is little or no delay to line placement
    d. Unit cohesiveness is not affected.
  1. B

Primary and secondary searches not affected

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Safety Bulletin #92

  1. Which of the following is an incorrect description of a medium clutter condition?
    a. Access is partially blocked hampering movement.
    b. There is an increased concern of entanglement and there’s the possibility that gas service is disconnected
    c. Primary search will not be affected.
    d. Fuel load may exceed the capability of handlines.
  1. C

Primary searches possible but delayed. Secondary searches will be delayed

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Safety Bulletin #92

  1. Which of the following is an incorrect description of a heavy clutter condition?
    a. Relief of units will be severely impacted.
    b. There is a likelihood that gas and electric service has been disconnected and an alternate fuel source for heat or cooking is used.
    c. Searches will be severely delayed and may require extraordinary measures.
    d. Entanglement or entrapment due to avalanche is not considered a problem
  1. D

Entanglement or entrapment due to avalanche is a real
possibility. Unusual fire spread and structural damage
due to contents absorbing water can also be expected.
Smoke/CO detectors will likely not be present or
operating properly. Likelihood of gas/electric services disconnected and alternate fuel sources for heat
or cooking used. Storage of flammable or other hazardous materials likely

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  1. Select the incorrect statement concerning a suspended scaffold emergency: (3.1)
    a. For all suspended scaffold emergencies the area below the scaffold shall be cordoned off to vehicular and pedestrian traffic
    b. All apparatus, shall be kept clear of the danger area and parked in a safe location
    c. Members shall use the quickest access to the building even if it means going through the danger area
    d. The area below the scaffold shall be taped off
  1. C
  2. 1 In all instances, units should cordon off the area below the scaffold to vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The area shall be taped off. This marks the danger area for civilians and FD personnel. All apparatus shall be kept clear of the danger area and parked in a safe location. Enter the building from an entrance out of danger area, if possible.
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  1. Various types of equipment are required to be used during a suspended scaffold emergency. Which of the following is a correct statement? (3.3-3.5,4.1)
    a. If window removal is necessary, the operation should proceed immediately without waiting for assistance from building personnel
    b. When workers are outside on a scaffold rarely is there a coworker inside
    c. Ladder companies may need to use both lifesaving rope and utility rope at this type of incident
    d. At times it may be necessary to secure the scaffold to the building; at no time shall units attempt to dismantle the scaffold
  1. C

Before window removal, seek assistance from building maintenance or their glazier

Very rarely will workers be out on a scaffold without a co-worker inside. Seek out this person for possible assistance.

3.5 If necessary, secure the scaffold to building to prevent further damage or collapse. However, it may be necessary to dismantle the scaffold to leave the area in a safe condition. This must be done from the interior of the building. Insure roof rigging/anchoring system is secure. Await the arrival of the Derricks and Crane Unit of the Building Department. Before last unit takes up from scene, be sure all hazardous conditions have been neutralized.

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  1. And unoccupied swinging suspended scaffold poses a danger to those below, select the incorrect action? (4.1-4.3)
    a. From within the building attempt to secure the scaffold with utility ropes to prevent movement
    b. Survey the roof to determine if the scaffold anchoring system has been compromised
    c. If any roof rigging is suspect attempt to secure with the lifesaving rope
    d. At no time shall any member go out onto an unoccupied scaffold
  1. C

· Secure scaffold with utility ropes to prevent movement.

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  1. You are the lieutenant in Ladder 4 and are assigned to respond to an incident with window washers that are stuck on an occupied stalled scaffold. You would be correct to perform all but which of the following actions? (5.1, 5.2, 5.3)
    a. Attempt to communicate with the workers, consider lowering a handie-talkie from above
    b. If the workers safety lines are suspect, consider lowering the lifesaving rope to the workers and have them attach it to the harness via the leg loops of the bowline-on-a-bite.
    c. At least two firefighters should be sent to the roof to inspect the anchoring system
    d. Window removal to retrieve the stranded workers is used as a last resort.
  1. B

If lines are suspect, consider lowering life saving rope to workers and have them attach it to their harness via the snap hook.

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  1. Frequent causes of a stalled scaffold include overheated hoist motor, loose electrical connection, or tripped breakers. Which is a correct statement? (5.2-5.5)
    a. If the rope hoist is jammed you should wait 15 minutes and then reset prior to using
    b. If the Hoist motor is overheated never allow the workers to attempt to continue to operate the hoist
    c. Window removal to retrieve stranded workers is generally the first option used for removal due to height limitations of aerial devices
    d. If workers will be hauled through an open window and they must disconnect from their safety line, they must be attached to the lifesaving rope
  1. D

If hoist is overheated, allow it to cool for at least 15 minutes. Then have a worker push the reset button on the hoist.

Window removal to retrieve stranded workers is used as a last resort due to the damage that may be caused to the building and the danger of falling glass.

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  1. The most dangerous of the suspended scaffold emergencies is an occupied hanging or off level suspended scaffold. Which of the following are correct actions to take? (5.5, 6.1-6.3)
    a. Immediately lower a firefighter via life-saving rope to reach the stranded workers
    b. Utility rope should be attached to the workers’ harnesses to secure them to the scaffold
    c. A life saving rope evolution is a very dangerous operation for the victim
    d. It may be best to await the arrival of the scaffold mechanic to correct the condition.
  1. D

· Generally, there is no need for any firefighter to be lowered by a life saving rope to reach stranded workers.

Without going out onto scaffold, attempt to attach life saving rope snap hook onto victim’s harness (victims may be able to assist in this task).

· A life saving rope evolution can only lower a victim down and it is a very dangerous operation for the victim.

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  1. During class in Proby School the instructor made the following comments. Which comment needs to be corrected? (6.1)
    a. The standard attack strategy is a direct frontal attack with a hose line from the stairwell, down the public wall and through the apartment door.
    b. Smoke will travel via vertical shafts most notably the stairwells and elevator shafts.
    c. When a building has enclosed stairwells the doors to all evacuation stairs must be maintained closed on the fire floor.
    d. Scissor stairs, enclosed stairs and open stairs may all be found in HRFPMDs, however fire towers are only found in High Rise Office buildings, not in HRFPMDs
  1. D

Stairways: The types of stairs encountered can range from enclosed, return type stairs, enclosed, scissor type stairs, open stairs, to, in rare cases, fire towers. Whenever enclosed stairwells are encountered, doors to any and all evacuation stairs must be maintained closed on the fire floor.

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  1. The Incident Commander and the borough dispatcher need to be notified of the attack stairway. Which is a correct statement about the attack stairway? (6.1, 6.15.1)
    a. The attack stairway must have a standpipe outlet.
    b. The first ladder officer, in consultation with the incident commander, determines the attack stairway.
    c. The attack stair door should be the only stair door that is left open on the fire floor.
    d. The second ladder company to arrive must ensure that all attack stair doors are closed in the fire sector.
  1. C

1st Engine to Communicate with the ladder company officer to select the attack stairway. The attack stairway need not be the stairway with a standpipe outlet.

The attack stair door should be the only stair
door that is left open on the fire floor.

 Search of the public hallway, and ensure all EVACUATION stair doors are closed on the fire floor.

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  1. Controlled and coordinated ventilation is very important during firefighting operations in these types of buildings. Select an incorrect statement concerning ventilation. (6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.3.3)
    a. Horizontal ventilation of the fire apartment should be limited.
    b. Ventilation of the fire apartment is controlled by the first fire officer operating in the fire apartment
    c. Vertical ventilation will only be performed at the direction of the incident commander.
    d. If there are windows in the stairway on the fire floor they may not be vented without approval of the incident commander
  1. B

Horizontal ventilation of the fire apartment should be limited and controlled by the ladder company officer operating in the fire apartment. All other ventilation must be strictly limited and controlled by the IC.

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  1. The first arriving units need to take control of building systems to assist the firefighting operation. Which of the following is not a correct statement? (6.2.2, 6.4.2, 6.6.1)
    a. The incident commander should confirm that HVAC systems are shut down prior to commencing any fire operations.
    b. The first arriving ladder company shall recall the elevators, whether or not they will be used.
    c. Any building communication system present and reliable should be used.
    d. The Fire Alarm Panel, required in all high rise MDs, may indicate the location of fire
  1. D

An IC should confirm that all HVAC systems are shut down prior to commencing any fire operations.

The first arriving ladder company shall recall the elevators, whether or not they will be used.

Utilizing any building communication system if present and reliable.

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  1. The timing of ventilation of different parts of the building is important in high rise fireproof multiple dwelling. Which is the correct statement concerning the timing of specific ventilation? (6.3.1, 6.3.4, 6.4.3, 6.14.5 B)
    a. Ventilation for smoke removal is usually performed after the main body of fire has been controlled
    b. The doors to elevator machinery rooms at the roof level should not be used for ventilation purposes until the fire is knocked down.
    c. Ventilation of the fire apartment in these dwellings should take place after the main body of fire has been knocked down.
    d. The stairway bulkheads should not be vented until the main body of fire is controlled.
  1. A

The doors to elevator machinery rooms at the roof level should not be used for ventilation purposes until the fire is under control.

Like high rise office building procedures, ventilation of the fire apartment in HRFPMDs should take place after the main body of fire has been controlled.

Ensure that stairway bulkheads are not vented until the main body of fire is knocked down.

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  1. The lieutenant in Ladder 91 was discussing the use of elevators at high rise fireproof multiple dwellings. He gave incorrect information in which choice below? (6.4.2, 6.4.6 A, 6.4.7)
    a. The first ladder company may take the elevator to the sixth floor for a fire on the eighth floor.
    b. Regardless of the location of fire, the second to arrive Ladder Company shall ensure that all elevators are recalled and searched
    c. If the OV firefighter will run the elevator, he/she must first complete an outside survey of the fire building.
    d. A freight elevator must not be used until it has been deemed safe for use by the incident commander
  1. D

A service/freight elevator shall not be used until it is has been evaluated and declared safe for use by the company officer.

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  1. When the 10-77 signal is transmitted Engines and Ladders received specific designations for tasks they are to perform at the scene. Which of the following is an incorrect statement about a 10-77 response? (6.6.3, 6.11, 6.12, 6.19)
    a. The FAST unit and CFR engine shall be assigned to the fire sector when the fire is above the sixth floor.
    b. The fifth assigned engine company is assigned the high rise nozzle. They must have a high rise nozzle on their apparatus.
    c. The CFR engine shall announce their designation as CFR engine and report to the incident commander.
    d. The 6th ladder company on the 10-77 is designated the Ventilation Support Group. They are to report to the incident commander with 2 positive pressure ventilation fans.
  1. B

The 5th assigned engine company is responsible for placing the High Rise Nozzle (HRN) into operation, if this alternate strategy is needed. If the 5th assigned engine company is not equipped with a HRN, the officer shall contact the dispatcher for the identity of the unit carrying the HRN that has already been assigned to the 10-77.
Note: Every 10-77 will have at least one HRN equipped engine company assigned to the incident. Each Battalion has at least one engine company that is equipped with a HRN.
6.11.1 Equipment:
 One length of hose per firefighter
 Standpipe kit
 High Rise Nozzle

  1. Select the correct statement concerning Engine operations in a high rise fireproof multiple dwelling. (6.7.1, 6.7.3, 6.13)
    a. Always be stretched from an outlet on the floor below the fire.
    b. The hose line must always be charged prior to leaving the enclosed stairway.
    c. The first hoseline should not proceed down the public hallway until the ladder company has located the fire in the apartment
    d. The apartment door should not be chocked open while the first hoseline is being positioned.
  1. D

Initial hoselines stretched from a standpipe shall be from an outlet on A floor below the fire.

A. If the ladder company has control of the fire apartment entrance door:
 The hoseline can be advanced to that location and charged.
 In most cases, the hoseline shall not enter the apartment until the ladder company locates the fire and provides direction for the advancing engine

If the fire is located in a below grade area or lower floor, and there is no access to an available standpipe outlet or one that is not in the IDLH, a hand stretch of 2½” hose from the pumper will be required. A hand stretch from a pumper may also facilitate a smooth
advance into the fire area on these lower floors.

  1. Which of the following is an incorrect statement? (6.7.3)
    a. Engine company shall not enter the IDLH without a charged those line
    b. If window failure occurs and a wind impacted fired develops, the hoseline should provide sufficient cooling of the hallway to protect exposed members
    c. The Control FF of the first to arrive engine company should remain at the standpipe outlet throughout the operation
    d. If positive pressure fans are ineffective in venting the fire apartment a fog stream can be directed out a window to assist in venting
  1. B

 In most cases, the hoseline shall not enter the public hallway until the ladder company locates the fire apartment and provides direction for the advancing engine company.

  1. A responsibility of the second arriving engine company is to bring the post radio up to the fire sector. Which of the following statements are not correct? (6.8.2)
    a. Obtain the Post Radio from 1st arriving BC
    b. Bring the radio to the fire floor.
    c. Using the Post Radio, establish communications between the fire sector in the incident commander if necessary
    d. The Post Radio shall be used on the primary tactical channel
  1. B

Obtain Post Radio from 1st arriving BC and bring it to the standpipe outlet where first hoseline is being connected and establish a communications link on the Command Channel between the fire sector and the IC if necessary.

  1. Select the incorrect statement concerning duties of the 2nd and 3rd arriving engines. (6.8.2, 6.9.2, 6.9.3)
    a. The second engine shall ensure the siamese is supplied and provide assistance where necessary.
    b. Second engine officer must advise the IC when their members are assisting the 1st engine in the IDLH.
    c. If additional lengths need to be added to the second line, lengths should be added between the last length and the standpipe.
    d. When the second line is charged the pressure in the first line may increase; the officer of the first line should be notified.
  1. D

When the second line is charged the pressure on the first line may drop; therefore, the control firefighter at the standpipe outlet supplying the first line and the officer of the first line should be notified.

  1. You are the officer in Engine 11 and are assigned to respond to a 10-77 as the High Rise Nozzle unit. You are required to bring all but which of the following equipment? (6.11.1)
    a. One length of hose per firefighter
    b. Standpipe kit
    c. High Rise nozzle
    d. Forcible entry tools
  1. D

6.11.1 Equipment:
 One length of hose per firefighter
 Standpipe kit
 High Rise Nozzle

  1. Agree or Disagree: The second line stretched may be used to supply the high rise nozzle. (6.11.2)
    a. Agree or d. Disagree
  1. A

 If the HRN is to be used, the 5th assigned engine will put it into operation. They will either use the hose already in place for the second hoseline, or stretch their own line. Notify the IC or Fire Sector Supervisor for assistance if
needed with the hose stretch or forcible entry.

  1. When a 10-77 is transmitted an Engine company is assigned as the CFR Engine. Select the incorrect statement about the CFR engines duties (6.12)
    a. Report to the location of the FAST Unit and notify Incident Commander
    b. Bring CFR equipment and forcible entry tools
    c. Announce designation as CFR Engine and ascertain identity of FAST Unit
    d. Note designation of attack stairs and apartment numbering system
  1. A

This unit will report to the Incident Commander and stand by with the FAST Unit.

  1. You are the officer of Ladder 2, the first arriving ladder company for a fire on the 15th floor of a 25 story HRFPMD. Which of the following actions is incorrect? (6.14.2 A, 6.14.3 A, 6.14.4 A, 6.14.5 E)
    a. When the Forcible Entry team got out of the elevator below the fire, they examined the floor to determine the fire apartment location even though it resulted in a slight delay
    b. The Roof FF ventured to the floor above via an evacuation stairway
    c. The OV FF conducted an outside survey prior to taking control of the fireman service elevator
    d. The LCC teamed up with the 2nd LCC and took a blind shaft elevator above the fire to access the roof
  1. B

A. Proceed to the apartment directly above the fire via the attack stairway if possible, and gain entry. If the attack stairway is an IDLH area, team up with another member prior to proceeding to the floor above.

  1. Which tool assignment for the 1st Ladder at a HRFPMD is incorrect? (6.14.2, 6.14.3, 6.14.4, 6.14.5)
    a. Forcible entry team tools include a search rope, CO meter and TIC
    b. Roof FF must bring a halligan, hydra ram and KO Curtain
    c. OV FF must bring a hook and halligan
    d. LCC selects tools deemed necessary


6.14.3 Outside Vent Firefighter
Tools: Halligan, hook or axe

  1. Which tool assignment for the 2nd & 3rd Ladders at a HRFPMD is correct? (6.15.2, 6.15.3, 6.15.4, 6.16.4)
    a. 2nd Roof FF brings the KO curtain
    b. 2nd OV FF brings a halligan, hook or axe
    c. 3rd Roof brings LSR and life belt
    d. 3rd OV must bring maul and hook
  1. B.

6.15.4 2nd Roof Firefighter
Tools: Halligan, Maul, Life Saving Rope and Life Belt

6.16.4 The 3rd Roof Firefighter shall proceed to the apartment directly above the fire with a KO Curtain, in addition to his/her normal complement of tools, to assist members operating on that floor.

  1. There are several variables involved with determining who enters and who operates the elevator in high rise fireproof multiple dwellings. Select the correct statement concerning elevator use in HRFPMDs: (6.14.3)
    a. If the building is equipped with Fireman service elevators, the OV firefighter will operate the elevator and then join up with the roof firefighter on the floor above after returning the elevator to the lobby unmanned
    b. If the fire building does not have Fireman service elevators, the OV, if there are no outside operations should proceed to the fire floor and team up with the officer.
    c. Generally, the first arriving ladder will take the elevator to the floor below the fire.
    d. If the building has fireman service elevators, the 1st OV will always operate the elevators.
  1. B

 If VEIS can be made with ladders, the outside team must communicate with the ladder officer in the fire apartment to request permission before commencing VEIS of the fire apartment.

If no outside operations are indicated, then:

  1. If the fire building has fireman service elevators, proceed into lobby and take control of an elevator car using the fireman service feature (1620 key). This position shall then be maintained until relief is provided by IC.
  2. If the fire building does not have fireman service elevators, then proceed to the fire floor, team up with your officer and assist in the search of the fire apartment.

B. Take elevator to at least two floors below the reported fire floor, using precautions normally taken with elevators.

  1. You are the officer in Ladder 92 and you arrive first to a report of a fire on the 17th floor of a 35 story HRFPMD. After opening the stairway door on the fire floor you encounter a medium smoke condition. At this point, you would be correct to perform all but which of the following actions? (6.14.2 D)
    a. You immediately notify the incident commander of the conditions encountered
    b. Prior to entering the public hall, you must get a report on exterior conditions.
    c. If it is determined the smoke condition in the public hallway is due to a wind impacted fire, you must remain in the stairwell
    d. If unable to determine if this is a wind impacted fire, you and both members of the forcible entry team enter the public hallway to conduct a search to locate the fire apartment and control the fire apartment door.
  1. D

 If unable to determine if this is a wind impacted fire, the Ladder Company Officer and one member of the forcible entry team shall enter the public hallway to locate the fire apartment and control the fire apartment door. The other member of the interior team will remain at the attack stairwell door on the hallway side of the door to ensure the stairwell door remains closed limiting the flow path and to act as a beacon in case members need to evacuate the hallway. The Engine Company Officer shall be responsible for control and coordination on the stairwell side of the door.

  1. You are a newly promoted officer working a day tour in Engine 12 and are investigating a complaint about illegal storage of propane in a 20 story high rise fireproof multiple dwelling that is part of a New York City Housing Authority Project. After resolving the propane issue you notice that the apartment letters stenciled on the exterior of the building are faded. You would be correct to perform which action? (6.14.3 note)
    a. Issue a forthwith VO to have the letters repainted.
    b. Contact the local management office and request the letters be updated
    c. Forward a DOB Referral
    d. Issue a Fire Department summons.
  1. B

Note: It has become common for NYC Housing Authority to have apartment letters stenciled on the exterior of the building; either on or below the
first floor window sill. These markings provide a valuable reference point and should be included in the OV size-up. Be aware that in some instances, the actual apartment lettering can change from floor to floor
and not all apartments will line up in the same vertical row. This condition is usually found between the first and second floors, but may vary between upper floors as well, especially in buildings with duplex and sandwich apartments. It is crucial that only correct apartment information be conveyed to units operating within the building. Therefore, when giving a report from the exterior of the building, the OV
should include the letter markings as a guide; e.g., “L26 OV to L26, on the exposure 3 side I see light smoke seeping from an 8th floor window. That should be the “B” apartment according to the exterior markings.”
Units with NYC Housing complexes in their administrative district that do not have the markings, or where markings have faded, can contact the local management office and request they be provided or updated.

  1. During company drill wind impacted fires were being discussed and the use of wind control devices (WCD) in HRFPMD came up and the following points were made. Which is an incorrect statement? (6.14.4 B, 6.15.2 I, 6.16.4)
    a. The officer of the second ladder company must coordinate the deployment of the wind control device.
    b. If KO Curtain deployment is necessary, the window should be opened, the curtain deployed and then the window closed on the KO Curtain ropes.
    c. The Roof firefighter of the 3rd due Ladder Company on a 10-77 shall bring the KO curtain to the floor above.
    d. Only the officer of the ladder company operating in the fire apartment or the IC can order the deployment of a wind control device.
  1. D

 KO Curtain deployment may be needed. Fire pulsating from a window indicates gusting wind conditions or over pressurization of the fire room by the wind, and may at first allow fire to vent out of the window, only to push the fire back into the window without warning. Do not break the window glass. Open window; deploy WCD when ordered by the IC, then close window onto the WCD ropes. Auto exposure is possible. Call for an extinguisher or hoseline if needed.

  1. During a fire on the 12th floor in a 17 story HRFPMD equipped with Fireman service elevators, the 1st Roof FF observes a person trapped at a window in the fire apartment. The Roof FF determines a life saving rope rescue is required. Select an incorrect action for this situation. (6.14.3 A, 6.14.4 B, 6.14.5 B)
    a. The first Roof FF must notify their officer and the incident commander and call for a life saving rope
    b. If unable to reach the victim from the exterior, the first LCC delivers the life saving rope to the roof firefighter on the floor above.
    c. The first OV shall report to the floor above and assist in the life saving rope rescue
    d. After delivering the LSR to the floor above, the first LCC should notify their officer if they are assisting with the rescue or continuing to the roof.
  1. C
  2. If the fire building has fireman service elevators, proceed into lobby and take control of an elevator car using the fireman service feature (1620 key). This position shall then be maintained until relief is provided by IC.
  1. Select the incorrect choice concerning the duties of the second arriving ladder company at a 10-77. (6.15.1, 6.15.2 E, G, H)
    a. Search of the public hallway and ensure all evacuation stair doors are closed on the fire floor.
    b. Search of the attack stairwell for 5 floors above the fire floor.
    c. Search the attack stair prior to searching the fire floor hallway.
    d. If possible, forcible entry into adjacent apartments should be done after the main body of fire has been knocked down
  1. C

H. After searching the hallway on the fire floor, initiate search of the attack stairway for five floors above the fire to search for any building occupants that may have tried to evacuate using these stairs. Communicate results of
searches to the IC, or Fire Sector if established.

  1. Select the incorrect description of actions of the third arriving ladder company at a 10-77. (6.16)
    a. The 3rd Ladder Officer shall confirm the evacuation stair doors have been closed on the fire floor and are maintained in a closed position.
    b. If roof operations are not being covered by the 1st & 2nd LCC, this responsibility may fall to the 3rd to arrive ladder.
    c. Generally they should be used to conduct searches of stairways and hallways when reports indicate severe smoke above the fire sector
    d. If a wind control device is being deployed they should proceed directly to the apartment above the fire to secure the wind control device ropes
  1. D
  2. 16.5 If a WCD is being deployed, they may be assigned to the apartment below the fire apartment to secure the WCD lower ropes.
  1. Which is not a correct statement about the FAST unit actions, duties and tools at a HRFPMD? (6.18, MMID chap 2)
    a. Ascertain the identity of the CFR engine company
    b. Determine the location of EMS personnel on the scene.
    c. Monitor either the Pak-Tracker or EFAS
    d. Note the designation of the attack and evacuation stairs and the apartment numbering system.
  1. C

Note: A member other than the member monitoring EFAS will monitor the Pak-Tracker.

  1. Supplying the building siamese is an important duty of the engine chauffeurs. Select an incorrect statement (6.27. 1-6)
    a. A lower floor standpipe outlet shall be supplied if there is a leak in the piping at any point below grade allowing water to drain off
    b. The sprinkler siamese only needs to be supplied when sprinklers are located in the fire area.
    c. If the engine officer reports, there is not enough water pressure, the ECC supplying the siamese shall provide the IC the flow meter reading.
    d. A “high flow” reading indicates a pipe may have burst or other outlet valves are open on the riser.
  1. B
  2. 27.6 Sprinkler siamese should be supplied when sprinklers are located in the fire area or an adjacent area. Buildings with sprinkler systems should be entered on CIDS.
  1. While operating, members may discover a door that has no letter or number designation on it. This door is usually a? (6.28. 1 K)
    a. Storage closet
    b. Second exit from an apartment.
    c. Service entrance for building personnel
    d. Entrance into a MER
  1. B

K. Doors on some floors have no letter or number designations on them, indicating that they are a second exit from an apartment. It is extremely difficult to tell which apartment they serve.

  1. During drill motor vehicle fires in cellars of HRFPMD was discussed. Select the correct statement concerning this type of incident. (6.30)
    a. Even though the sprinkler system may be discharging water, there can be a delay in locating the fire
    b. A Search rope should be used.
    c. A limited number of personnel should be deployed.
    d. If a standpipe exists, the first hose line stretched to extinguish the fire must be from the standpipe
  1. D

 As stated previously in this document, consider a hand stretch into below grade areas. When the fire is controlled by the sprinkler system and connecting to a standpipe outlet would not expose our members to an IDLH, an Engine officer can, with sound judgment, use the standpipe and notify the IC.

  1. BC STUDENTS: You are a Battalion Chief and are the incident commander at a fire in a 19 story HRFPMD. There is a fire in a 14th floor apartment and heavy smoke on the 14th floor public hall, stairways and upper floors. A 10-77 has been transmitted and all assigned units are on the scene except the Deputy who is delayed. You have established a command channel and are deploying resources. You decide to use fans to clear the smoke from the hallways and stairways. Select the correct statement (6.3.4, 6.19, AUC 349 7.2)
    a. You may authorize smoke cleared from the attack stairs before attack operations commence
    b. If occupied, the evacuation stairwell is the first consideration for pressurization
    c. Positive pressure fans should not be positioned without your authorization.
    d. Proper placement of the PPV fans is 2-3feet into the stairwell from the public hall
  1. A

C. The priority order for the use of PPV fans will be:

  1. Pressurizing the attack stairwell to support the fire attack, by controlling the smoke condition at the attack stair doorway and throughout the attack stairway.
  2. Pressurizing the evacuation stairwell for smoke and CO control.
  3. Ventilating the public hallways for smoke and CO control.

Stairwell pressurization will not be initiated until authorized by the Incident Commander.

The optimum placement of the PPF is 4 to 6 feet from the attack stairway door on the ground floor and directly facing the door to the stairwell at an angle tilt of 80 degrees

The fan shall be positioned to blow into the stairwell; it should not be placed in the stairwell.

  1. Generally, wind moving across a roof level will cause? (6.2.2)
    a. Lower pressure to be created which can increase positive stack effect in the stairwell
    b. Lower pressure to be created which can increase negative stack effect in the stairwell
    c. Higher pressure to be created which can increase positive stack effect in the stairwell
    d. Higher pressure to be created which can increase negative stack effect in the stairwell
  1. You are a lieutenant working a day tour in Engine 51. You are assigned to respond to an EMS run for an unconscious person with no additional information. While responding the dispatcher relays updated information that there is a report of a person shot and the shooter still in the apartment. Based on this information you decide to stop and stage the apparatus at the end of the street and wait NYPD arrival. This action is? (3.1.1)
    a. Incorrect because every life hazard must receive immediate care
    b. Incorrect because the threat of a shooter is not confirmed by on scene personnel
    c. Correct because CFRD engines do not respond to gunshot wounds
    d. Correct because you must use extreme caution to not enter a scene where threat exists.
  1. D
  2. 1.1 Exercise extreme caution to not enter a scene where threat exists. Units should only approach the reported address when on scene information indicates it is safe to do so. When any doubt exists, units shall notify dispatcher of staging location and await PD.


  1. Agree or Disagree: While responding as a CFR-D engine to a call for a patient with injuries from a fight you should monitor NYPD frequencies for additional information. (3.1)
    a. Agree or d. Disagree
  1. A

3.1 While responding, FDNY units should at all times assess information received via any means possible (PD frequencies, dispatcher, other FD units or civilians) that may give prior indication of an active threat. In these instances, units shall:
• Make immediate notification via dispatcher of the potential threat, including the source of information.
• Request immediate NYPD response.

  1. You are the lieutenant in Ladder 7 and you respond to a hotel for Class J alarm. When you enter the lobby to investigate the alarm panel you hear a loud noise. You look across the lobby toward the noise and realize that somebody has started shooting people in the lobby. NYPD is not on the scene. All of the following are correct actions for you to take except? (4.1, 4.2)
    a. Immediately withdraw
    b. Notify all units on the scene and request immediate police response
    c. If not possible to withdraw, seek hard cover or concealment
    d. Contact the NYPD directly via handie talkie to relay the number, location and description of the perpetrator
  1. D

4. 2 Communicate unit identity and location via the Borough Dispatcher to the NYPD.

  1. Which of the following zone threat designation definitions is incorrect? (5.1)
    a. The hot zone is the area with a known hazard where the perpetrators are shooting, roaming free or are engaged by law enforcement. No FDNY person are allowed to operate in the designated hot zone unless escorted by NYPD
    b. The warm zone is an area that has been deliberately searched by law enforcement and contains no identifiable threats, but it is not a cold zone.
    c. The warm corridor is a route that has been cleared and is under NYPD control for escorted entry and egress of responders and victims to and from the warm zone.
    d. The Cold Zone is an area where there is normal risk due to the geographic distance from the threat or because it has been secured by the NYPD. The command post, tactical operations command, staging area and medical triage, treatment, and transport shall be located in the cold zone.
  1. A
    5.1 In order to facilitate interagency communications and operations, adjustable threat areas are designated as Hot, Warm, and Cold Zones:
    • HOT ZONE: Areas of a known hazard, where the perpetrator(s) are shooting, roaming free, or are engaged by law enforcement. IEDs may be present. No FDNY personnel are to operate in designated Hot Zones. Only law enforcement personnel with the appropriate level of ballistic protection will operate in known Hot Zones.
    • WARM ZONE: A cleared area that has been deliberately searched by law enforcement, contains no identifiable threats, but has not been declared a Cold Zone. Firefighters and EMS personnel may be deployed for life safety operations ONLY and shall be escorted by NYPD personnel operating under their security. More than one Warm Zone may be designated by the NYPD.
    o WARM CORRIDOR: Route that has been cleared and under NYPD control for escorted entry & egress of responders, and for victims to and from the Warm Zone.
    • COLD ZONE: Areas where there is normal risk due to geographic distance from the threat, or the area has been secured by the NYPD. The Command Post, Tactical Operations Command (TOC), Staging Areas, and medical triage, treatment, and transportation areas shall be located in the Cold Zone.
  1. You’re a Lieutenant working in a Ladder company responding to a report of a gas leak in a building. While responding you receive additional information from the dispatcher saying there are reports of people injured and EMS is responding but they are not sure what is going on. You are the first Fire Department unit to arrive on the scene and observe several NYPD units already at the building. You would be correct to perform which action question. (6.1)
    a. Make contact with the NYPD command post, which is in the warm zone.
    b. Establish an FDNY command post which should be down the street from the EMS command post
    c. Ascertain from the NYPD if an active threat exists and the nature of the threat.
    d. Alert on scene and incoming FDNY units and the dispatcher via cell phone of the active threat.
  1. C

6.1 If FDNY units arrive at a scene with ongoing police activity, they shall approach scene using extreme caution. Incoming units MUST be notified via dispatcher and H/T.
6.1.1 First unit on scene should make contact with NYPD, using caution not to enter potential Warm or Hot Zones. If necessary, a request should be made via dispatcher to have a PD representative respond to the unit’s location in the Cold Zone. First fire and medical units on scene must co-locate to establish a FDNY Command Post.
6.1.2 When contact is made, units shall ascertain from the NYPD if an active threat exists. Information regarding the nature of threat: types of weapons, location of victims, hostages and/or zones shall be requested.
6.1.3 FDNY shall then:
• Alert on scene and incoming units via HT and dispatcher of the active threat and provide additional information that was gathered from NYPD.
• Designate and communicate Staging Areas and the Incident Command Post for on-scene and incoming units. (See Note in 3.1.3)

  1. Select the incorrect statement concerning the Division and Borough Task Forces. (sec. 11)
    a. A Division task force can be assigned when requested by the Borough Commander or city wide Command Chief for a confirmed active shooter incident.
    b. A Division task force can be made up of any fire companies
    c. When the Division task force is requested they shall respond to a designated staging area.
    d. An active shooter incident is a single command incident with the NYPD as the incident commander.
  1. B

11.1.2 Division Task Force (DTF):
A Division Task Force is comprised of pre-determined, on-duty Fire and EMS units capable of responding to an active shooter incident.

  1. Once it has been decided that FDNY and NYPD personnel will form a rescue task force there are several requirements that must be met. Which of the following is incorrect? (10.3, 10.6, 10.7, 11.5.2)
    a. All FDNY members on a rescue task force shall monitor the same tactical channel
    b. An FDNY ALS Ambulance shall be dedicated for the members operating in the warm zone.
    c. An EFAS shall be monitored on the designated warm zone channel.
    d. An NYPD member is in overall command of the rescue task force.
  1. A

Note: One Fire member of the RTF shall monitor TAC-U.

  1. Select the incorrect statement concerning borough and division taskforces. (11.1)
    a. A Borough taskforces comprised of trained and equipped personnel at selected pre-planned events.
    b. A Borough task force will be assigned a staging area.
    c. A Division task force is comprised of predetermined on duty fire and EMS units capable of responding to an active shooter incident.
    d. The division task force will muster and operate with the first arriving NYPD members regardless of assigned unit.
  1. D

The DTF will muster and operate with members of the NYPD Strategic Response Group (SRG).

  1. When assembling equipment for the rescue task force to bring with them they should include all but which of the following? (11.4.1, 11.4.2)
    a. Tourniquets
    b. Occlusive dressings
    c. BMV and O2
    d. Triage tags
    e. Skeds
  1. C

11. 4.2 Oxygen and defibrillators shall NOT be brought into the Warm Zone.

  1. While discussing the rescue task force at company drill, the newly promoted lieutenant made the following comments. Which of the following incorrect comments show that the lieutenant needs to study a little bit more? (11.6, 11.7)
    a. Members focus on care and removal of red tag patient.
    b. The Rescue Task Force supervisor should know the status of the patients, especially black tags
    c. Medical treatment should be limited to hemorrhage and airway control.
    d. The fire officer on the task force controls the movement of the team.
  1. D
  2. 6.1 The task force shall enter and move in a Rolling “T” formation. Three (3) SRG members will lead the formation, and one (1) will provide rear security. FDNY members will move in pairs at the center of this formation. The FDNY RTF Leader will be closest to rear security. The NYPD rear security controls the movement of the team.
  1. When all members of the optimal rescue Task Force are present, which person on the RTF should prioritize the medical actions of the RTF? (11.7.2)
    a. The EMS Officer
    b. NYPD RTF Leader
    c. The Fire Officer
    d. An ESU Supervisor
  1. A
  2. 7.2 The EMS officer or highest medical authority on the RTF must prioritize the medical actions of the RTF. This may include triage and removal of specific patients, or triage and moving on to additional victims. This will be dependent on numerous factors: time constraints, number of victims, severity of injuries etc. In all instances, the RTF Supervisor should be informed of actions and the need for additional RTFs in the Warm Zone.