Fluid compartments, Calculations, Hct, RBF, RPF Flashcards
GFR = Cl = ((inulin urine concentration)(urine flow))/(plasma concentration of inulin))
RPF = ((Urine PAH))(Urine flow)) / (plasma PAH) Note: underestimates true RPF by about 10%
RBF = ((RPF) / (1-Hct))
Normal HCT ( calculation and alternative calculation)
RBC volume / blood volume = 2.8 / 6.2 = 45% alternatively –> HCT (%) = 3X(Hb) in g/dL
RBC volume
2.8L ( PART OF intracellular fluid)
blood constist of ( and volumes )
RBCs (2.8L ) and plasma (3.5L) –>6.2L
Total body water ( TBW ) - proportion
60% of body mass
Non water mass ( NWM) - proportion
40% body mass
total body water mass and non water mass if Body mass is 70 Kg
-total body water –> 60 % of body mass= 42 kg = 42 L -non water mass–> 40% of body mass = 28kg
Total body water ( TBW) is divided to … ( and proprotions)
- extracellular fluid ( ECF) –> 1/3 2. intracellular fluid ( ICF) –> 2/3
extracellular fluid (ECF) in a body mass 70 kg
1/3 of 60% body mass –> 20 % of body mass–> 14 kg —> 14L
intracellular fluid ( iCF) in body mass 70 kg
2/3 of 60% body mass –> 40 % of body mass –> 28kg –> 28L
extracellular fluid ( ECF) vs intracellular fluid ( ICF) according to proportion in body mass
extracellular fluid ( ECF) –> 20% intracellular fluid (ICF) –> 40%
extracellular fluid ( ECF) is divided to ( proportions and L in body mass 70 kg)
- interstitial fluid –> 75% ECF –>10.5 L 2. plasma –> 25% ECF –> 3.5 kg —> 3.5 L
Plasma volume can be measured by
radiolabelling albumin or Evans blue ( it binds albumin )
Extracellular volume can be measured by
inulin or manitol, sulfate
osmolarity is the
measure of solute concentration, defined as the number of osmoles ( Osm ) of solute per litre (L) of solution
osmolarity - normal range
285-295 mOsm/ kg H2O
Nonwater mass accounts for ____% of total body weight, or ____ kg in a person weighing 70 kg.
40%; 28 kg
What fraction of total body water is extracellular vs. intracellular? What fraction of extracellular fluid is plasma vs. interstitial?
Total body water = one third extracellular, two thirds intracellular; of extracellular fluid = one fourth plasma, three fourths interstitial
In an experiment, radiolabeled albumin and, later, radiolabeled inulin are infused into a patient. What two variables are being measured?
Radiolabeled albumin may be used to measure plasma volume, and inulin may be used to measure extracellular volume
• What is the 60-40-20 rule of (percentage of body weight) for the average person?
60% of total body weight is total body water, 40% is intracellular fluid (ICF), and 20% is extracellular fluid (ECF)
A healthy patient’s plasma osmolarity is measured during a routine visit. It is found to be normal. What value do you expect to see?
285–295 mOsm/kg
• Of the extracellular fluid, what percentage is interstitial fluid, and what percentage is plasma?
75; 25%
• Of the extracellular fluid in a 70-kg man, what volume and mass is the interstitial fluid, and what volume and mass is the plasma?
10.5 L and 10.5 kg; 3.5 L and 3.5 kg
• What is the volume of water contained within RBCs in the intracellular fluid of a 70-kg man?
2.8 L
• What is the total blood volume of an average 70-kg man? Of this volume, what percentage is hematocrit (HCT)? How is HCT calculated?
6 L; 45%; HCT (%) ∼ 3 × [Hb] in grams per deciliter