Fluencia Level 8 Units 5-6 (Aug-Sep 2023) (Rev Mar 2024) Flashcards
(Begin Level 8 Unit 5)
(review) I hope to be able to get a job soon.
Espero poder conseguir un trabajo pronto.
(review) It worries us that you (informal) are not studying for your classes.
Nos preocupa que no estés estudiando para tus clases.
(review) It surprises me that you want to leave your husband.
Me sorprende que quieras dejar a tu esposo.
(review) It makes us happy that you (plural) are going to get married.
Nos alegra que se vayan a casar.
(review) The wedding is in 3 days. I’m so nervous!
La boda es en tres días. ¡Estoy tan nervioso!
(review) Can you (informal) bring me my bag? It’s upstairs.
¿Me puedes traer mi bolso? Está arriba.
(review) I like oranges a lot.
A mí me encantan las naranjas.
(review) When (while) it’s cold (e.g. outside) (2) it’s better to be at home.
Mientras haga frío (cuando hace frío), es mejor estar en casa.
(review) I don’t think that the cough syrup is helping.
No creo que el jarabe para la tos esté ayudando.
(review) I suggest that you (informal) take this medicine for your [high] [blood] pressure (2).
Sugiero que tomes esta medicina para tu presión alta (sanguínea).
(review) I am sure that they are going to be able to cure me.
Estoy seguro que me van a poder curar.
(review) That book is really bad. Don’t (plural) read it (to yourselves).
Ese libro es malísimo. No se lo lean.
(review) Please clean up (informal) the broken pitcher.
Por favor limpia la jarra rota.
shameful, disgraceful; urgent; fundamental
vergonzoso; urgente; fundamental
wonderful, marvelous, stupendous; essential; impressive
estupendo; esencial; impresionante
incredible; obvious; doubtful; certain
increíble; obvio; dudoso; cierto
(impersonal expressions) It is necessary that Javier read this book.
Es necesario que Javier lea este libro.
(impersonal expressions) It is odd (strange) that I receive a gift because it’s not my birthday.
Es extraño que reciba un regalo porque no es mi cumpleaños.
(impersonal expressions) It is doubtful that my brother is coming (will come, comes).
Es dudoso que mi hermano venga.
(impersonal expressions) It is probable that we are going to the beach.
Es probable que vayamos a la playa.
(subjunctive impersonal expressions) it’s wonderful (stupendous) that; it’s lamentable that; it’s ridiculous that; it’s surprising that
es estupendo que; es lamentable que; es ridículo que; es sorprendente que
(indicative impersonal expressions) it’s true that; it’s clear that, it’s obvious that
es verdad que; es claro que; es obvio que
(tricky impersonal expressions) it’s true that (plus indicative) that class is very difficult; it’s NOT certain that (plus subjunctive) that she is coming [will come]
es verdad que esa clase es muy difícil…; no es cierto que ella venga…
(tricky impersonal expressions) it’s preferable to leave early…; smoking is prohibited (it’s prohibited to smoke)…
es preferible salir temprano…; es prohibido fumar…
(spelling changes) I want her to look for the pencil.
Quiero que ella busque el lápiz.
(spelling changes) I want her to choose a fruit.
Quiero que ella escoja una fruta.
(spelling changes) It’s important that she direct the company.
Es importante que ella dirija la empresa.
(spelling changes) I want you to hit (golpear) the ball.
Quiero que golpees la pelota.
(spelling changes) It is necessary that you water the plants.
Es necesario que riegues las plantas.
(spelling changes) I want you (informal) to find out who stole the statue.
Quiero que averigües quién robó la estatua.