Fluencia Level 10 Units 3-4 (Oct 2023) (Rev Feb 2024) Flashcards
(Fluencia Level 10 Unit 3) One Sweet World: taking action
tomando acción
(review) I hate that my work stresses me out (gives me stress).
Odio que mi trabajo me dé estrés.
(dialog) sign (protest sign); to fix. I’m trying to fix (put together) this sign that broke (on me).
el letrero; componer. Estoy intentando componer este letrero, que se me rompió.
(dialog) the march (manifestation); to refuse to pass a law; farmland; environment
la manifestación; rehusar a pasar una ley; la labranza; el medio ambiente
(accidental se verbs) to ruin, to wreck; to spoil. The tomatoes spoiled.
echarse a perder. Se echaron a perder los tomates.
(accidental se verbs) to wet, to soak; to spill; to stain; to dirty
mojar; derramar; manchar; ensuciar
(accidental se verbs) My clothes got dirty.
Se me ensució la ropa.
(accidental se verbs) I forgot my wedding anniversary. (My wedding anniversary forgot itself on me.)
Se me olvidó mi aniversario de boda.
(accidental se verbs) You lost your wallet. (The wallet lost itself on you.)
Se te perdió la cartera.
(accidental se verbs) They broke the vase. (The vase broke itself on them.)
Se les rompió el florero.
(accidental se verbs) What happened to (with) your wallet? I lost it.
¿Qué pasó con tu cartera? Se me perdió.
(accidental se verbs) Our shirts got stained.
Se nos mancharon las camisas.
(accidental se verbs) My parents’ car always gets damaged. (extra emphasis on ownership)
A mis padres siempre se les daña el coche.
(accidental se verbs) My nails got ruined working in the garden.
Se me echaron a perder las uñas trabajando en el jardín.
(review: diphthong) (two weak vowels); (weak and strong vowels in either order). diphthong; vowel; strong; weak. (examples)
el diptongo; la vocal; fuerte; débil. fui; Juan, viento, causa, veinte; iguana; reina; ciudad
(review: hiatus vs diphthong) (two strong vowels or two identical vowels (also if separated by h)); (accented vowel)
Leo, poseer, azahar; raíz, María, laúd; toalla; feo; Tío; creer
(review) weak vowels
vocales débiles: i, u
(review) strong vowels
vocales fuertes: a, e, o
(review) I’m sorry (I lament) that there aren’t more cookies.
Lamento que no haya más galletas.
(review) The union insists that we proceed with the strike.
El sindicato insiste que sigamos con la huelga.
(review) Everyone says that that restaurant is very sophisticated.
Todos dicen que ese restaurante es muy sofisticado.
(environment) ecosystem; to recycle; forest
el ecosistema; reciclar; el bosque
(environment) to plant, to seed (2), to sow; nature; species, kind
plantar, sembrar; la naturaleza; la especie
(environment) landslide, mudslide; animal; environment; to preserve, conserve
el deslave; el animal; el medio ambiente; conservar
Free candies are given [out] on this day.
Se dan dulces gratis en este día.
When is Father’s Day celebrated?
¿Cuándo se celebra el Día del Padre?
I am not going to forget the accidental “se.”
No se me va a olvidar el “se”accidental.
My daughter doesn’t want to wash her hands.
Mi hija no quiere lavarse las manos.
Kids don’t like to brush their teeth.
A los niños no les gusta cepillarse los dientes.
These paintbrushes were used to paint the portrait.
Estos pinceles se usaron para pintar el retrato.
Many tacos are eaten in my house.
Se comen muchos tacos en mi casa.