What kind of engines does the C130 have?
Where are the acceleration bleed valves located?
5th & 10th stage compressors
When are the acceleration bleed valves open?
Below 94% RPM
What RPM does the prop brake engage?
<23% rpm
What is the negative torque required to decouple the engine?
-6000in lbs
What is the difference between the FCU and the TD control system?
Fuel control unit: schedules FF based on engine inlet temp, pressure, RPM and throttle position.
The TD control system refines for TIT and throttle positions when not in NULL, provides overtemp protection
When does ignition occur on engine start?
16%rpm (off at 65%)
What triggers a prop oil flag?
Prop oil below 2 quarts blw normal in pressurised sump
What is the low pitch stop and what prop angle does it act from?
On the ground?
Beta flags occur at?
Prevents an engine overspeed due low pitch angle by stopping blade angle decreasing below 23 deg in flight.
It should retract in the ground range unless already pitchlocked. (Beta flags at 15-17deg)
What triggers the NTS light?
Negative torque exceeds -1260lb +/- 600inlbs
What does the utility hydraulic system furnish? (5)
Landing gear
A portion of the surface control boost system
What does the auxiliary hydraulic system service? (3)
Emergency brake system
Emergency NLG extension
What is the Nav altimeter tolerances?
+/- 60ft of airfeild elevation
+/- 100ft of other altimeters
> +/-75ft of airfeild, consider US
How many fire extinguishers are provided for the cargo compartments?
3 (1 for the flight deck)
What is the liferaft capacity on the C130?
How often do the ELT batteries have to be replaced?
every 5 years
How far does the AC have to be from fuel stores, open fuel lines or refuelling before Hf ground transmissions can be made?
What is the normal engine start order?
3, 4, 2, 1
What is the approximate HF and SATCOM hazard area?
What is the radar hazard area?
What are the engine shutdown conditions?
Engine Fire
Turbine overheat
Nacelle overheat
Uncontrollable power
Certain prop malfunctions
Uncontrollable rise in TIT
Uncontrollable drop in oil pressure
Uncontrollable rise in oil temp
Unusual vibration or roughness
Throttle control failure
Excessive visible fuel leak
What speed is the prop brake designed to hold at?
up to 200KIAS
What is important to note about fuel dumping?
Not blw 5000’
Not in a circular pattern
CMDS master off
What are the methods of gear operation? (5)
Overriding LDG gear selector valve
Manual gear extension (main gear)
Emergency hydraulic extension (nose gear)
NLG manual extension (free fall)
Main gear extension after normal and manual failure
What are the indications of an SP event? (6)
- Temp loss of mfdu info
- SP event (momentary red X on mfdus/Chge of master)
- QNH 1013
- FMCn fail message on SFD
- Single Operation message on Mcdu
- Resync required on mcdu
What are the indications of single SP operation? (3)
FMCn fail message on SFD
FMSn fail message on FMS control page
Single operation on MCDU scratchpad
What instruments are operational after a dual SP fail? (11)
Standby instrument
STBY compass
IFF mode C
Moving map laptop
Wx radar (RBGM and wx modes)
Nav alt
VHF voice
VUDF signal/voice receive only
What is important to note about the ADC2, ESIS and nav altimeter?
They are all on the No. 2 pitot static system so just bc they agree doesn’t mean the No. 1 ADC or pitot static system is wrong.
What is unavailable with a CMU fail?
What comms are available in ICU backup mode?
Pilot-VUHF 1/ VOR 1
Co- HF2 /VOR 2
What pneumatic systems does the bleed air system service? (9)
Air con
Cabin pressurisation
Engine air inlet scoop anti ice
Engine start
Leading edge anti ice
Nacelle preheat
Radome anti ice
Urinal drain ejectors
Windshield defogging
What altitude can the RCS operate up to?
When on 100% oxygen, what decreases the oxy consumption?
Increasing cabin alt
What is the greatest hazrd WRT C-130H AMS software
Does not meet certification & possibility of misleading PFI on the MFDU
What should be displayed on the PFD before going through the FAF on an RNAV appch?
a green “APP” flag
What should you avoid doing to avoid an SP reset?
- Do not enter two manually entered airfeilds in the ALTN page
- Do not delete or zeroize mark points
- Do not press ATC COMM on more than one MCDU at a time
What should you not do in the descent?
What should you do if perf/vnav is lost in descent?
- enter a waypoint at the end of the active flight plan
- Execute
Hazardous areas?
Props, efflux areas, aerials, CMDS, radar
Engine start
- Rotation: before 5secs
- fuel flow: around 16% at 300pph
-ignition by 35%
-oil pressure: +ve by 35% - hyd pressure: rise
- parrallel: off at 65%
Location of;
- first aid kits
- crash axes
- oxy bottles
- fire extinguishers
- flares & pistol
- first aid kits: 2 cockpit/22 cargo
- crash axes: aft 245 LHS & Aft RH paratroop door.
- oxy bottles: pilot/copilot/AFT RHS 245/rear LH & RH wheel wells
- fire extinguishers: FWD & Aft LHS 245/Fwd LH paratroop door/Aft RH paratroop door
- flares & pistol: above Nav & fwd face 245 bulkhead