Flight Instruments, Display Flashcards
Serge Ostrowsky
Each pilot has selected ND on the lower DU, through the ND button on his Multifunction Keypad. Which pilot controls this full display ND ?
FCOM > 10-20 System Description > Display Selection and Control > EFIS Control Panels
First come, first served : The pilot that FIRST selected ND onto the lower DU
Serge Ostrowsky
If an EFIS control panel fails, can the displays still be controlled ?
FCOM > 10-10 > Controls and Indicators > DSP > Systems MFD Alternate Control
YES, through the backup EFIS/DSP display on the SYS page.

Serge Ostrowsky
Which DU does the Display Select Panel (DSP) control ?
FCOM > 10-20 > Display Selection and Control > Display Selection and Control Examples > Default Display Configuration
Each pilot’s on-side inboard DU

Serge Ostrowsky
What provides data to PFD and HUD when the Source selector (AIR DATA/ATT) is in the ALT position ?

FCOM > 10-10 > Instrument Source Select Panels
- Backup airspeed and altitude
- IFSD attitude.
Serge Ostrowsky
What is the range of the mini map below the PFDs ?
FCOM > 10-30 > PFDs > Introduction
Fixed range of 20 NM
Serge Ostrowsky
What do the Air Data Modules (ADM) do ?
FCOM > 10-20 > System Description > Display System Information Sources > ADRS
They convert static and dynamic air pressure to digital output for display and use by other systems.
Serge Ostrowsky
How is a degradation of aircraft position accuracy depicted on the ANP bars ?
FCOM > 10-30 > PFDs > Navigation Performance Indications
The ANP bars become longer, extending toward the center of the scale.
Serge Ostrowsky
Is the Electronic Checklist (ECL) required for Dispatch ?
MEL > 31.61.11
A paper checklist or iPad equivalent must be available on the flight deck.
Serge Ostrowsky
When are V1 and VR (R) speeds removed from the PFD ?
FCOM > 10-10 > Controls and Indicators > PFD > PFD Reference Speeds
At Lift-off
Serge Ostrowsky
The AIRSPEED trend vector indicates predicted airspeed in how many seconds ?
FCOM > 10-30 > Airspeed
10 seconds
Serge Ostrowsky
The ALTITUDE trend vector indicates predicted altitude in how many seconds ?
FCOM > 10-30 > Altitude
6 seconds
Serge Ostrowsky
Which ND ranges allow the Airport Map to be displayed ?
FCOM > 10-40 > Navigation Displays > ND Information
Any range from 5 NM down :
5, 2, 1 and 0.5 NM
Serge Ostrowsky
What do the segments of the Position Trend Vector represent ?

FCOM > 10-40 > Navigation Displays > Typical ND Map Displays > ND Symbology > Map
They predict A/C position at the end of 30, 60, and 90 second intervals, based on bank angle and groundspeed.
Each segment represents 30 seconds.
Selected range determines the number of segments displayed:
- > 20 NM ➙ 3 segments
- 20 NM ➙ 2 segments
- 10 NM ➙ 1 segment
Serge Ostrowsky
When is the Airplane symbol replaced by the symbol below on the ND ?
FCOM > 10-40 > Navigation Displays > Typical ND Map Displays > ND Symbology > Map
When the aircraft’s position is
- North of 82N latitude, or
- South of 82S latitude
Sorry les mouches… 😁
Serge Ostrowsky
What does the top of the Amber bar on the PFD Speed band indicate ?
FCOM > 10-10 > Controls and Indicators > PFD > PFD Reference Speeds
Minimum Maneuvering Speed, displayed with first flap retraction after takeoff.
Provides :
- 1.3 g maneuver capability to stick shaker below approximately 20,000 ft
- 1.3 g maneuver capability to low speed buffet above approximately 20,000 ft
Note : 1.3 g maneuver capability occurs at 40º of bank in level flight.
Serge Ostrowsky
What does the top of the bottom dashed Black/Red bar on the PFD Speed band indicate ?
FCOM > 10-10 > Controls and Indicators > PFD > PFD Reference Speeds
Minimum Speed :
The airspeed below which stick shaker activates.
Serge Ostrowsky
What does the bottom of the top dashed Black/Red bar on the PFD Speed band indicate ?
FCOM > 10-10 > Controls and Indicators > PFD > PFD Airspeed Indications
Maximum airspeed as limited by the lowest of the following :
- Vmo/Mmo, or
- Landing gear placard speed, or
- Flap placard speed
Serge Ostrowsky
What does the bottom of the top Amber bar on the PFD Speed band indicate ?
FCOM > 10-10 > Controls and Indicators > PFD > PFD Airspeed Indications
Maximum maneuvering speed.
Provides 1.3 g maneuver capability to high speed buffet.
May be displayed when operating at high altitude at relatively high gross weights.
Note : 1.3 g maneuver capability occurs at 40º of bank in level flight.