Automatic Flight Flashcards
Serge Ostrowsky
How many autopilots are installed on the 787 ?
FCOM > 4-20 System Description > AFDS
The Autopilot Flight Director System (AFDS) consists of 3 autoflight computing systems and the MCP.

Serge Ostrowsky
What does LAND 2 indicate ?
FCOM > 4-20 System Description > AFDS > AFDS Status Annunciation
Fail passive mode :
Automatic landing is possible. The level of redundancy is such that a single fault cannot cause a significant deviation from the flight path.
Serge Ostrowsky
After LOC and G/S capture, how can the Approach mode be deselected below 1500 ft ?
FCOM > 4-10 Controls and Indicators > MCP > Autopilot Flight Director Approach Mode Controls
- By selecting TO/GA (TOGA switch) or,
- AP and both F/Ds OFF.
Note 1 : Above 1500 ft, pushing the APP button is enough.
Note 2 : below 1500 ft, if only LOC is captured, pushing HDG/TRK SEL or HDG/TRK HOLD is enough.
Serge Ostrowsky
Which mode indicates the autothrottle servos are inhibited ?
FCOM > 4-20 System Description > AFDS > AFDS Flight Mode Annunciations > Autothrottle Modes
HOLD (displayed on the FMA)
The thrust lever autothrottle servos being inhibited, the pilot can set thrust levers manually.
Serge Ostrowsky
What does a line through a ROLL or PITCH mode indicate ?
FCOM > 4-10 Controls and Indicators > PFD and HUD Flight Mode Annunciations (FMAs)
A fault is detected, the mode is degraded.
Note : The line is amber on the PFD and green on the HUD.
Serge Ostrowsky
After takeoff, with LNAV armed, when will LNAV become active ?
FCOM > 4-20 System Description > Automatic Flight Operations
50 ft RA

Serge Ostrowsky
During a Go-around, with an LNAV path available, when will LNAV become active ?
FCOM > 4-20 System Description > Automatic Flight Operations > Automatic Flight Go-around
With the first push of either TO/GA switch, LNAV automatically arms and activates :
- above 50 feet RA with AP OFF, or
- above 200 feet RA with AP ON

Serge Ostrowsky
During approach, with flaps out of up or glideslope/glidepath captured, a SINGLE push of either TO/GA switch will command what level of thrust ?
FCOM > 4-20 System Description > Automatic Flight Operations > Automatic Flight - Go–Around
Autothrottle activates in THR mode to establish a minimum climb rate of 2000 ft/min.
Note : With the second push of either TO/GA switch, autothrottle activates in thrust reference (THR REF) at full go–around thrust.

Serge Ostrowsky
During a go around, a SECOND push of either TO/GA switch will command what level of thrust ?
FCOM > 4-20 System Description > Automatic Flight Operations > Automatic Flight - Go–Around
Autothrottle activates in THR REF mode at full go-around thrust.
Serge Ostrowsky
What is the maximum bank angle allowed under Autopilot ?
FCOM > 4-20 System Description > Flight Envelope Protection
30 °
Serge Ostrowsky
After takeoff, with VNAV armed, when does it activate ?
FCOM > 4-20 System Description > Automatic Flight Operations
400 ft RA

Serge Ostrowsky
During a Go-around, when does VNAV activate ?
FCOM > 4-20 System Description > Automatic Flight Operations
It does not activate automatically (not armed).
The pilot needs to push VNAV (or FLCH).

Serge Ostrowsky
When a higher MCP altitude is set (climb), what thrust will A/T provide when the FLCH switch is pushed ?
FCOM > 4-10 Controls and Indicators > MCP > Autopilot Flight Director Roll and Pitch Controls
- AFDS pitch holds MCP selected speed
- For climbs between 1,000 feet and 12,000 feet of altitude change, the A/T advances the thrust levers to as high as the current thrust limit to provide an approximately 2 minute climb
- Reference thrust limit changes to CLB (or to CON with an engine inoperative)
Serge Ostrowsky
When a lower MCP altitude is set (descent), what thrust will A/T provide when the FLCH switch is pushed ?
FCOM > 4-10 Controls and Indicators > MCP > Autopilot Flight Director Roll and Pitch Controls
- AFDS pitch holds MCP selected speed
- For descents between 2,000 feet and 16,000 feet of altitude change, the A/T retards the thrust levers to as low as idle to provide an approximately 2 minute descent. Smaller altitude changes will take less than 2 minutes
- Reference thrust limit changes to CLB (or to CON with an engine inoperative)
Serge Ostrowsky
When is TO/GA armed for Go-around ?
FCOM > 4-20 System Description > Automatic Flight Operations > Automatic Flight - Go–Around
- When flaps are not UP or,
- When G/S - G/P is captured.
Note 1 : The thrust limit changes to GA when flaps are not UP, flaps are extended to landing position, or glideslope/glidepath is captured.
Note 2 : The reference thrust limit is locked in GA when flaps are in landing position or glideslope/glidepath is captured.
Serge Ostrowsky
What does LAND 3 indicate ?
FCOM > 4-20 System Description > AFDS > AFDS Status Annunciation
Fail Operational mode :
Automatic landing is possible. Auto pilot system level of redundancy is such that a single fault cannot prevent the autopilot system from making an automatic landing.
Serge Ostrowsky
Can the Autopilot be engaged if both flight director (F/D) switches are OFF ?
FCOM > 4-10 Controls and Indicators > MCP > Autopilot Flight Director System Controls
The autopilot will engage in :
- HDG/TRK HOLD as the roll mode, or if bank angle is > 5º, attitude hold (ATT).
- V/S or FPA as the pitch mode.
Serge Ostrowsky
How can one exit TO/GA mode ?
FCOM > 4-20 System Description > Automatic Flight Operations > Automatic Flight - Go–Around
TO/GA mode termination :
Below 400 feet RA :
- disengage AP and turn off both F/Ds, or
- automatic LNAV activation (after automatic LNAV activation, a different roll mode can be selected)
- Above 400 feet RA : select a different roll or pitch mode
Serge Ostrowsky
With the flight director switches off, will pushing either TO/GA switch display the flight director bars ?
FCOM > 4-20 System Description > Automatic Flight Operations > Automatic Flight - Go–Around
When the flight director switches are off, pushing either TO/GA switch displays the flight director bars.
Serge Ostrowsky
When pushing the Heading/Track Hold (HOLD) switch, while in a turn, will the airplane roll back to the heading/track at which the switch was pushed ?

FCOM > 4-20 System Description > AFDS > AFDS Flight mode Annunciations > Roll modes
When turning, the AFDS holds the heading/track reached after rolling wings level.
Serge Ostrowsky
When engaging A/P, when would the ATT roll mode be annunciated ?
FCOM > 4-20 System Description > AFDS > AFDS Flight mode Annunciations > Roll modes
If the aircraft was in a bank between 5° and 30°, the A/P will then maintain that bank angle.
- If bank angle was < 5°, the A/P will roll wings level,
- If bank angle was > 30°, the A/P will return to 30°.