Anti-anxiety drugs
A class of psychotropic medications used for the treatment of anxiety. (page 623)
A class of psychotropic medications used for the treatment of depression. (page 624)
A class of psychotropic medications used for the treatment of schizophrenia and other disorders that involve psychosis. (page 624)
Applied behavioral analysis (ABA)
An intensive treatment for autism, based on operant conditioning. (page 657)
Behavior therapy
Treatment based on the premise that behavior is learned and therefore can be unlearned through the use of classical and operant conditioning. (page 618)
Biological therapies
Treatment of psychological disorders based on medical approaches to disease (what is wrong with the body) and to illness (what a person feels as a result). (616)
Client-centered therapy
An empathic approach to therapy; it encourages people to fulfill their individual potentials for personal growth through greater self-understanding. (page 621)
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
A therapy that incorporates techniques from cognitive therapy and behavior therapy to correct faulty thinking and change maladaptive behaviors. (page 620)
Cognitive restructuring
A therapy that strives to help clients recognize maladaptive thought patterns and replace them with ways of viewing the world that are more in tune with reality. (page 619)
Cognitive therapy
Treatment based on the idea that distorted thoughts produce maladaptive behaviors and emotions; treatment strategies attempt to modify these thought patterns. (page 619)
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
A form of therapy used to treat borderline personality disorder that combines elements of the behavioral and cognitive treatments with a mindfulness approach based on Eastern meditative practices. (page 651)
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
A procedure that involves administering a strong electrical current to the person’s brain to produce a seizure; it is effective for some cases of severe depression. (page 626)
A behavioral therapy technique that involves repeated exposure to an anxiety-producing stimulus or situation. (page 619)
Expressed emotion
A pattern of negative actions by a client’s family members; the pattern includes critical comments, hostility directed toward the person by family members, and emotional over involvement. (page 622)