Flashcard 9
complications FAP
almost all untreated by age of 40 will have malignancy
Barretts Oesophagus
intestinal metaplasia related to prolonged acid exposure @ distal oesophagus
eosinophilic oesophagitis
allergic inflammatory condition of the oesophagus involving eosinophils
bulimia nervosa
binge eating followed by purging
Hirschsprungs disease
faecal bowel obstruction caused by absence of nerves @ an end section of bowel
- bloody diarrhoea
- abdo pain
- weight loss
- urgent and frequent bowel movements
- fatigue
- anorexia
ulcerative colitis
management oesophageal varices
- end-therapy
- IV terlipressin
- IV broad spectrum antibiotics
- coagulopathy
- sengstake-blakemore tube
sengstake-blakemore tube
tube that can be inserted into oesophagus and inflated to reduce blood flow to varies/ other source of bleeding. only used when bleeding cannot be controlled by medication alone
diverticular disease
small bulges or sacs that form in the wall of the large intestine. protrusion of inner mucousal lining through outer muscular layer forming a pouch
management diverticular disease
- high fibre diet
- paracetamol
- bulk forming laxative
- ABs
- colectomy
Hep C virus treatment
combination of IFN free direct acting antivirals (ribavirin, sofosbuvir, daclatasuir)
- pain
- fever
- chills
- malaise
- red swollen anal lump
perianal abscess
imperforate anus
congenital defect in which the opening of the anus is missing or blocked
management anal fissure
high fibre, high water diet
topical nitric oxide
internal lateral sphincterotomy
small vascular malformation of the gut
signs/ symptoms
- abdo pain
- sudden bleeding
- dusky blue, swollen mucosa affecting area according to blood supply
ischaemic colitis
management radiation proctitis
may be dependant on blood transfusions due to chronic loss
endoscopic argon plasma coagulation
sulcrafate enemas
hyperbaric O2 chamber