- Located near the center of your chest
- Hollow structure
- About the size of your clenched fist
- Enclosed in a protective sac called the pericardium
- heart contracts about 72 times per minute
- Pumps about 70mL of blood with each contraction
o The right and left sides of the heart are separated by a septum,
or wall. - prevents the mixing of oxygen rich and oxygen poor blood
_________________ - In the walls of the heart, two layers of tissue form a sandwich around a thick layer of muscle
- Contractions of the myocardium pump blood through the
circulatory system.
Chambers of Heart
- On each side of the septum are two chambers.
- The upper chamber (receives blood) is the atrium.
- The lower chamber (pumps blood out of heart) is the ventricle.
- The heart has a total of 4 chambers:
- 2 atriums
- 2 ventricles
- Flaps of connective tissue
- located between the atria and ventricles.
- Blood moving keeps the valves open.
- ventricles contract, the valves close which prevent blood from
flowing back into the atria - stop blood from re-entering the ventricles
- keeps blood moving in one direction
- Each contraction begins with a group of cardiac muscle cells in
the right atrium known as the sinoatrial node (SA node also the
pace maker) - impulse spreads from the pacemaker to the rest of the atria
- From the atria, a signal is sent to the atrioventricular node (AV
node) and then to a bundle of fibers (Purkinje fibers) in the
ventricle - atrioventricular node (AV node) located above the opening of
coronary sinus - Purkinje Fibers lying in ventricular wall
Heart Beat
- Large vessels
- Carry blood from heart to tissues of body
- Carry oxygen rich blood, with the exception of pulmonary
arteries. - Thick walls-need to withstand pressure produced when heart
pushes blood into them.
Arteries (Away sa
- Smallest blood vessels
- Walls are only one cell thick and very narrow.
- Important for bringing nutrients and oxygen to tissues and
absorbing CO2 and other waste products
- 3 types of blood vessels
- Arteries
- Capillaries
- Veins
- Once blood has passed through the capillary systems it must be
returned to the heart. - Largest veins contain one-way valves that keep blood flowing
toward heart.
Veins (papuntang
Other term Auricle
___________– 3 – 5x stronger, pulmonary circulation, only in the lungs itself
___________- 7-8x stronger, systematic circulation
(oxygenated), supplies blood to designated part of the body
- Right Ventricle
- Left ventricle
- Precaval vein
- attached to right atrium
Anterior or Superior
vena cava
- Postcaval vein
- Attached to right atrium
Posterior or Inferior
vena cava
- force of blood on the wall of the arteries
- heart produces pressure
- pressure decreases = heart relaxes
- under pressure = rest of the circulatory system
Blood Pressure
- the first number taken, is the force felt in the
arteries when the ventricles contract.
Systolic pressure-
- the second number taken, is the force of the
blood on the arteries when the ventricles relax
Diastolic pressure
- Fatty deposits (plaque) in walls of arteries
- Deposits can obstruct flow of blood which can raise blood
- Due to atherosclerosis, coronary arteries may become blocked
(blood can’t get to heart muscle) - Heart muscle begins to die due to lack of O2
Heart Attack
- Blood clot may break free and block a vessel leading to the
brain. - Brain cells are starved of oxygen and nutrients
- Loss of function may occur
- Can cause paralysis, loss of ability to speak or death.
- plasma and blood cells
- Types of Cells are:
- Red Blood Cells
- White Blood Cells
- Platelets
- Straw colored
- 90% water
- 10% dissolved gases, salts, nutrients, enzymes, hormones,
wastes, and proteins.
- Most numerous type
- Transport oxygen
- Get color from hemoglobin
- Disk shaped
- Made in red bone marrow
- Circulate for 120 days
Red Blood Cells
- Guard against infection, fight parasites, and attack bacteria
- Number of WBC’s increases when body is fighting
- Lymphocytes produce antibodies which fight pathogens and
remember them
White Blood Cells
- Aid the body in clotting
- Small fragments
- Stick to edges of broken blood cell and secrete clotting factor to
help form clot.
- Genetic disorder that disrupts clotting
- Treatment: injecting extracts that contain the missing clotting
Blood Flow processes
- Blood comes into the right atrium → tricuspid valve → right ventricle → semilunar valves open → the pulmonary arteries (unoxygenated blood) in the lungs → Pulmonary Vein
(oxygenated blood) → Heart → left atrium → bicuspid valve → left ventricle → aorta.