Final Test Lecture Notes Flashcards
Definitional issues with prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination.
Prejudice involves affect or emotions.
Discrimination focuses on behavior.
Stereotypes are thoughts, or cognition.
What are prototypical areas for prejudice?
age, tenure track, occupational, religion, socioeconomic class, and politics.
Breadth/Accuracy: When does intergroup prejudice occur?
ntergroup prejudice occurs almost always when people are divided up into groups.
Even trivial groups formed in classrooms and labs, or based on the brand of computers that people use.
Accuracy: 3 statements about stereotypes.
some stereotypes are more accurate than others.
rarely, if ever, does a stereotype pertain to every member of a group.
most stereotypes pertain to the minority of group members.
Possible Causes of Stereotypes: What are the four causes of a prejudiced attitude?
operation/classical conditioning.
your own behavior.
what other factors can cause prejudiced attitudes?
self-esteem the media one bad experience outgroup homogeneity stereotype subtyping FAE personality factors
self-fulfilling prophecies
“what you expect is what you get.”
Expecting someone to be hostile can cause them to actually become hostile.
Steps for self-fulfilling prophecies.
1) we hold negative expectations about a person or group
2) we behave in ways that correspond with those expectations
3) group members notice and behave consistent with OUR EXPECTATIONS of them!
How do the steps for self-fulfilling prophecies contribute to prejudice?
After step 3, we say, “Hey - I knew it!”
After that, our perceptions strengthen or grow into prejudice.
stereotype threat
a disruptive concern, when facing a negative stereotype, that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype.
Unlike self-fulfilling prophecies that hammer one’s reputation into one’s self-concept, stereotype threat situations haveIMMEDIATE/ACCUTE effects.
Possible Remedies for Prejudice
1) education
2) contact hypothesis
3) hypocrisy induction
4) use guilt
Remedy: education
know about the complexity of large groups.
“bias blind spot”
Remedy: Contact hypothesis
1) increase intergroup contact
2) create common goals
Remedy: Hypocrisy induction
make them feel like a hypocrite by using cognitive dissonance
Remedy: Use guilt
remind white people of lynchings/slavery in the U.S.
Special cases of prejudice
microaggressions (small and subtle insult based on your group membership)
LGBTQ - transgender is generally a good term to use; not everyone whose appearance or behavior is gender nonconforming will identify as a transgender person.
Current political climate: fears increasing among immigrants, Muslim-Americans, and other minority groups.