final review from quizlet Flashcards
What is the physiologic status of prepuberty
c. Premenarche
Which one of the following arteries sheds blood during menses
b. Spiral
Which one of the following muscle groups may be seen in the false pelvis along the lateral sidewall of the pelvis
b. Iliopsoas
Which one of the following ligaments contains the uterine blood vessels and nerves
a. Broad
Which one of the following ligaments occupies the space between the layers of another ligament and occurs in front and below the fallopian tubes
c. Round
Bending forward of the fundus and body of the uterus toward the cervix is called which one of the following positions
b. Anteversion
The normal size of the menarchal uterus should measure ___ cm long and ___ cm wide
c. 8;4
The superficial layer of glands and stroma of the endometrium is called which one of the following
b. Zona functionalis
The ovary produces two hormones, Estrogen is secreted by ___, whereas progesterone is secreted by the ____
a. Follicles; corpus luteum
The release of an egg from the ruptured follicle is termed which one of the following
c. Ovulation
The vagina has two sources of blood supply; they are the
b. Uterine artery and vaginal artery
The ovaries are laterally supported by which one of the following ligaments
d. Suspensory
A mature follicle is known as a ___ follicle
b. Graafian
A mature follicle typically measures ___ cm right before ovulation
c. 2
The endometrium demonstrates the “three-line” sign in which one of the following phases
b. Proliferative
The retrouterine space is also known as which one of the following
c. Posterior cul-de-sac
The pelvic recess between the anterior bladder wall and the pubic symphysis is which one of the following
d. Space of Retzius
Abnormally heavy or long menses is termed
b. Menorrhagia
Depending on the menstrual cycle, the inner lining of the uterine cavity that appears echogenic to hypoechoic on ultrasound is which one of the following structures
d. Endometrium
Menarche may be defined as which one of the following
a. The state after reaching puberty during which menses occur every 21 to 28 days
The Doppler measurement that takes the highest systolic peak minus the highest diastolic peak divided by the highest systolic peak is which one of the following
c. Porcelot resistive index
Which one of the following are small vessels found along the periphery of the uterus
b. Arcuate vessels
The Doppler measurement that uses peak systole minus peak diastole divided by the mean over one cardiac cycle is the _____ index
a. Pulsatility
The endometrium is at its greatest thickness and echogenicity with posterior enhancement in which one of the following phases
d. Luteal