Chapter 55 Key terms Flashcards
the transformation once fertilization occurs through to the fetal stage
cellular outermost extraembryonic membrane composed of trophoblast lined with mesoderm; it devfelopes villi about 2 weeks after fertilization, is vascularized by allantoic vessels a week later, gives rise to the placenta, and persists until birth
smooth membrane enclosing the fetus and amniotic fluid; it is loosely fused with the outer chorionic membrane except at the placental insertion of the umbilical cord, where the amnion is contiguous with the membranes surrounding the umbilical cord
circular structure within the gestational sac seen on ultrasound between 4-10 weeks of gestational age; supplies nutrition, facilitates waste removal and is the origin of early hematopoietic stem cells in the embryo; it lies between the chorion and the amnion
yolk sac
the early beginnings of the umbilical cord that extend from the yolk sac through the yolk stalk
the fetal surface of the placenta
Chorionic plate
the decidual reaction that occurs between the blastocyte and the myometrium
Decidual basalis
microscopic vascular projections from the chorion that combine with the maternal uterine tissue to form the placenta
intervilllus spaces, chorionic villus
layer of the placenta that is filled with several mainstem villi and their branches
oxygen exchange, metabolism, and endochrine function
functions and activities of the placenta
maternal blood flows in through the endbranches of the uterine artery and spiral arteries, flows around the surface of the villi, Oxy rich blood flows to the fetus vis the Umb V and returns through the Umb A’s.
fetal-placental-uterine circulation
Normal less than 600g and less than 4cm thick.
placental sizes
normal connection is near center of placenta. Battledore is at the margin within 10mm of the edge and velamentous inserts on the membranes
cordal attachments
ideal is fundal location, very important to note if it is near or over the CX
placental positions
graded 1-4 based on sonographic appearance
maturity and grading
placentomegaly, placenta previa, vasa previa,
abnormalities of the placenta
on the margin or covering the CX
abnormal placental attachments
presence of one or more accessory lobes connected to the body of the placenta by placenta vessels
Succenturiate Placenta
condition where the chorionic plate is smaller than the basal plate, the margin is raised with a rolled edge
Circumvallate Placenta
the chorionic placve of the placenta is smaller than the basal plate, with a flas interface between the fetal membrane and the placenta
Circummarginate Placenta
bleeding from the placenta from any cause
Placental Hemorrhage
separation of a normally implanted placenta prior to term delivery
Placental Abruption
focal discrete lesion caused by ischemic nechrosis, found in 25% of pregnancies
Placental infarcts
molar pregnancies, benign or malignant, include partial, complete and coexisitng
Placental Tumors