Chapter 55 power point Placenta Flashcards
Chorion frondosum
Chorion laeve
Chorionic plate
Basal plate
Forms fetal part of placenta; contains villi
Chorion frondosum
Nonvillious part of chorion around gestational sac
Chorion laeve
Fetal surface of placenta
Chorionic plate
Maternal surface of placenta
Basal plate
Respiration Nutrition Excretion Protection Storage Hormonal Production
Function of the Placenta
Fetal blood continues inferiorly to return to placenta for respiratory and nutrient exchange
By term approximately 40% of fetal cardiac output is directed through umbilical circulation
Fetal-Placental-Uterine Circulation
Attachment of cord is usually near center of placenta
Abnormal cordal attachments to placenta are battledore and velamentous placenta
Cordal Attachments
Yolk sac
Fetal membranes
Permitting fetus room to move
Assisting maintaining constant fetal body temperature
Serving as protective buffer for fetus
Allowing lungs to develop properly
AF functions
Forms during first 5 weeks of gestation
Is surrounded by mucoid connective tissue called Wharton’s jelly
Normal umbilical cord has one large vein and two smaller arteries
The Umbilical Cord
found in approximately 1% of all singleton births and 7% of twin gestations
Congenital malformations seen in 25% to 50% of infants with SUA
Single umbilical artery
Abnormal trophoblastic invasion of spiral arteries of maternal uteroplacental circulation associated with: Placental insufficiency IUGR Preeclampsia Placental abruption
Doppler Evaluation of the Placenta
Normal term placenta has several characteristics Measures about 15 to 20 cm in diameter Discoid in shape Weighs about 600 g Measures <4 cm in thickness
Evaluation of the Placenta After Delivery
> 5 cm thick edge to edge
Intrauterine growth restriction
Intrauterine infection
Small Placenta
Implantation of placenta over internal cervical os
Normally implants in body or fundus of uterus
In one of 200 pregnancies placenta implants over or near to internal os of cervix
Risk increases with history of cesarean delivery
Placenta Previa
Advanced maternal age Smoking Cocaine abuse Prior placental previa Multiparity Prior cesarean section Uterine surgery
factors associated with placenta previa
Preterm delivery Maternal hemorrhage Increased risk of placental invasion Increased risk of postpartum hemorrhage IUGR
Complications of placenta previa
may present with painless, bright red vaginal bleeding in third trimester
25% of patients will present with bleeding during first 30 weeks
20% of cases associated with uterine focal myometrial contractions
Abnormal lie also associated with placenta previa
Clinical placenta previa
Abnormal penetration of placental tissue beyond endometrial lining of uterus
Variants of placenta invasion exist
Placental Invasion
Chorionic villi attach to myometrium without muscular invasion
Placenta accreta occurs in approximately 1 in 2500 deliveries
Placenta accreta
penetration of the chorionic villi through the uterus
Placenta percreta
the chorionic placve of the placenta is smaller than the basal plate, with a flas interface between the fetal membrane and the placenta
Circummarginate Placenta