final exam terms Flashcards
the first reason for a schooled society
they believed there was a growth in modern schooling in Canada, particularly mass enrolment in post-secondary education
the second reason for a schooled society
they believed schooling has become increasingly important to modern life.
the third reason for a schooled society
the forms and functions of education are increasing and diversifying in our modern schooled society
The process of using business or management techniques to transform institutions and services previously managed by the government.
when does Corporatization occur
in universities with the naming of buildings and scholarships after major donors and the signing of exclusive contracts with companies
Collins’s term describes an authority, such as a university, issuing a qualification or competence to an individual.
what is credentialling used for
This practice is used to exclude some people from certain jobs or opportunities.
Cultural capital
The non-economic social assets that promote social
Curriculum (education)
the planned interaction of pupils with instructional content, materials, resources, and processes for evaluating the attainment of educational objectives.
Different expectations (education)
The different values and outlooks that families
have, based on their social class.
Differential association
The idea that children from the lower class are
less likely than other children to have role models who have achieved at school or attended university. As a result, these children lack the knowledge
of how to work within the system and are less successful in it.
Differential preparation
The various ways that individuals can be
prepared for an aspect of society, depending on their social class.
Gender reversal in educational outcomes
The trend, which seems to have stabilized, of more women than men obtaining post-secondary degrees. In the past, men were much more likely than women to attend and graduate from university or college.
Hidden curriculum
Marx’s term for lessons that are not normally
considered part of the academic curriculum and that schools unintentionally or secondarily provide
Latent functions
The unintended functions of the education system.
One of the latent functions of the education system, aimed at legitimating certain kinds of knowledge and divisions in society. This process is consistent with Marx’s conflict theory
Manifest functions
The obvious and intended functions of the education
Schooled society
The changing role of schools in modern society.
One of the latent functions of the education system; the sorting, differentially rewarding, and certifying graduates of elementary, secondary, and post-secondary schools. According to Weber, schools use this function to confer status and prestige
Self-fulfilling prophecy
A term that explains how students labeled and
streamed as underachieving end up underachieving in terms of academic outcomes
Social capital
The collective value of all one’s social network
Socialization (function of education)
One of the latent functions of the education system promoted by Durkheim. He argued that education plays a socializing role in society and serves various social needs. Particularly, schools convey basic knowledge and skills that will be useful for members of society. They also provide individuals with specialized training for specific roles, such as an occupation
Streaming (tracking)
The practice of placing students with comparable
skills or needs together
A term developed by Marx referring to the lack of control workers have over the production process and the products they make
When operating equipment is run with minimal or reduced human activity
The prototype of rationalization in modern society,
bureaucracies are effectively machines made from humans.
The transformation of what is normally a non-commodity.
Disenchantment of the world
A term coined by Max Weber that refers to the way religion’s influence in society was supplanted by the influence of rationality.
Division of labour
A term coined by Durkheim that refers to the degree by which labour is specialized according to specific and distinct tasks
Emotional labour
A term developed by Arlie Hochschild that refers to the emotional management undertaken by workers on the job
Irrationality of rationality
How rationalized systems can
create negative outcomes and be unreasonable.