Final Exam Study Deck:) COPY Flashcards
What percent of human pathogens are viruses and prions
What percent of human pathogens are bacteria
What percent of human pathogens are fungi
What percent of human pathogens are Protozoa
What percent of human pathogens are Helminths
What are the important structural componets of fungi
Have cell walls made of chitin (no peptidoglycan or cellulose)
Have a cell membrane made of a phospholipid bilayer with sterols in them (ergosterol)
What are the 2 forms of fungi
Yeasts and molds
Yeasts are unicellular
Molds are multicellular
What are the formations that yeasts are found in
Pseudohyphae (short chains)
How to yeasts reproduce
by budding
What are molds made of
Hyphae- long Strings of cells
Septate hyphae have walls between cells
Aseptate hyphae have no walls between cells
What types of infections (generally) do molds cause in humans
Fungal infections
Which organism was the original source of penicillin
Dimorphic fungi change between which two forms
Between mold and yeasts- They are molds when convenient (i.e. in soil) and change to yeast in lungs (i.e. to infect someone!)
What is the route of transmission for protozoal infections
Waterborne, foodborn, contact with farm animals, mice, birds and their feces, swimming or bathing in contaminated water
What are protozoa classified as (multi or unicellular, eukaryotes or prokaryotes?)
Unicellular eukaryotes
What stages of life cycle do protozoa usually have
Usually trophozoite and cyst forms
Trophozoite is active, feeding and reproducing. Cysts are tough dormant forms iwth a wall.
How are cysts from protozoa usually shed
In feces during a GI infection of the person
What are the common routes of transmission for Helminth infections
Transmitted through feces in soil, fecal- oral routes (ingest eggs in soil), Eat undercooked pork containing tapeworm or larvae in cysts, or by mosquitoes
What are the common characteristics of helminths
Multicellular eukaryotes with organs
Have 3 forms: Egg, Larvae, Adult worms
What is the life cycle of ascaris lumbricoides? Include transmission, eggs, larvae, and adult worm stages
-Transmission is fecal-oral through eggs in soil that are ingested by waterborne or foodborne routes.
-Eggs hatch into larvae in intestines
-Larvae penetrate host blood vessels and migrate to alveoli of lungs
-Larvae are coughed up and swallowed back into intestines where they grow into adult worms
What are the 6 steps required for a pathogen to infect its host
Evasion of the Host immune System
“Every Tiny Ant is in Euphoria”
- I would like to be a tiny ant, they don’t study much, so they’re euphoric.
What is the difference between an active and passive carrier of a pathogen
Active carriers are infected with the disease and can transmit it to others
Passive carriers are NOT “infected” but are asymptomatic and can carry the pathogen on their skin or in their blood to transmit to others.
Active Carriers are always symptomatic- true or false?
False- They can be symptomatic or asymptomatic
Describe contact transmission
There is indirect, direct, droplet, and congenital contact transmission. The infected person or their fluids go directly to the susceptible person (or via a surface, etc)
What are the 4 subtypes of contact transmission
Direct- Infected person to susceptible person
Indirect: Infected person to object to susceptible person
Droplet: Infected person to a droplet touched by a susceptible person
Congenital: Mother to fetus
What are the 3 subtypes of vehicle transmission
Airborne, Waterborne, Foodborne
What are the 2 subtypes of vector transmission
Body or feet of an arthropod or insect to susceptible person
Bite, vomit, or defecation of arthropod to susceptible person
What are portals of entry
Ways that the pathogen can enter the host
Describe the portal of entry that pathogens in the air can use
They can enter our respiratory tract through ventilation
Describe the portal of entry that pathogens in our food and water can use
They can enter via our GI tract through our intake of food or water
Pathogens in water that we bathe in can enter our skin if it is broken
Describe the portals of entry that pathogens on our skin can use to enter our body
They can enter the urinary tract or reproductive tract
What are some common mechanisms of adhension that pathogens use
Fimbriae, pili, capsules, slime layers, biofilms, hooks, barbs, and spike proteins are adhesins
What is an adhesin?
A protein or glycoprotein on the surface of a pathogen that helps adhere to receptors on the host cell
Describe Invasion as a step of pathogen infection
Spread of the pathogen through tissues or the whole body
Pathogens might secrete exoenzymes or toxins to help them invade
Describe infection as a step of pathogen infection
Exotoxins are produced (proteins that are secreted by bacteria that cause damage to host cells)
Gram negative bacteria release LPS when they die, which stimulates an immune response. Which step in pathogen infection does this fall into?
It falls into infection- the pathogen secretes exotoxins that cause damage to the host cells.
What are some of the ways that organisms can evade the host immune system?
Some pathogens can survive phagocytosis and reproduce in host cells
Phagocytosis of a pathogen creates a phagolysosome
Some bacteria can prevent
fusion of phagosome and lysosome
DNAse breaks down NETs (Neutrophil extracellular traps)
Some pathogens can survive inside host cells to evade immune system
What is virulance
The ability of an organism to cause infection and damage to its host
What are virulence factors
Help the pathogen progress through any stage of infectious disease and determine the severity of the disease that the pathogen can cause
What is virulence an indication of
How dangerous the infection is, but not how well the pathogen will survive
Our bodies/Host bodies creates secretions in the respiratory tract and they have cillia that help to remove pathogens. What is a pathogen’s strategy to overcome this host defence?
Pathogens have adhesins and have firm attachments to epithelium
In host bodies, cilia beat rythymically to push microorganisms and parasites out of the trachea. What is a pathogen’s strategy to overcome this host defence?
Pathogens inhibit movement of cilia- i.e. cause paralysis of epithelial cells, which causes mucus to accumulate in lungs
Host cell membranes are a barrier to pathogens. What is a pathogen’s strategy to overcome this host defense?
Pathogens can traverse host cell membranes. They have a fusion protein in a viral envelope (HIV or Influenza)
Host immune systems have a complement activation system. What is a pathogen’s strategy to overcome this host defense?
Pathogen can interfere with complement components and produce an enzyme (elastase)
Pathogens can interfere with complement mediated phagocytosis, they can block complement access (Candida albicans)