Final Exam Review Flashcards
What are 3 note taking methods?
Outlining, Cornell, and Mapping
How many working nurses are there in the US today?
2.6 million nurses
What are 4 nursing goals?
- Promote health
- Prevent illness
- Restore health
- Facilitate coping
What is Flexner’s Criteria?
10 classic criteria used as a standard to identify characteristics of a profession
Discuss Professional Commitment. What are the examples of this?
Life long learning, identification of one’s self with a profession, responsibility and accountability, and promoting a profession
What education level is expected to expand nursing knowledge through research?
Doctoral programs
What is morality?
A personal standard of what is right and wrong, good and bad, in a situation
HIPPA is a policy related to which ethical principle?
This entity signs amendments and bills into law.
The executive branch
Name 2 causes for nursing litigation
- Failure to use adequate precautions to protect against patient injury
- Dysfunctional communication
- Poor record keeping
- Abandonment
- Failure to teach
- Using faulty equipment
What are the 3 payers of healthcare?
Employee insurance
What are the [4] major components of grand nursing theories?
These are the 3 elements in the definition of leadership.
Shared vision
What is one journal that AACN produces?
Journal of professional nursing
What government funded program funds 17% of all health services and provides health insurance to citizens over the age of 65 who have worked at least 10 years?