Incidents related to sexual abuse should be reported within ___days.
(def):Specific considerations must be met if you are unwilling to provide a product or service on the basis of your personal, moral or religious belief
Conscientious objection
Mandatory vs volunatry reporting system?
AIMS= mandatory program in Ontario
ISMP= voluntary program federally.
Example of filtered information?
-systemic reviews
-critically appraised topics
-critically appraised individual articles
(def):The pharmacist is often able to help guide patients in their interpretation of the information found on websites and through the media.
list studies in order of quality of evidence?
-Background info
-Case-control/case series
-randomized controlled trials
-critically appraised individual articles
-critically appraised topics
-systemic reviews
(def):An electronic repository of medication and prescription data that is held at a regional level. A region could be a regional health authority or a province.
Drug information system (DIS)
(def):Your commitment to ongoing learning and professional development is critical to your ability to uphold your ethical obligation to both benefit and protect patients
Continuing professional development
(def): an occupation (profession) to which a person is specially drawn or for which she/he is suited, trained, or qualified.
(def):Perform drug utilization reports (DUR)
Adjudicators/pharmacy benefit manager
(def): Is the process of systematically evaluating clinical research to judge its trustworthiness and relevance in a particular context.
Critical Appraisal
(def): is a controlled and hierarchically-organized vocabulary produced by the National Library of Medicine. It is used for indexing, cataloging, and searching of biomedical and health-related information.
The Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) thesaurus
(def): refers to the systems that make up the secure and private lifetime record of a person’s health and health care history. These systems store and share such information as lab results, medication profiles, key clinical reports (e.g., hospital discharge summaries), diagnostic images (e.g., X-rays), and immunization history.
Electronic Health Record (EHR)
(def): are digital versions of the paper charts in clinician offices, clinics, and hospitals. EMRs contain notes and information collected by and for the clinicians in that office, clinic, or hospital and are mostly used by providers for diagnosis and treatment
Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
(def): term used to describe the e-prescription.
Directed Electronic prescription
(def):The creation & transmission of prescription data through computers & networks.
(def): Establishes validity of a claimed identity to prevent from fraudulent transactions
Role-based authorization(def): Process of determining what activities are permitted; permission to perform certain ops.
(def):the decision maker that decides which benefits they want to provide their workers
plan sponsor