final exam part 3 Flashcards
What is the name for the urethral meatus being located on teh ventral/anterior side
4th MC cancer in males
Bladder cancer
uti symptoms
What is urge incontinence?
The sudden urge to urinate followed by small leakage (overcontracting bladder muscles like in OAB)
(Thompson, 2018, pg. 559)
Define stress incontinence.
Leaking small amounts of urine with intra-abdominal pressure, such as with coughing, sneezing, and exercising
May be related to the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles (Thompson, 2018, pg. 559)
What is functional incontinence?
Incontinence resulting from an inability to control the bladder prior to reaching the bathroom due to movement disorders associated with physical or cognitive disabilities
More common in older adults with chronic arthritis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s (Thompson, 2018, pg. 559)
What causes overflow incontinence?
Weakened bladder muscles or urethral blockage causing an overflow in urine
Individuals cannot completely empty their bladder (Thompson, 2018, pg. 559)
HIV early
flu like symptoms
what kind of virus is HIV
HIV screening
once in a lifetime between ages 13 to 64
what form of protection stops HIV (mostly)
besides cervical cancer, what does hpv cause
cancer of the vulva, vagina, anus, penis, some head and neck
white penile discharge
UTI symptoms w/o urgency
clap white uti
gram -
men yellow pus discharge
can cause inflam urethra, prostate, rectum, pharynx
gone green yellow throat rectum
T. Pallidum
4 stages
Syphillis early
chancre sore throat
common finding in old persons mouth and ear
xerostomia (dry mouth)
due to less saliva
cerumen in ear
How many gmas dont take their meds right, both intentional and nonintentional
25% to 60%
1/4 to a little over 1/2
Of the gmas that dont take meds right, how often is that intentional
they dont like the side effects
Hair turns grey why
Melanin in hair
How many times a day is urination a concern for geriatrics
How does skin change old people
epidermis, dermis, SC
Epidermis - thin, fragile
Dermis - BV fragile, nerve endings decrease, decr sweat, sebaceous oil decr
Subcutaneous - Less insulation and wrinkling
Cognitive decline in geriatric (brain, spinal cord, nerves)
brain and spinal cord lose nerve cell and slow impulses causing decreases reflexes and sensations
nerve cells in brain DIE causing smaller brain and worse balance
Fraility symptoms
balance and gait impairments
high risk for falling, disability, hospitalization, mortality
disoriented and confused
Is depression a normal part of aging?
Assess using the geriatric depression scale
and what is a form of dementia
memory impaired, reasoning, judgement, abstract thought, registration, comprehension, learning, task execution, and use of language
alzhimers disease is a form of dementia
alzhiemrs is progressive and degenerative
How often does elder abuse take place
1/10 every year
Who committs elder abuse/neglect
family, SO, caregivers
caused by progressive, stressful demands of elder caregiving