Final Exam Landing Gear Review Flashcards
What type of propeller would be used on a float plane?
Finer pitch, shorter diameter prop to increase RPM and shorten takeoff and landing distance
What is the purpose of a dorsal or ventral fin on a floatplane?
Additional stability
What does a shock cord do for a ski?
Holds the toe of the ski up for landing
What fo the safety cable and check cable do?
Prevent ski from pivoting excessively during flight
What does the crust cutter cable do?
Cuts through ice and tough snow crust
What is the purpose of a “bounce” test
To check if fluid or nitrogen is under/over serviced
What does excessive bounce indicate?
Too much nitrogen/Too little hyd fluid
What does insufficient bounce indicate?
Too much fluid/ not enough nitrogen
How do you determine if you’ve filled an oleo with the correct amount of hyd fluid?
Check servicing placard for correct chrome extension
At 500 Psi, how much exposed chrome are you allowed to have?
