Final Exam - Eye Histology Flashcards
The eyeball is located in the skull’s bony socket called the ___________.
List the accessory ocular structures, also known as the ADNEXA
- Palpebrae (eyelids)
- Third eyelid and conjuctiva
- Lacrimal apparatus
If you’re buying accessories from woman, you have to remember to _P_ay _T_he _L_ady
The eye is composed of:
1 lens and 3 tunics (fibrous tunic, vascular tunic, retina)
The fibrous tunic of the eye is composed of:
- Sclera
- Cornea
- Limbus
The fibrous layer is that _S_tupid _C_orneal _L_ayer

The vascular tunic of the eye is composed of:
- Iridocorneal angle
- Iris
- Ciliary body
- Choroid
The vascular tunic _I_s _I_n _C_hris’s _C_ranium

What is the neuro-epithelial tunic composed of?
the retina

What are the functions of the sclera?
- protects the eye
- maintains the shape of the eye
- provides insertion points for tendons of extraocular muscles

Identify the area of the eye indicated by the box.

The cornea
The cornea is the anterior portion of the eye. This is an avascular, transparent convexconcave lens.
The _________ is the anterior portion of the eye. This is an avascular, transparent convexconcave lens
The cornea is the anterior portion of the eye. This is an avascular, transparent convexconcave lens
The cornea is comprised of ___ layers? (how many)
Name the layers!
The cornea is comprised of 5 layers.
- anterior corneal epithelium
- anterior limiting lamina/subepithelial basement membrane, supporting the lining epithelium
- Substantia propria - stroma of cornea
- Posterior limiting lamina/membrane - Descemet’s membrane, supporting the epithelium
- Posterior epithelium of cornea - corneal endothelium
5** _A_ssholes _A_re _S_elling _P_arty **Pills in the corn(ea)** **field
Identify ‘1’ in this H&E section of the cornea.

anterior corneal epithelium
Identify ‘5’ in this H&E section of the cornea.

Posterior epithlieum of the cornea
Identify ‘1’ in this H&E section of a rat cornea.

Anterior corneal epithelium
Identify ‘2’ in this H&E section of a rat cornea.

Anterior limiting membrane
Identify ‘3’ in this H&E section of a rat cornea.

Stroma (substantia propria)
Identify ‘4’ in this H&E section of a rat cornea.

Descemet’s membrane
Identify ‘5’ in this H&E section of a rat cornea.

Posterior epithelium (corneal endothelium)
__________ is the corneoscleral junction where the opaque sclera overlaps the transparent cornea. This area has small blood vessels.
Limbus is the corneoscleral junction where the opaque sclera overlaps the transparent cornea. This area has small blood vessels.

Identify the structure indicated by the arrow.
Which tunic is this found in?

Limbus, found in the fibrous tunic.
inflammation of structures in the uvea (the vascular tunic of the eye) is known as ___________.
In the vascular tunic (uvea), the ________ is located anterior to the lens and separates the anterior and posterior chambers.
In the vascular tunic (uvea), the iris is located anterior to the lens and separates the anterior and posterior chambers.
In the vascular tunic (uvea), the ________ suspends the lens, contains smooth muscle for accommodation; has processes covered by secretory epithelium.
In the vascular tunic (uvea), the ciliary body suspends the lens, contains smooth muscle for accommodation; has processes covered by secretory epithelium.
In the vascular tunic (uvea), the ________ is the vascular supply to the optical retina. Contains pigment.
In the vascular tunic (uvea), the choroid is the vascular supply to the optical retina. Contains pigment.
The _______ is the region where the transparent cornea merges with the vascular sclera
The limbus is the region where the transparent cornea merges with the vascular sclera
The ______ is the shutter of the eye
The iris is the shutter of the eye
__________ and __________ control amount of light to which the retina is exposed.
Dilator and sphincter pupillae muscles control amount of light to which the retina is exposed.
Pigment or iridial melanin present in the stromal cells determines ________.
Pigment or iridial melanin present in the stromal cells determines eye color.
The iris forms half of ____________, also called filtration angle and drainage angle.
The iris forms half of IRIDOCORNEAL ANGLE, also called filtration angle and drainage angle.
__________ is an inherited congenital disorder, characterized by a partial or total lack of melanin pigment in the eyes, skin and hair or more rarely in the eyes alone
Albinism is an inherited congenital disorder, characterized by a partial or total lack of melanin pigment in the eyes, skin and hair or more rarely in the eyes alone
Identify ‘B’ in this H&E section of the eye.

Identify ‘A’ in this H&E section of the eye.

ciliary processes
Identify ‘B’ in this H&E section of the eye.

Identify ‘C’ in this H&E section of the eye.

posterior chamber
Identify ‘D’ in this H&E section of the eye.

anterior chamber
Identify ‘E’ in this H&E section of the eye.

corneal epithelium
Identify ‘F’ in this H&E section of the eye.

Identify ‘G’ in this H&E section of the eye.

The _________ is an anterior expansion of the choroid at the level of the lens with mechanical and secretory functions.
The ciliary body is an anterior expansion of the choroid at the level of the lens with mechanical and secretory functions.
Identify ‘1’ in this H&E section of the eye.

body of lens
Identify ‘3’ in this H&E section of the eye.

ciliary processes
Identify ‘1’ in the ciliary body.

ciliary processes
Identify ‘2’ in the ciliary body.

zonular fibers
An increase in intraocular pressure is referred to as ___________.
An increase in intraocular pressure is referred to as glaucoma.
List the drainage pathway of the Aqueous Humor.
Posterior chamber –> through pupil –> anterior chamber –> iridocorneal angle –> past pectinate ligaments –> scleral venous plexus
I find it humorous that People Pay Assholes Instead of Paying Strippers
The __________ is a thick, highly vascularized layer that in its anterior part is continuous with the stroma of the ciliary body and extends posteriorly around the globe.
The choroid is a thick, highly vascularized layer that in its anterior part is continuous with the stroma of the ciliary body and extends posteriorly around the globe.
The outer/external side of the choroid is connected to the __________.
The inner side of the choroid is attached to the __________.
pigmented epithelium of the retina
Choroid is composed of ___ layers? (how many)
List ‘em, fool!
Five (5)
- Suprachoroid layer
- Vascular layer
- Tapetum lucidum
- Choriocapillary layer -
- Basal complex (Bruch’s membrane)
5** years ago, _S_uperman _Video-T_aped _C_hris’s **Band
Which layer of choroid is a light reflecting layer that can be of either cellular or fibrous type. (This layer is absent in swine)
Tapetum lucidum
__________ is the layer of choroid that separates choroid from retina
Basal complex (Bruch’s membrane)
___________ is the layer of choroid that is a dense network of capillaries adjacent to pigmented layer of retina.
Choriocapillary layer
The ____________ minimizes internal reflections and increases light perception under conditions of poor illumination→ increased acuity of vision.
Tapetum lucidum
Identify ‘A’ in this section of the canine eye.

choroidal vessels
Identify ‘B’ in this section of the canine eye.

choroidal pigment
Identify ‘C’ in this section of the canine eye.

cellular tapetum
Identify ‘A’ in this section of the eye.

Identify ‘B’ in this section of the eye.

Identify ‘C’ in this section of the eye.

fibrous tapetum
Identify ‘D’ in this section of the eye.

Rods and Cones
Identify ‘1’ in this section of the eye.

Identify ‘2’ in this section of the eye.

The _________ has 10 layers that function to send visual images to the brain.
Sensory/optical retina
The optical retina is held in place by the __________.
vitreous body
Identify the layer indicated by the number ‘8’ in this H&E section of the retina.

ganglion cell layer
Identify the layer indicated by the number ‘6’ in this H&E section of the retina.

inner nuclear layer
Identify the layer indicated by the number ‘4’ in this H&E section of the retina.

cell bodies of rods and cones
Identify the layer indicated by the number ‘2’ in this H&E section of the retina.

photoreceptor layer
General concept of Optical Retina (3 neurons in succession)
- Light passes through layers of retina, stimulates __________
- Impulse is passed to __________, then to __________
- Axons of __________ form a __________, which converges at optic disk (papilla) and leave eye as the optic nerve (CN II)
General concept of Optical Retina (3 neurons in succession)
- Light passes through layers of retina, stimulates photoreceptor cells (rods and cones)
- Impulse is passed to bipolar neurons, then to ganglion cells
- Axons of ganglion cells form a nerve fiber layer, which converges at optic disk (papilla) and leave eye as the optic nerve (CN II)
The photoreceptor layer has neurons known as ________________
Rods and Cones
Which cells are indicated by ‘A’ in this H&E section of the retina?

ganglion cells
Identify the layer indicated by ‘B’ in this H&E section of the retina.

internal nuclear layer
Identify the layer indicated by ‘C’ in this H&E section of the retina.

external nuclear layer
Identify the layer indicated by ‘D’ in this H&E section of the retina.

Rods and cones
What is indicated by ‘E’ in this H&E section of the retina?

What is indicated by ‘F’ in this H&E section of the retina?

Rods and cones have outer and inner segments connected through a _________.
Rods and cones have outer and inner segments connected through a cilium.
True or false:
Cones are responsible for vision in bright light, and color vision
True or false:
Rods are responsible for vision in dim light.
True or false:
Rods are primarily responsible for color vision
Cones are responsible for color vision
**Cones **contain flattened membranous disks containing the pigment __________.
Rods contain flattened membranous disks containing the pigment __________.
rhodopsin - aldehyde of vitamin A (retinaldehyde)
The pigment iodopsin is found where?
The pigment rhodopsin is found where?
(just remember RODopsin found in RODS)
What is the function of the vitreous body?
aids in maintaining shape and retinal apposition
_________ occupies the space between lens and retina, and takes up about 4/5 of the eyeball.
vitreous body

Identify the tissue.

Identify the tissue.

ciliary processes
epithelium is only present in the _________ portion of the lens.

epithelium is only present in the anterior portion of the lens.
Anterior lens epithelium reflects onto surface of the lens; cells elongate to form ____________ which comprises the _____________.

Anterior lens epithelium reflects onto surface of the lens; cells elongate to form lens fibers which comprise the lens.
Identify the structure indicated by the arrow in this H&E section of the lens.

lens capsule
(thicker on anterior lens surface than on the posterior)
Identify ‘A’ in this H&E section of the lens

lens capsule
Identify ‘B’ in this H&E section of the lens

subcapsular epithelium
Identify ‘C’ in this H&E section of the lens

lens fibers
Identify ‘A’ in this H&E section of the lens

lens capsule
Identify ‘B’ in this H&E section of the lens

lens epithelium (simple columnar)
Identify ‘C’ in this H&E section of the lens

differentiating lens fibers
Identify ‘D’ in this H&E section of the lens

mature lens fibers
The __________ is the mucous membrane on inner surface of palpebrae (eyelids) extending to the limbus (edge) of the cornea.
The conjuctiva is the mucous membrane on inner surface of palpebrae (eyelids) extending to the limbus (edge) of the cornea.
The conjuctiva is lined by __________ epithelium
The conjunctiva is lined by _stratified squamous _epithelium/stratified columnar epithelium
Identify ‘A’ in this H&E section of the conjunctiva.

conjunctiva epithelium
Identify the cells indicated by ‘B’ in this H&E section of the conjunctiva.

goblet cells
Identify ‘C’ in this H&E section of the conjunctiva.

lamina propria
__________ have tubuloalveolar acini composed of secretory cells filled with small granules.
Lacrimal glands have tubuloalveolar acini composed of secretory cells filled with small granules.
Identify this tissue.

lacrimal gland
Tear film has __ layers. (how many?)
What are they?
3 layers
Oily portion - portion produced by the Meibomian (tarsal) glands. The oily portions is the superficial layer of a tear film
Aqueous portion - portion consisting of sero-mucous material produced by the lacrimal glands, and glands of the third eyelid
Mucous portion - portion produced by goblet cells in the conjunctiva
I could eat 3 tiered _O_reos _A_ll _M_orning
Tears are secreted by the __________
lacrimal gland
(Lacrima means tear in latin)
Regarding the development of the eye, the neuroectoderm of diencephalon forms __________
the optic cup that remains connected by the optic stalk

What are the two layers of the optic cup?
retina and pigment epithelium
tears are secreted by the __________
lacrimal gland
The **posterior limiting lamina **of the cornea is also known as ______________
Descemet’s membrane
The substantia propria of the cornea is also known as the:
Identify ‘A’ in this H&E section of the cornea.
For some reason, Brainscape won’t let me add a picture to this card… It also won’t let me delete it. That’s finals week for ya.

You probably would have gotten it right anyway.