Exam III - Practice Exam Flashcards

C. Thyroglobulin

C. Thyrotropin releasing hormone
Identify the region in the box

D. Medulla
Choose the letter box indicating the lamina muscularis mucosae.

This is a:

A. marrow aspirate
The indicated structures are found in the _______

C. neurohypophysis
Identify this cell

A. Monocyte
Identify this cell

A. Basophil
The indicated cells become mature ______.

C. neutrophils
Choose the species from which this tissue was taken

B. Llama
The arrows indicate _____.

C. thrombocytes.
What does the indicated cell produce?

E. Antibodies
The organ depicted is _______.

E. the thymus
This is the tunica _________

D. serosa
The indicated cells are _____.

D. immature erythrocytes
These lymphatic structures (arrows) are part of _____.

C. GALT (Peyer’s Patches)
Identify the organ filling the field.

B. Spleen
What specific term is given to the mass of cells enclosed by the line? (This is a zoomed in image of the speen)

D. Periarteriolar lymphatic sheath
Identify the immature cells in the box.

B. T lymphocytes
Identify the cells forming the distinctive structure in the circle.

E. Epithelioreticular cells
Name the hormone directly stimulating activity of the cells in the structure indicated by the bar.

A. Growth Hormone
Identify the organ region in this box.

B. Adenohypophysis
Identify the indicated part of the organ.

A. Pars Intermedia
Name a hormone produced by the acidophilic cells.

D. Growth hormone
Name the specific zone indicated by the rectangle

A. Zona Glomeulosa
Name the pituitary hormone that stimulates this region.

Name a cell in the oval, the secretion of which acts to decrease serum glucose.

D. Beta cell
This rope-like arrangement of erythrocytes is normal in _________ blood smears.

C. Equine
This cell (arrow) produces a hormone that is counter-regulatory to_____________.

B. Parathyroid Hormone
The hormone produced in this adrenal gland zone counteracts __________.

D. atrial natriuretic peptide
Erythropoietin will increase the number of ____.
A. band cells
B. platelets
C. lymphocytes
D. reticulocytes
D. reticulocytes
Which blood cell increases in peripheral blood smears in response to allergen exposure?

This hypophyseal region (arrows) secretes:

A. melanocyte stimulating hormone
These two cells are ______.

B. lymphocytes
What hypothalamic hormone leaves via the hypophyseal veins?

C. Oxytocin
The cortex of this paired gland secretes__________.

A. Steroid Hormones
Which is the first hormone in the hypothalamic-pituitary gonadal axis?

Identify these cells.

A. Granulosa Cells
Where is the hormone produced that regulates erythrocyte production?

D. Kidney
This is a (an) _________gland.

B. Endocrine
This organ in carnivores is a major storage organ for_______.

C. Red Blood Cells
These cells produce _______________.

D. testosterone
During milk let-down, these cells are hormonally stimulated by _________ to _________.

C. oxytocin, contract
Where in this organ are neural crest cell derivatives located?

Identify these cells (not the RBCs)

Neutrophils leave the bloodstream by __________
Identify the cell indicated by the arrow.

Identify the cell indicated by the arrow.

Plasma cell
Which organ involutes after puberty?
the thymus
What is PALS.
Is it located in red pulp or white pulp
Periarteriolar lymphatic sheath; found in white pulp