Final Exam Flashcards
What does the pelvis consist of?
Sacrum, Coccyx, Hips
Large, superior portion of the hip bone
Posterior, Inferior portion of the hip bone
Anterior, Inferior portion of the hip bone
How is the greater sciatic notch converted into a foramen?
Sacrospinous Ligament
What passes the the greater sciatic notch?
- Sciatic Nerve
- Piriformis
Which way does the acetabulum face? How does the fovea?
Acetabulum: Laterally, Inferiorly, Anteriorly
Fovea: Medially, Superiorly, Anteriorly
What goes from the ASIS to the pubic tubercle?
Inguinal Ligament
The inguinal region, or groin, is located where?
The depression between the abdomen and the thigh
A.ka for the patellar surface. Where is it located?
Trochlear Groove. Center to the Medial/Lateral Condyle of the inferior, anterior portion of the femur
Intercondylar Notch A.k.a and location
Intercondylar Fossa, Center to the Medial/Lateral Condyle of the inferior posterior portion of the femur
Explain a condyloid joint
- Biaxial
- Flexion/Extension, Abduction/Adduction
- Knuckles
Explain a saddle joint
- Biaxial
- Opposing surfaces are shaped like saddles
- Concave and convex articulate with each other
- Thumb
Closed-packed position
- ligaments/joint capsule are tight
- maximal articular surface contact
- increased stability, decrease mobility
Loose-packed position
- ligaments/joint capsule are loose
- joint has maximal space and available movement
- increased mobility, decrease stability
Anterior Ligaments of the hip
- Iliofemoral Ligament (Y lig)
2. Pubofemoral Ligament
Posterior Ligaments of the hip
Ishiofemoral Ligament
Attaches the AIIS, Acetabular Rim– Intertrochanteric Line of the Femur
Iliofemoral Ligament
Iliofemoral Ligament Checks..
Extension, Abduction, Lateral Rotation
Attaches Superior Pubic Ramus– Iliofemoral Ligament
Pubofemoral Ligament
Pubofemoral Ligament Checks..
Ischial Part of the Acetabular Rim– Femoral Neck and Medial Greater Trochanter
Bursa overlying the Ischial Tuberosity
+ its inflamed name
Ishiogluteal Bursa
-Weaver’s Bottom
Bursa between the iliopsoas muscle and iliopubic eminence
Iliopectineal Bursa
What relaxes during pregnancy to allow passage of the fetus?
Vertebropelvic Ligaments, Pubic Symphysis
- This ligament attaches TVPs of L4, L5 to the posterior iliac crest
- Key stabilizer of L5
- Checks lateral Flexion
Iliolumbar Ligament
This type of movement is used to control or act as a brake (slow not stop)
Eccentric Contraction
IT Band
- CT, not a mm
- Thickening of the fascia lata (fascia of the thigh) on the lateral side of the leg.
- Attachmentes: tubercle of iliac crest–Gerdy’s tubercle and patella
Sidelying, find BiFem tendon, slide anteriorly to the lateral thigh, Move proximal/Distal, feel ITband, Abduct and relax
Sides of T12-L5 vertebrae and associated intervertebral discs–Lesser Trochanter of femur
Lies just lateral to the abdominal aorta
Hip Flexion (PM) Lumbar Spine Flexion
Knee bolstered, supine, ASIS to Navel, fingers between, slowly sink in, flex hip
Iliac Fossa–Lesser Trochanter of the femur
Lies just lateral to the abdominal aorta
Hip Flexion (Synergist to Psoas) Hip Anterior Tilt
Knee bolstered, supine, slowly sink fingers into iliac fossa, flex hip
External, posterior ilium, Post sacrum and coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament–3/4 fibres IT band, remaining gluteal tuberosity
Hip Extension (PM)
Hip Lateral Rotation
Hip Abduction
Prone, Knee flexed (eliminate hamstrings), Extend leg
External Ilium (anterior 2/3rds), Lateral surface of greater trochanter
Weak Glute Med results in Trendelenburg Gait
Hip Abduction (PM)
Pelvic Support in weight bearing
AF: Hip Flexion, Medial Rotation
PF: Hip Extension, Lateral Rotation
Sidelying, Hands on both attachments, Abduct
Attachments of Glute Minimus
- External Ilium (deep to med)
- Anterior surface of greater trochanter (deep to med)
Actions of Glute Minimus
Hip Abduction
Hip Medial Rotation
AF: Hip Flexion
Outer ASIS, IT band 1/3rd down thigh
Hip Flexion
Hip Abduction
Hip Medial Rotation
Supine, find ASIS, move hand posterior/distal, medially rotate, feel oval mound beneath hand
Anterolateral Sacrum through greater sciatic notch–Posteromedial aspect of the Greater Trochanter
Short-Hip Lateral Rotator (mindful of sciatic nerve)
Hip Lateral Rotation
(Hip 60’ flx) Abduction
Lateral aspect ischial tuberosity– Intertrochanteric crest
Short-Hip Lateral Rotator
Hip Lateral Rotation
Prone, distal/posterior portion of GreatTro and lat ishtube, lat rot, feel rectangle-shaped belly
What part of the patella articulates with the femur?
Medial and lateral facets of the patella articulate with the medial and lateral condyles of the femur
Gerdy’s Tubercle
Lateral and superior to Tibial tuberosity
Knee Joint consists of two joints
Tibiofemoral and Patellofemoral Joints
Modified Hinge
What type of joint is the Tibiofemoral Joint?
Modified Hinge
Why is the Tibiofemoral joint considered a modified hinge joint?
Only performs Int/Ext Rotation while the knee is flexed
Describe the Q-Angle
Two lines: ASIS through patella, Tibial Tuberosity through patella
Normal usually 15’
How does the patella move in knee extension?
Superiorly and Laterally
What prevents the patella from moving too far laterally?
Lateral femoral condyle projects farther anteriorly
Attachments of the Lateral Collateral Ligament of the Knee. Check?
Lateral Epicondyle of femur to Fibular Head
Checks Varus Deviation
Attachments of the Medial Collateral Ligament of the Knee. Check?
Medial Epicondyle of femur to Medial Condyle of the tibia (deep fibres attach to the meniscus)
Valgus Deviation
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Attachments. When slack, taut?
Anterior intercondylar area of tibia– Posterior medial side of the Lateral femoral condyle
Slack: Flx
Taut: Extension
Posterior Cruciate Ligament Attachments. When slack, taut?
Posterior intercondylar area of the tibia–Anterior and lateral surface of the Medial femoral condyle
Slack: Ext
Taut: Flexion
Suprapatellar Bursa
Between Quads Tendon and Femur
Held in place by articularis genu
Subcutaneous Prepatellar Bursa
Between Skin and Patella
“Housemaid’s Knee”
Subcutaneous Infrapatellar Bursa
Between Skin and Prox Tibia
“Clergyman’s Knee,” “Carpetlayer’s Knee”
Deep Infrapatellar Bursa
Between Quads Tendon and Anterior Tibia
Pes Anserine Bursa
Between Pes Anserine muscles and the medial tibia
“Goose’s Foot”
Medial Semimembranosus
Between tendons of medial semimembranosus and medial gastrocs
“Baker’s Cyst”
Bursa Deep to the IT Band
Between IT band and lateral femoral epicondyle
“Runner’s Knee”
Quads Muscles–Only one to cross hip
AIIS, through quads tendon to Tibial Tuberosity
Knee Extension
Hip Flexion
Supine, knee bolstered, locate AIIS and patella, flex hip off table to feel medial end, extend knee to feel distal end
Quads Muscle
Lateral lip of linea aspera–Tibial tuberosity through quads tendon
Knee Extension
Side lying, feel lateral side of leg, extend relax knee *note superficial ITband
Quads Muscles
Medial Lip of the linea aspera–Tibial tuberosity through quads tendon
(Medial, distal femur, VastMed, AddMag–Medial Patella)
Knee Extension
(Pulls patella medially)
Supine, knee bolstered, extend knee
Vastus Intermedius Attachments
Proximal 2/3rds of Femur–Tibial tuberosity
Articularis Genu Attachements
Anterior, distal femur– Proximal articular capsule of the knee joint
Articularis Genu Actions
Pulls knee joint capsule of the proximally during knee extension to prevent pinching of the capsule
Pes Anserine, Longest Muscle in body
ASIS–Proximal, Anteromedial Tibia
Hip Flexion Hip Abduction Hip Lateral Rotation Knee Flexion Knee Medial Rotation
Supine, rest foot on opposite knee, lift knee towards ceiling. Feel large RecFem and slim belly of sartorius. Approx 2 fingers wide
Anterior pubic bone– just inferior to the lesser trochanter
Hip Adduction
Hip Flexion
Located in centre of femoral triangle (iguinal lig base, sartorius, adductor longus)
Supine, Hip slightly flexed and laterally rotated, hands middle of medial thigh, adduct, move superolateral off Adductor longus. Sink into belly
Adductor Brevis Attachments
Anterior Pubic Bone– Proximal Linea Aspera
Adductor Brevis Movements
Hip Adduction
Hip Flexion
Adductor Longus Attachments
Anterior Pubic Bone– Linea Aspera (middle 1/3rd)
Adductor Longus Actions
Hip Adduction
Hip Flexion
Adductor, Only adductor to cross knee, Pes Anserine
Anterior Pubic Bone–Proximal Anteromedial Tibia
Hip Adduction
Knee Flexion
Knee Medial Rotation
Supine, knee bolstered, laterally rotated, adduct hip
- slide fingers proximally to ant pubic bone, feel taut gracilis and longus, follow distally, one that passes middle thigh is gracilis
- Medial tendon to Semitendinosus, palpate up
Adductor Magnus Post Fibres
Ischial Tuberosity–Adductor Tubercle
Hip Adduction
Hip Flexion
Sidelying, top leg flexed, adduct slightly, feel between attachments
2 Heads: (LH) Ischial Tuberosity (SH) Linea Aspera (mid shaft)– Fibular Head
(LH) Hip Extension
Knee Flexion
Knee Lateral Rotation
Prone, Lateral Tendon posterior knee
Ischial Tuberosity–Proximal Anteromedial Tibia
Hip Extension
Knee Flexion
Knee Medial Rotation
Prone, Medial, Superficial Tendon behind knee
Ischial Tuberosity– Posterior aspect of the medial condyle of the tibia
Hip Extension
Knee Flexion
Knee Medial Rotation
Prone, Medial tendon deep to semitendinosus
What consists of the hindfoot?
Talus and Calcaneus
What consists of the midfoot?
Navicular, Cuboid, Cuneiforms
What consists of the forefoot?
5 MTs and 14 Phalanges
What consists of the ball of the foot?
Padded potion of the sole of the foot at the MT heads
Pronation of the foot
“Up and Out”
Dorsiflexion, Eversion, Abduction
Supination of the foot
“Down and In”
Plantar Flexion, Inversion, Adduction
Proximal Tibiofibular Joint:
Where, Type, Actions, Ligaments
- Head of the fibula w/ lateral condyle of the tibia
- Synovial Plane
- Superior, Inferior Glide w/ Dorsi/plantar flexion
- Anterior/Posterior Ligament of Fibular Head
Distal Tibiofibular Joint:
Where, Type, Ligaments
- Distal ends of fibula and tibia articulate
- Fibrous
- Interosseous Ligament (thickening interosseous membrane at its distal end)
- Anterior/Posterior Tibiofibular Ligament
Ankle Joint
Talocrural Joint:
Where, Type, Actions, Ligaments
- Distal ends of tibia and fibula articulate with trochlea of talus
- Synovial, Hinge
- Dorsiflexion, Plantarflexion
- Deltoid Ligament, Anterior Talofibular Ligament, Calcaneofibular Ligament
Describe the Deltoid Ligament
Names, Attachments, Checks
4 Ligaments
- Anterior Tibiotalar
- Tibionavicular
- Tibiocalcaneal
- Posterior Tibiotalar
Attaches: Medial Malleolus–Tarsal bones of the medial foot
Checks: Eversion
Describe the Anterior Talofibular Ligament
Attachments, Checks
Attaches: Lateral Malleolus–Neck of the Talus
Checks: Inversion (Esp in plantar flexion)
Describe the Calcaneofibular Ligament
Attachments, Checks
Attaches: Lateral Malleolus–Lateral Calcaneus
Checks: Inversion (When in neutral)
What is the most commonly injured ligament in the foot? (95%)
Anterior Talofibular Ligament
What are the Intertarsal joints?
Subtalar, Talocalcaneonavicular, Calcaneocuboid
Describe the Subtalar Joint
- Inferior aspect of Talus with superior aspect of Calcaneus
- Synovial, Plane
- Inversion/Eversion
- Talocalcaneal Ligaments
Describe the Talocalcaneonavicular Joint
- Talus, Calcaneus, Posterior aspect of Navicular
- Synovial, Ball and Socket
- Plantar Calcaneonavicular Ligament
Describe the Plantar Calcaneonavicular Ligament
“Spring Ligament”
Attaches: Sustentaculum Tali–Posteroinferior surface of Navicular
-Maintains Longitudinal Arch
-When ligament is stretched, Talus sinks can sink resulting in flat foot (weight bearing)
Describe the Calcaneocuboid Joint
- Calcaneus and Cuboid
- Synovial, Plane
- Long Plantar Ligament
Describe the Long Plantar Ligament
(Calcaneocuboid Joint)
Attaches: Plantar surface of Calcaneus–Cuboid and bases of 2nd-4th MTs
–Forms a tunnel for peroneus longus
-Helps maintain arches of the foot
What is the Transverse Tarsal Joint?
Talocalcaneonavicular and Calcaneocuboid Joint together
A.k.a Midtarsal Joint
-Helps increase inversion/eversion range by allowing abduction/adduction of the forefoot
Describe the Tarsometatarsal Joint
Distal 4 Tarsal bones w/ bases of MT
- Synovial, Plane
- Limited movement due to tight binding bones
- Dorsal, Plantar, Interosseous Ligaments
Describe the Intermetatarsal Joint
Bases of the MTs
- Synovial, Plane
- Limited movement due to tight binding bones
- Bases of 2nd-5th MT bound by Dorsal, Plantar, Interosseous Ligaments
Describe the Metatarsophalangeal Joint
Heads of MTs w/ bases of Proximal Phalanges
- Synovial, Condyloid
- Flexion/Extension, Abduction/Adduction
- Collateral Ligaments
- Plantar surface of Joint Capsules are thickened to form plantar plate ligaments
Describe the Interphalangeal Joints
Head of one phalanx w/ base of distal phalanx
- Synovial, Hinge
- Flexion/Extension
- Collateral Ligaments
Arches of the foot serve as..
Shock Absorbers
-they distribute stress
What are the arches of the foot called?
- Medial Longitudinal Arch
- Lateral Longitudinal Arch
- Transverse Arch
What are the arches supported by?
- Shape of interlocking bones (primary)
- Ligaments
- Fascia
- Action of the muscles
Bones of the Medial Longitudinal Arch
Calcaneus, Talus, Navicular, 3 Cuneiforms, MTs 1-3
Bones of the Lateral Longitudinal Arch
Calcaneus, Cuboid, MTs 4-5
Bones of the Transverse Arch (anterior, middle, posterior)
Anterior: Head of 1st-5th MTs
Middle: Cuneiforms and Cuboid
Posterior: Navicular and Cuboid
Attachments of Plantar Fascia
Medial Calcaneal Tubercle–Proximal Phalanx of each toe
Windlass Mechanism
- Toes Extend–Plantar Fascia Tightens
- Pulls Calcaneus anteriorly–elevates arches
- Puts food in Supination position
Screw Home Mechanism
Knee is fully extended, Tibia rotates laterally locking the knee
-Popliteus medially rotates the tibia to unlock and allow the knee to flex
What are the compartments of the leg?
- Anterior
- Lateral
- Superficial Posterior
- Deep Posterior
Anterior Compartment–Extensor Retinacula
Anterior Superolateral 1/2 Tibia, interosseous membrane–Base of 1st MT, 1st Cuneiform
Supine, Knee bolstered, feet over edge of table, Dorsiflex, feel belly into tendon. Tendon anterior to medial malleolus through extensor retinaculum
Anterior Compartment–Extensor Retinacula
Anterior, middle fibula and interosseous membrane–base of the distal phalanx of 1st toe (dorsal surface)
1st toe extension
Assists Dorsiflexion
Supine, Knee bolstered, feet over edge of table, extend 1st toe, see/feel tendon of EHL. Middle of the tendons through extensor retinacula
Anterior Compartment–Extensor Retinacula
Proximal 3/4 of the anterior fibula, interosseous membrane–Middle/Distal, lateral 4 phalanges (dorsal surface)
2nd-5th Toe Extension
Supine, Knee bolstered, feet over edge of table, extend lateral 4 toes. Tendon lateral of extensor retinacula tendons, follow proximally to muscle belly. Very slender betweeen TibAnt and Peroneals
Peroneus Tertius
Not everyone has.
Would see another tendon going towards the base of the 5th MT
Where are the tendons located in the extensor retinaculum
(Medial) Tibialis Anterior, Extensor Hallucis Longus, Extensor Digitorum Longus
Lateral Compartment–Stirrup w/ TibAnt
Lateral, proximal 2/3rds of fibula–Base of the 1st MT, 1st Cuneiform
Plantar Flexion
Sitting, Do actions, Feel tendon, posterior to lateral malleolus go to the plantar surface, feel head of the fibula, move along. All are the peroneals, proximal is longus.
Lateral Compartment
Lateral, distal 2/3rds of fibula–Tuberosity of 5th MT
Plantar Flexion
Sitting, Do actions, Feel tendon, posterior to lateral malleolus to the styloid process, feel head of the fibula, move along. All are the peroneals, Distal is brevis
Superficial Posterior Compartment
2 Heads attach to Medial/Lateral femoral condyles–through achilles tendon–calcaneus
Knee Flexion
Plantar Flexion
Prone, Feet off end of table, plantar flex onto my thigh,
Superficial Posterior Compartment
Proximal Posterior Fibula, Soleal Line (Tibia), Middle 1/3rd of medial border of Tibia–through achillies tendon–calcaneus
Plantar Flexion
Prone, Bend knee to eliminate gastroc, plantar flex into my forearm
Gastrocs and Soleus together are known as..
Triceps Surae
Deep Posterior Compartment *flexor retinaculum
Posterior Tibia, Interosseous Membrane, Fibula–Navicular Tuberosity and surrounding bones
Plantar Flexion
Behind medial malleolus, most anterior tendon. Proximal is distal muscle belly w/ other flexors
Deep Posterior Compartment*flexor retinaculum
Lower 2/3rds posterior fibula, interosseaous membrane–Plantar surface of 1st distal phalanx
1st MTP, 1st IP Flexion
Plantar Flexion
Lateral Tendon behind Medial malleolus . Proximal is distal muscle belly w/ other flexors
Deep Posterior Compartment *flexor retinaculum
Posterior middle Tibia–Plantar surface of distal phalanges of lateral 4 toes
2nd-5th PIP/DIP/MTP Flexion
Plantar Flexion
What is the 1 Intrinsic Foot Muscle? Actions, Attachments
Extensor Digitorum Brevis
Anterior dorsal surface of calcaneus–medial distal 4 phalanges
Extension of medial 4 toes
Muscles of the 1st layer of the Foot
- Abductor Hallucis
- Flexor Digitorum Brevis
- Abductor Digiti Minimi
Actions of Abductor Hallucis
(1st Layer)
Abduction of 1st toe
Actions of Flexor Digitorum Brevis
(1st layer)
Flexion 2nd-5th toes
Actions of Abductor Digiti Minimi
(1st layer)
Abduction of 5th Toe
Muscles of the 2nd Layer of the Foot
- Quadratus Plantae
- Lumbricals
(also FHL and FDL)
Actions of Quadratus Plantae
Assists FDL in flexion of lateral 4 digits
Actions of Lumbricals
Flexion of the MTP Joint and extension of PIPs/DIPs
Muscles of the 3rd Layer of the Foot
- Flexor Hallucis Brevis
- Adductor Hallucis
- Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
Actions of Flexor Hallucis Brevis
Flexion of 1st MTP joint
two sesamoid bones to protect tendons from pressure during standing/walking
Actions of Adductor Hallucis
Adducts 1st Toe
Helps maintain transverse arch
Actions of Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
Flexion of 5th MTP joint
Muscles in the 4th Layer of the Foot
- Dorsal Interossei
2. Plantar Interossei
Actions of Dorsal Interossei
Abduction of 2nd-4th MTP joints
Actions of Plantar Interossei
Adduction of 3rd-5th MTP joints
Describe the Sternoclavicular Joint
Sternal end of the clavicle w/ the manubrium
- Synovial, Saddle
- Superior/Inferior Glide, Anterior/Posterior Glide, Rotation
- Anterior Sternoclavicular Lig
- Posterior Sternoclavicular Lig
- Interclavicular Lig
- Costoclavicular Lig (inferior clavicle-1st rib)
When you fall on an outstretched hand, what absorbs the shock?
An articular disc in the Sternoclavicular Joint
Describe the Acromioclavicular Joint
Acromial end of clavicle w/ acromion of scapula
- Synovial, Plane
- Anterior/Posterior Glide, Rotation
- Acromioclavicular Lig
- Coracoacromial Lig
- Coracoclavicular Lig
- Trapezoid Lig
- Conoid Lig
Difference between the Surgical and Anatomical Neck
On Humerus
Anatomical Neck: Superior to the greater/lesser tubercle
Surgical Neck: Inferior to the greater/lesser tubercles
-Common fracture point
Describe the radial groove
Groove on the posterior, mid humerus for the radial nerve to pass through
Describe Scapulohumeral Rhythm
0’-15’: no movement of scapula
15’-120’: 2GH:1ST
120’-Full: 1GH:1ST
During abduction, what must the humerus do? Why?
External Rotation at about 90’-120’
-So the greater tubercle clears the coracoacromial arch
What are the two weakest spots in the Glenohumeral Joint capsule?
Inferiorly: Axillary Recess
Anteriorly: Foramen of Weitbrecht
Number of Vertabrae in all segments
7 Cervical 12 Thoracic 5 Lumbar 5 Fused Sacrum 4 Fused Coccyx
Difference between SP and TVP
SP: Posterior prominence
TVP: Lateral prominence
Extrinsic Back
- Middle 1/3 superior Nuchal line, inion to C7 SP, via Nucal Ligament
- Lateral clavicle and acromion
H/N Fixed:
ST Upward Rotation
ST Elevation
Scap Fixed:
Bilateral Neck Extension
Contralateral Rotation
Ipsilateral Lateral Rotation
Seated, Lower fibres by elevation, upper fibres w/ contralateral rotation
Extrinsic Back
- SP C7 to T5
- Superior lip of the spine of the scapula
ST Retraction
Prone, locate spine of scapula, slide medially onto traps. Stay superficial as to not feel rhomboids. Perform retraction (can you lift your shoulders off the table)
Extrinsic Back
- T6 to T12 SP
- Root of Spine of Scapula
ST Upward Rotation
ST Depression
Prone, Imagine Line between Root of spine to T12. Ask partner to lift hands over head. Feel for superficial Traps
Extrinsic Back
- SP T6 to iliac crest, , lumbar/sacral vertebrae through thoracolumnar fascia, 9-12 ribs, inferior angle of the scapula
- Floor of Bicipital Groove
GH Internal Rotation
GH Adduction
GH Extension
Prone, Arm off side of table, find scapula’s lateral border, grab tissue lateral to the border, Medially rotate or extend to feel contract. May also be parts of Teres Major
Extrinsic Back *Helps SerrAnt hold scapula to ribs
- SP C7 to T5
- Root of the spine to the inferior angle
ST Retraction
ST Downward Rotation
ST Depression
Prone, Find medial border and C7-T5, feel superficial traps, sink deeper for rhomboids. Partner’s hand on small of back, elbow to ceiling
Extrinsic Back
- TVPs of C1-C4
- Superior Angle to the Root of the spine
H/N Fixed:
ST Downward Rotation
ST Elevation
Scap Fixed:
Bilateral Neck Extension
Ipsilateral Rotation
Ipsilateral Lateral Flexion
Inferior portion is deep to Upper Traps, so palpate for the Upper portion. Belly approx 2 fingers wide, fibres twist around themselves
Chest & Thorax *Deltopectoral Triangle
- Clavicular Head (UF): Anterior, Medial 1/2 of clavicle
- Sternocostal Head (LF): Sternum, Anterior costal cartilage of ribs 2-6
- Lateral Lip of Bicipital Groove
GH Horizontal Adduction GH Adduction GH Internal Rotation GH Flexion (from full extension) GH Extension (from full flexion)
Supine w/ arm slightly abducted. Thumb into axilla, grab muscle. Medially Rotate.
Chest & Thorax *Tipping Scapula w/ tight
- Coracoid Process
- 3-5 Ribs
ST Protraction
ST Depression
ST Downward Rotation
Scap Fixed: Elevate Ribs with forced inhalation
Supine w/ arm abducted. Find lateral edge of major and slide underneath in the direction of coracoid process along ribs. Slightly depress shoulders, “press your shoulders to your hip”
Chest & Thorax *winging scapula
- Anterior surface of the medial border of scapula
- Lateral surfaces of upper 8 ribs
ST Protraction
ST Upward Rotation (LF)
*Holds medial border of the scapula flat against ribs
Supine, Feel along upper 8 lateral ribs. Arm straight up, push fist up into hand
Shoulder/Scapular Region *Deltopectoral Triangle
AH: Anterior, lateral 1/3 Clavicle
MH: Lateral Acromion
PH: Spine of the Scapula
-Deltoid Tuberosity
GH Abduction (PM)
AH: Flexion, Internal Rotation, Horizontal Adduction
PH: Extension, External Rotation, Horizontal Abduction
Seated, Make V of attachments for entire belly. Abduct for all, flex/extend for ant/post Fibres
What is the deltopectoral triangle? Relevance?
Divergence of PecMajor, Anterior Delt, and Clavicle
- Cephalic Vein lies within
- Easy access point for the coracoid process
Rotator Cuff Muscles
- Supraspinous Fossa
- Superior Facet of the Greater Tubercle of the humerus
GH Abduction
-Stabilizes GH joint by tucking the head of the humerus into the glenoid fossa
Prone, find spine of scapula, move superior, sink into supraspinous fossa, move laterally until it tucks under the acromion. Abduct arm
Rotator Cuff Muscles
- Infraspinous Fossa
- Middle Facet of the Greater Tubercle of the humerus
GH External Rotation
Prone w/ arm off table, find spine of scapula, move inferiorly to sink into the infraspinous fossa. Externally Rotate
Rotator Cuff Muscle
- Lateral, middle border of the scapula
- Inferior Facet of the Greater Tubercle of the humerus
GH External Rotation
Prone w/ arm off table, find superior portion of the lateral border of scapula. Slide off border onto teres minor. Externally Rotate
Rotator Cuff Muscle
- Subscapular Fossa
- Medial Lip of the Bicipital Groove (lesser tubercle)
GH Internal Rotation
Sidelying, pull arm into protraction, other hand-thumb into axilla to the lateral border of the scapula, curl thumb into subscapular fossa, Internally Rotate
Shoulders/Scapular Region
- Posterior Surface of the Inferior Angle of the Scapula
- Medial Lip of the Bicipital Groove (Lesser Tubercle)
GH Internal Rotation
GH Extension
GH Adduction
Prone w/ arm off the side of the table, grab lats, move medially to find lateral border, Internally Rotate
What does the elbow joint consist of?
Humeroulnar and Humeroradial Articulations
Humeroulnar Articulation
-Olecranon on Ulna/Olecranon Fossa on Humerus
-Trochlea on the Humerus/ Trochlear Notch on Ulna
Humeroradial Articulation
Capitulum articulates with the head of the radius
Elbow Joint (type, movements, ligaments)
Synovial, Hinge –Very Stable!
Lateral Collateral Ligament
-Lateral Epicondyle–Annular Ligament of Radius
Medial Collateral Ligament
-Medial Epicondyle–Coronoid process, Olecranon process
What do the Lateral and Medial Collateral Ligaments of the Elbow check?
Lateral Collateral Lig: Cubitus Varus Deviation
Medial Collateral Lig: Cubitus Valgus Deviation
Proximal Radioulnar Joint
attachments, type, movements, ligaments
Head of the radius w/ the radial notch of the ulna
Synovial, Pivot
Annular Ligament
- Anterior surface of radial notch around head of the radius to posterior surface of radial notch.
- Holds head in place, allows movement
Distal Radioulnar Joint
attachments, type, movements, ligaments
Head of the ulna w/ the ulnar notch of the radius
Synovial, Pivot
Palmar and Dorsal radioulnar ligaments
-Distal Ulna-Distal Radius
- Also an articular disc
- Binds distal radius and ulna
- Ulna doesnt articulate directly with carpal bones
Anterior Arm
- Coracoid Process
- Middle, medial humerus
GH Flexion
GH Adduction
Anterior Arm
*Tendon in Cubital Fossa
- LH: Supraglenoid Tubercle (through bicipital groove)
- SH: Coracoid Process
- Radial Tuberosity, Bicipital Aponeurosis
GH Flexion (LH) Elbow Flexion in Supination
Coracoid Process is the attachment of many things. What is at 4 o’clock, 7 o’clock, 10 o’clock, 11/12 o’clock
4: PecMinor Tendon
7: Coracobrachialis, Biceps Brachii Tendons
10: Coracoacromial Ligament
11/12: Coracoclavicular Ligament
Anterior Arm
*FLoor of cubital fossa w/ supinator
- Anterior, distal half of humerus
- Ulnar Tuberosity, Coronoid Process
Elbow Flexion in Pronation
Posterior Arm
LH: Infraglenoid Tubercle
LAH: Posterior, Proximal 1/2 of Humerus
MH: Posterior, Distal 1/2 of Humerus
-Olecranon Process
GH Extension (LH) Elbow Extension
What muscle assists triceps?
Name all the carpal bones
+any special characteristics
Proximal Row (lateral-medial): Scaphoid--tubercle, most common fracture Lunate--most common dislocation Triquetrum--has sesamoid bone (pisiform) Pisiform--is a sesamoid bone on the Triquetrum Distal Row (lateral-medial) Trapezium--tubercle Trapezoid Capitate Hamate--Hook of the hamate (tunnel for ulnar nerve)
Explain Carpal Tunnel
-Carpal bones have natural anterior concavity
Flexor Retinaculum attaches:
Laterally: Tubercles of the Scaphoid and Trapezium
Medially: Hook of Hamate and Pisiform
-Retinaculum forms a tunnel for structures to pass
Radiocarpal Joint (attachments, type, movements, ligaments)
Distal radius and articulating disc (distal radioulnar joint) w/ Proximal carpal bones
Synovial, Condyloid
Flexion/Extension, Ulnar/Radial Deviation, Circumduction
Palmar/Dorsal Radiocarpal Ligs
Ulnomeniscotriquetral Joint (attachments, type, movements)
Ulna w/ articulating disc–w/ Triquetrum
Midcarpal Joint (attachments, type, movements, ligaments)
Proximal row of carpals w/ distal carpal row
Synovial, plane
Increases Flexion/Extension, Increase Radial Deviation
Dorsal and Palmar Intercarpal Ligaments
Intercarpal Joint (attachments, type, movements, ligaments)
Between carpal bones
Synovial, Plane
Interosseous Intercarpal Ligs
Carpometacarpal Joint (1, 2-5) (attachments, type, movements, ligaments)
Distal Row w/ metacarpals
1st Carpometacarpal Joint:
- Trapezium w/ base of 1st MC
- Synovial, Saddle
2nd-5th Carpometacarpal Joint:
- Distal carpals w/ bases of metacarpals 2-5
- little mvmnt
- dorsal/palmar/interosseous ligs
Intermetacarpal Joint (attachments, type, movements, ligaments
Between bases of medial 4 metacarpals
Synovial, Plane
Interosseous Ligaments
Deep Transverse Metacarpal Ligament
-between heads of medial 4 Metacarpals
Metacarpophalangeal Joints (attachments, type, movements, ligaments
Heads of MC w/ bases of proximal phalanges
Synovial, Condyloid
Flexion/Extension, Abduction/Adduction (reference 3rd)
Medial/Lateral Collateral Ligaments
Palmar Ligaments–check hyperextension
Interphalangeal Joints (attachments, type, movements, ligaments
Head of proximal phalanx w/ base of next distal phalanx
Synovial, Hinge
Medial/Lateral Collateral Ligaments
What are the muscles of the Superficial Anterior Arm?
- Pronator Teres
- Flexor Carpi Radialis
- Palmaris Longus
- Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
What muscles have a common tendinous attachment at the medial epicondyle of the humerus? What is the tendon called?
Common Flexor Tendon
Pronator Teres, Flexor Carpi Radialis, Palmaris Longus, Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
What is the common flexor tendon’s inflammed name?
CFTitis, “Golfer’s Elbow”
Anterior Forearm, Superficial Layer
*Medial side of cubital fossa
- Medial Epicondyle of Humerus, Coronoid Process of Ulna
- Middle, lateral surface of the radius
RU Pronation Elbow Flexion (weak)
Elbow at 90’, shake hands, find biceps brachii tendon, move distally, pronate
Anterior Forearm, Superficial Layer, Flexors
- Medial Epicondyle
- Base of 2nd MC, slip to the 3rd
RC Flexion
Radial Deviation
Elbow Flexion (weak)
Lateral Tendon at the wrist, follow up to belly, Flex/Deviate
Anterior Forearm, Superficial Layer, Flexor
- Medial Epicondlye
- Palmar Aponeurosis
RC Flexion Elbow Flexion (weak)
Medial Tendon at wrist, follow to muscle belly *not everyone has tendon-14% of population do not. Can be absent on 1 or both sides, usually left
Anterior Forearm, Superficial Layer, Flexor
*makes pisiform a sesamoid bone
(HH) Medial Epicondyle
(UH) Olecranon, Upper 1/2 of posterior ulna
-Pisiform, Hook of the Hamate, Base of 5th MC
RC Flexion
Ulnar Deviation
Elbow Flexion (weak)
Shaking hands, elbow flexion 90’, supinate arm. Find pisiform, slide proximally onto tendon (superficial), ulnar deviate, feel contract, follow to belly
Muscles of the Intermediate Anterior Forearm.
- Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
* Superficial to another flexor
Attachments of Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
(HH) Medial Epicondyle, Coronoid Process of Ulna
(RH) Anterior/Superior Radius
–>passes deep to flexor retinaculum
-Sides of the bases of intermediate phalanges of the medial 4 digits
Actions of Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
Flexion 2nd-5th CMC, MCP, PIP joints RC Flexion Elbow Flexion (weak)
Important to note about Flexor Digitorum Superficialis tendon
- Through Carpal Tunnel
- It bifurcates around FDP
Muscles of the Deep Anterior Forearm
- Flexor Digitorum Profundus
- Flexor Pollicis Longus
- Pronator Quadratus
Flexor Digitorum Profundus Attachments
- Proximal, anterior surface of the ulna and interosseous membrane
- ->passes deep to flexor retinaculum
- Bases of distal phalanxes of medial 4 digits
Flexor Digitorum Profundus Actions
Flexion 2nd-5th CMC, MCP, IP joints
RC Flexion
Flexor Pollucis Longus Attachments
- Anterior, middle surface of radius and interosseous membrane
- ->passes deep to flexor retinaculum
- Base of distal phalanx of thumb
Flexor Pollucis Longus Actions
Flexion IP of 1st digit
MCP, CMC joint flexion of 1st digit
Pronator Quadratus Attachements & Action
- Distal, Anterior Ulna
- Distal Anterior Radius
MM Rotate the Forearm
Pronator Teres, Pronator Quadratus
MM that Flex the Hand
Flexor Carpi Radialis, Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, Palmaris Longus
MM that Flex the Digits
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis, Flexor Digitorum Profundus, Flexor Pollucis Longus
Tendons in Carpal Tunnel
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis, Flexor Digitorum Profundus, Flexor Pollucis Longus
(Median Nerve)
Explain the Cubital Fossa
Triangular Space at Front of Elbow
Superiorly: Line between medial/lateral epicondyles
Medially: Pronator Teres
Laterally: Brachioradialis
Floor: Brachialis, Supinator
Roof: Fascia, Bicipital Aponeurosis
-Contains biceps tendon, brachial artery, brachial vein, median nerve
MMs of Superficial Posterior Forearm
- Brachioradialis
- Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
- Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
- Extensor Digitorum
- Extensor Digiti Minimi
- Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Wad of 3 MMs
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
Posterior Forearm, Superficial Later
- Lateral side of cubital fossa
- Drinking Muscle
- Wad of 3
- Lateral Supracondylar Ridge of humerus (prox part)
- Lateral Distal Radius
Elbow Flexion in neutral
Shake hands, flex elbow 90’, forearm neutral. Flex elbow against resistance. Brachioradialis will bulge on the lateral side (or start at lateral supracondylar ridge, move distal). Feel belly!
Posterior Forearm, Superficial Layer
- Wad of 3
- extensor retinaculum
- Lateral Supracondylar Ridge (Distal Part)
- ->through extensor retinaculum
- Base of 2nd MC (Posterior)
RC Extension
Radial Deviation
Shake hands, elbow 90’, locate brachioradialis, slide medially on ECRL/B Fibres. Abduct to be sure.
MMs w/ Common Tendinous Attachment at the Lateral Epicondyle. What is the tendon called?
Common Extensor Tendon
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis, Extensor Digitorum, Extensor Digiti Minimi, Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Posterior Forearm, Superficial Layer
*Wad of 3
- Lateral Epicondyle
- ->through extensor retinaculum
- Base of 3rd MC
RC Extension
Radial Deviation
Shake hands, elbow 90’, locate brachioradialis, slide medially on ECRL/B Fibres. Abduct to be sure. Brevis will be more medial of the two
Posterior Forearm, Superficial Layer
- Lateral Epicondyle
- ->through extensor retinaculum
- Distal Phalanges of Medial 4 Digits
Extension MCP, IP joints 2-5
RC Extension
Shake hands w/ partner, flex elbow to 90’, slide laterally off the ECRL/B fibres onto ED’s flat surface. Extend wrist and fingers
Extensor Digiti Minimi Attachment and Action
-Lateral Epicondyle
-5th Digit
Extension of 5th Digit
Posterior Forearm, Superficial Layer
- Lateral Epicondyle
- Base of 5th MC
RC Extension
Ulnar Deviation
Shake hands, elbow 90’ flexion, Locate ulnar shaft. Slide laterally off shaft, adduct wrist
MMs of the deep posterior forearm
1 .Supinator
- Extensor Indicis
- Abductor Pollicis Longus
- Extensor Pollicis Brevis
- Extensor Pollicis Longus
Indicis Refers to…
Index Finger
Supinator Attchments
(SL) Lateral Epicondyle
(DL) Supinator Fossa
-Anterior, lateral, posterior parts of proximal radius
Extensor Indicis Attachments/Action
-Posterior Middle Forearm
-Extensor expansion of 2nd Digit
Extends 2nd Digit
Abductor Pollicis Longus Attachments/Actions
-Posterior, Middle Forearm
-Base of 1st MC
Abduction 1st CMC
Extensor Pollicis Brevis Attachments/Actions
-Posterior, Middle Forearm
-Base of proximal phalanx of thumb
Extension of 1st CMC, MCP
Extensor Pollicis Longus Attachments/Actions
-Posterior, Middle Forearm
-Base of distal phalanx of thumb
Extension of 1st IP, MCP
Describe the Anatomical Snuff Box
Lateral Aspect at the base of the thumb
Anterior Border: APL, EPB
Posterior Border: EPL
Floor: Scaphoid
Intrinsic Hand MMs
The Thenar Muscles
The Hypothenar Muscles
Deep Muscles
Thenar MMs
- Opponens Pollicis
- Abductor Pollicis Brevis
- Flexor Pollicis Brevis
Hypothenar MMs
(pinky + palm)
- Opponens Digiti Minimi
- Abductor Digiti Minimi
- Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
- Palmaris Brevis
Deep Intrinsic Hand MMs
- Adductor Pollicis
- Lumbricals
- Dorsal Interossei
- Palmar Interossei