Final- Chapter 7 Flashcards
What is the life span/ life space theory?
Part of supers theory of career dev
Individuals develop careers in stages and career decisions are not isolated from other aspects of their lives
What are the 5 distinct career stages?
Growth (4-14): identify with significant others and develop self concepts. Learn about world, work attitudes, establishing control over life etc
Exploration (15-24): crystallize career preference. Specify and implement career choice
Establishment (25-44): stabilize, advance in a job
Maintenance (45-65): hold job, update and innovate tasks
Disengagement (65+): plan for retirement. Shift energy to other aspects in life
What is life space?
Deals with roles outside of work
School, home, family, community, leisure
What is role salience?
Degree of ones participation, commitment, and value expectation in the roles of each of the 5 stages
What are some differences in career patterns?
More men work full time than women
Men stay in full time jobs longer
Women work more part time jobs
What are the 5 stages and developmental tasks in Super’s developmental self concept theory?
1) growth (0-14): form self concept, develop capacity, attitudes, interests and needs
2) exploration (15-24): “try out” through classes, work experiences, hobbies
3) establishment (25-44): entry skill building and stabilization through work experience
4) maintenance (45-65): continual adjustment process to improve process
5) decline (65+): reduced output, prepare for retirement
What John Holland’s theory of career selection?
Vocational psychologist
People seek work environments that fit their vocational interests (personal attitudes, competencies, values)
6 basic interests:
Realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional
What is James E Marcias theory of career selecting?
Developmental psychologist
Career selection is part of identity achievement that takes place in adolescence and emerging adulthood
4 stages
James E Maricas stages:
High commitment and low exploration?
Foreclosure- I’ve made a choice without thinking
James E Maricas stages:
High commitment and high exploration?
Identity achievement- I thought about it and know what I want to do with my life
James E Maricas stages:
Low commitment and low exploration?
Identity diffusion- o don’t know and I don’t care what I’m supposed to do with my life
James E Maricas stages:
Low commitment and high exploration?
Moratorium- I’m thinking about what I should do
True or false: jobs are NOT stereotypically segregated into male and female categories
Jobs ARE stereotypically segregated
What is educational attainment?
Middle class vs working class
True or false: girls with working mothers face their futures with better self esteem, higher educational goals and more prestigious career aspirations
When mothers hold certain stereotypical beliefs about gender differences in abilities and impose them on their children, the children will take on that stereotype in their lifetime….what is this an example of?
Stereotype threat
True or false: single parents provide the same level of encouragement and financial support as married parents for children preparing for careers
Single parents DO NOT provide the same level…
Are monozygotic men or women twins the most likely to hold a similar career positions within the socioeconomic scale indicating a genetics influence?
Twin men
Women are more influenced by the environment
True or false: general ability in job performance declines with age, while job expertise increases and compensated for ability decline
What is career recycling?
People can go through Super’s career stages from time to time throughout their careers
Do non traditional college students engage in career recycling?
Yes over the age of 25
True or false: older adults aren’t more satisfied with their jobs than younger adults
Older adults ARE more satisfied
What is a job burnout?
Combo of exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced effectiveness on the job
Common among workers whose job involves expressing emotion of being empathetic (nurses/ social workers)
What is work engagement?
Active, positive approach to work characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption
What is unemployment?
State of being without a paying job when you’re willing to work
People with bachelors have lower unemployment rate
Shire people have lower unemployment rate than black people
Black men have higher unemployment rate than black women
What is job insecurity?
Anticipation of job loss by currently employed workers
True or false: having a job, being out of school, having a good income and being settled in a career are prerequisites for a marriage
True or false: married people are less interested in their income potential than single people
MORE interested
What are dual career families?
5% of married couples
Both parents are employed
True or false: the more children a women has the less time she spends in the workplace
True or false: an increasing number of working adults have caregiving responsibilities for adult family members
What are ramifications for being a caregiver?
Cut in work hours
Salaries lost
Laid off
Second job
Using up savings
Saving less
True or false: working mothers and fathers contribute differently to household labor, paid work and child care, but the total time spent is almost the same
What is that considered age of retirement?
66 but it varies
What is the percentage of adults between the ages of 25-54 in the labor force?
What is the percentage of adults between the ages of 55-64 in the labor force?
What is the percentage of adults between the ages of 65-74 in the labor force?
What is the percentage of adults between the ages of 75+ in the labor force?
True or false: the percent of people in the US work force has remained about the same since the 1990 for those 24-54, but increased for older workers
What is the complex reason for retirement?
Not always voluntary depends on interaction of factors
What is the financial reason for retirement?
Biggest reason
Value a worker receives from staying on the job vs retiring
What is retirement related value?
Personal wealth- now much is in savings, investments, home equity and other assets
What is the health reason for retirement?
Increased medical expenses increase chance to stay on job
Poor health make it difficult to work
What is the family reason for retirement?
To provide support for children
Grandparents work to support grandchildren
Women will retire to join husbands
What is the career commitment reason for retirement?
Some cannot imagine life without a job
Self employed and highly committed retire later on in life
What is the leisure time interests reason for retirement?
Hobbies, recreation interests, active social lives, eager to travel
What are some effects retirement has?
Changes in income
Changes in residence
What is shunning retirement?
Personal lives blend with professional lives and are highly motivated and involved in work
Do people retire and then reenter the work force?
What is a gradual retirement?
Retire and take a bridge job (part time or less stressful)
What is volunteer work?
Retired person who dedicates their time to the community
What is a phased retirement?
A situation in which an older person is working for an employer part time as a transition to retire
What is the source of income for adults 65+?
Social security
Accounts for 37% of income
True or false: percent of older adults living in poverty declined, percent of children living in poverty increased and working class is stable
True or false: women 65+ receive more pension than men in govt or private practice
Women receive LESS pension
What are cognitive/ physical traits?
Various cognitive strengths and physical abilities are inherited and people could end up in occupations that showcase those traits