FINAL Flashcards
Doctrine that recognizes two natures (one human and one divine) in the one divine person of Jesus Christ
Hypo static union
The sacraments and liturgy that Christ uses to make himself and his graces present on earth
Sacramental economy
Word the means “public work” of “work of the people”
Unity in Christ of those he has redeemed in the church on earth, in heaven, and in purgatory
Communion of saints
Prime or ultimate sacrament of sign of gods love-Jesus
Primordial sacrament
One characteristic of any sacrament is that it is a mystery and cannot be fully understood
The laity of the church has been given a mission to carry the gospel into all parts of the world
A sacrament is visible sign of invisible grace
The marks or characteristic traits of the church are that it is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic
By human solidarity the church means
A special compassion for and commitment to others in the body of Christ who are hurting
Jesus is a Hebrew name that means
God saves
As members of the body of Christ we join in Jesus’ three fold mission as
Priest prophet king
Jesus is called an “efficacious sign” which means
He not only pointed to gods love, he brought it to the people
Christ is Greek for
Anointed one
Inclination to commit sin that results from original sin
Hebrew term for gods infinite mercy
Serious violation of gods law of love that results in loss of gods life in the sinners soul
Mortal sin
Assessment of how well we’ve lived gods covenant of love
Examination of conscience
Requirements for penance is
One a year
Reconciliation comes from a Greek word that means
To rejoin or put back together
Sacramental seal refers to
Secret confessors are bound to keep regarding any sins confessed to them
“In persona Christi capitas” is a Latin phrase meaning god is just and merciful
In persona Christi capitas gave permission to whom
Priest only
Purification after death for those who died in gods friendship but still need purification because of past sins
Include both mental and actual sins against our covenant with god and others
Personal sins
Most important act of penitent is
Expressing and feeling true and perfect contrition
What are the three modes of penance a priest may impose
Service to neighbor
Sacrifice or self denial
Doctrine that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharistic bread and wine
Real presence
Church members who share in Christs priesthood through baptism, and confirmation
Common priesthood
Holy Spirit, also known as the advocate, defender, and consoles
Recovering ownership or setting free, a ransoming
Unbroken chain of authority connecting the pope and bishops with the apostles of Jesus
Apostolic succession
Traditional gestures (not including words) used in each sacrament are called the form
Celebration of the paschal mystery doesn’t include
Jesus’ assumption
After Pentecost, the followers of Jesus were filled with
Special book containing the scripture is called
Purpose of ordinary time
Teach Christians how to follow Christ in ordinary life
Expresses the changing of bread and wine into the reality of the risen and glorified body and blood of Jesus
Prayer prayed at mass by the priest that asked god the father to send his spirit so that the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ
Consecrated epiclesis
Foundation of prayer
Virtues acquired with human effort and gods grace
Understanding that people can be refined and grow through trails
Baptism by fire
Newly baptized member of the church
Martyr means
Connection between baptism and salvation
The only way we know how to have salvation is through baptism
If people live a life according to gods will but aren’t baptized before they die, the church teaches that they are saved through
Baptism of desire
Cardinal or hinge virtues that baptism helps us acquire are
Prudence justice fortitude temperance
Passage in genesis that is called the protoevanglium of the first gospel
Warns the serpent that a messiah will come and strike him
Greek root word baptism
To plunge or immerse
Greatest virtue
Love charity
Necessities of typical baptism
White garnment
Immersion in baptismal water symbolizes
Emerging from the water symbolizes
St Augustine’s writing influenced church teaching about
Original sin
We desire happiness and the kingdom of god
Virtue of hope
God forgives sins through
Term given to Christians who have been confirmed that reminds them to not only defend about their faith, but also to be Christ in the world
Ambassadors of Christ
Gesture that is a main rite in the sacrament of confirmation
Laying on of hands
Eastern confirmation name
Name of one getting confirmed
Defended confirmation against Protestant complaints that baptism had been weakened
Council of Trent
In 1910 st. Pope pius X demanded that children receiving first communion should be at least 12 yrs of age
5 holy oils are blessed by the bishop at the chrism mass on Easter Sunday
False 3 oils
Who questions those being confirmed at the liturgy
Anointing with Chrism that takes place during confirmation signifies
Indelible sacramental seal now marks the person
Which grace isn’t associated with the reception of confirmation
Forgiveness of personal sins
Age range of confirmation
Between ages of discernment and about age 16
Form of confirmation
Be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit
Bishops staff is called
Where the community is committed to burying one another’s burdens
Redistribution of wealth
Ten Commandments as reflection prior to reconciliation
Examination of conscience
Practices of confession
Communal confession
Private and individual
Role of disciples in continuing ministry
We are called to be priest prophet and king
Jesus taught that sin was a hardness of heart because the sinners heart was hardened against friendship with god
Theo question that tries to connect belief in gods justice with the reality of suffering by good people
Renunciation of marriage made by those who receive the sacrament of holy others and others
Apocalyptic writing claims that god will intervene to correct injustices and heal during our life on earth
False. Not while were here
Jesus accepted traditional jewish teaching that suffering comes as a punishment for sins
There was no written evidence for a Christian rite of anointing for healing until the 12 or 13 century
Council fathers of Vatican II decided to revise the sacrament so that it is both a sacrament of healing and sacrament to prepare those who are dying
Essential rite in Western
Head and hands
Essential rite in east
Anointing parts of body that need healing
Understanding sacrament can unite us with
Passion and death of Jesus
Sacraments of penance and the anointing of the sick and the reception of Viaticum
Last rites
God inflicts pain and suffering as a result of our sins or our parents sins
Law of retribution
Perceiving of differences in options that is often used with prayer and in decision making about vocation
Group if bishops chosen from around the world who advise the pope and help shape church teaching
Body of saving truth entrusted by Christ to the apostles and handed down to the church
Deposit of faith
Church reserves ordination for baptized males primarily because Jesus chose only men as his original 12 apostles
After construction of the first jewish temple the main responsibility of the priest was
Offering sacrifices to god for the people
Originally called an epidcopos or overseer a bishop was responsible for caring for a certain area of the church
Essential rite of all three degrees of holy orders is
Laying on of hands
Priests in the Middle Ages became committed to
Discipline of celibacy
Commitment to prayer and religious study
Suitable candidates to become bishops are now recommended to the pope by
Priests take vows of
Celibacy and obedience
Robe a deacon wears
God like faithfulness in spouses that enable them to honor their marriage vows and grow in holiness
Perceiving of differences in options that is often used with prayer in decision making about vocation
Renunciation of marriage made by those who receive the sacrament of holy orders and others
Term first used by Vatican council II to describe the family’s role in faith development
Domestic church
Breaking of the blessed bread by the priest during the Eucharistic liturgy
Fraction rite
Prayer of repentance recited during the Eucharistic liturgy, term that means I confess
Words spoken by Jesus at the last supper that are repeated by the priest during mass
Words of institution
Vatican II changed what
Mass was said in Latin but then changed to be translated into ones native tongue
Source and summit of Christian life
Main parts of mass
Liturgy of word
Liturgy of Eucharist
Eucharist in early Christianity
Celebrated right after a regular meal in a members home
Eucharist means
Missa means
Send people out to spread the gospel
High point of liturgy of the Eucharist
Eucharistic prayer
Spiritual works
Do with the spirit being
Corporal works
Do with the body