Chapter Five Flashcards
A feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interested, and goals
Eucharist means
In a community you had
Common goal, inclusive, courage, honesty, respect
Acts of compassion by which we help our neighbors with their emotional and spiritual needs
Spiritual works
Spiritual works of mercy
Counsel the doubtful Instruct the ignorant, Admonish sinners Comfort afflicted Forgive offsenses Bear wrongs patiently Pray for the living and dead
Corporal works of mercy
Feed the hungry Give drink Clothe the naked Visit the imprisoned Shelter the homeless Visit the sick Bury the dead
Kind acts by which we help our neighbors with material and physical needs
Corporal works of mercy
Says the reality of the bread and wine changes into the reality of Jesus
Real presence
Fulfillment of Melchizedek’s offering in the old law
Bread and wine
Jesus conversion of water into wine at the Cana wedding announced his glorious
Resurrection and ascension
Part of the food was given to god while the people ate the other part
Shared peace offerings
Offering was completely destroyed as an act of thanks to god for all his blessings
Gift offerings
Burnt offering and pouring of sacrificial blood of animals sealed the solemn agreement
Covenant offerings
Priests offered these sacrifices to god, asking for forgiveness of sins the people committed
Atonement offerings
T or f only the shared peace offerings was suitable for the explanation of sins
False. None
Jesus instituted the Eucharist as a memorial of his
Death and resurrection
Who did Jesus give the power to do what he had done:change bread and wine to his body and blood
Time when the kingdom of god will be fully established and victory over evil will be completed
Second coming of Christ
T or f the first century Christians shared a regular meal before the commemorated the Eucharist
T or f st Justine martyr reports that by the year ad 150 the fellowship meal after the liturgy of the Eucharist was held every day
Who represented Christs presence at the celebration of Eucharist
Leader of the local church community
T or f the council of Trent established a uniform way for the celebration of mass and this mass was the standard for the church until the second Vatican council
The second Vatican council allowed for the mass to be celebrated in the
Two main parts of the Eucharistic liturgy
Liturgy of the word
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Sacrifice of the Christ on cross and the sacrifice of the Eucharist are _____sacrifice
One single
What reminds us that all praise and glory are due the father in the name of all creation
Eucharist is really the sacrament of the sacrifice of Jesus because it’s
An Unbloody sacrifice of Jesus
The whole Christ is truly, really, and substantially contained
Real presence
To help the assembled people to become a worshipping community and prepare them for listening to gods word and celebrating Eucharist
Introductory rite
The gifts of bread and wine symbolize all the gifts of
High point of the entire mass
Eucharistic prayer
Part of Eucharistic prayer that asks the father to send the Holy Spirit to sanctify the gifts of bread and win
Priest repeats the words of Jesus at the last supper
Words of institution
The church calls to mind the passion, resurrection, and glorious return of Jesus
Affirmation by the faithful to the entire Eucharistic prayer
The great amen
Readies the faithful to receive The Lord and is made up of the Lord’s Prayer, rite of peace, fraction rite, reception of communion, prayer after communion
Communion rite
Church asked for peace and unity for everyone
Rite of peace
Communion cleanses the soul of
Venial sin
Communion protects us from
Mortal sin
Foretaste of the heavenly banquet we will one day experience in union with the blessed trinity
The Sunday obligation is a requirement of the first communion and a precept of the church
False third